Genevieve froze. She wasn’t in the best of mood when she woke up. Jason’s question dropped her mood further.
“Clara is pregnant and my dad will be marrying her in two weeks.” Genevieve muttered, looking depressed.
Jason understood the situation was dire and serious, but he didn’t know who Clara was. So he asked her.
“Who is Clara?”
“Clara Esposito. She was the one behind the poisoning of my mother and the love portion drug of my father” Genevieve explained.
The name sounded really familiar to Jason; he was sure he had heard that name before.
“That name...I’ve heard it before…” Jason trailed off trying to remember where he’d heard that name before.
Frederica walked into the living room that moment. She overheard Genevieve and Jason talking.
“Yes you have. Clara Esposito was a neighbor of my very good friend Hillary. Hillary still remains friends with her and gossips about her to me.” Frederica smiled and turned to Genevieve.