Fine di Uno, Inizio di un Altro

Helena sighed as she surveyed the private high school parking lot.

-- Calm Helena, you've taught classes for several classes before ... It's not like they're going to turn you upside down. -- He murmured as he got out of the car adjusting Asriel on the kangaroo, opened the back door and took the two bags , closed the door and alarmed the car.

The brunette continued walking down the sidewalk towards the entrance to the school, some of the students looked at her and pointed at her, beginning to talk to each other. Helena thanked God that none of them took the initiative to ask him about the interview that came out the day before. Amorim was seriously considering accepting Hyun Choi's proposal because after the episode aired, journalists found her home as fast as lightning, and now the writer was feeling free at all, that had been one reason to hide his identity for so long, he had more privacy and freedom, his daughter was not the target of gossip and comparisons, there were people recommending that Helena put Asriel to make soap operas and commercials, that was the height of absurdity and Helena left social networks indefinitely .

He continued on his way through the halls of the school, the uniforms in green and white contrasting with the gray walls and the light wooden floor. Helena entered the teachers' room, sitting at her desk, had visited the school months before, and last week she had made another visit to see what would be her possible room and table.

The brunette sat on the chair and deposited her bags beside her, when she looked over the table there was a folder with schedules and sporting events as well as recommendations for practical classes and excursions, some things were underlined with a red highlighter and Helena noticed that folder had been put together by the former biology professor.

-- Good morning. -- A feminine and velvety voice was present behind Helena who turned in the chair facing a really beautiful woman, her black hair was tied in a high bun that was wrapped in a braid, the fringe on the side covered her hair. half of the forehead and two wavy locks hung on the sides of the face, the eyes with a beautiful outline and the mouth with a bright red lipstick. She was wearing a black blouse and navy blue pants and a nurse's coat on top. -- I'm Nurse Rose Cheng, anything you need just look for me in the infirmary.

-- Ah! Yes, I am H-

-- Helena, yes I know who you are, we all know. -- Said indicating with the head behind the woman, Helena turned and saw several heads turn to the side in disguise, they were looking at her.-- And this must be Asriel .-- Rose bent down looking the baby's eyes who looked back and smiled, Asriel lifted her chubby little hand and squeezed Rose's nose that smiled at the little girl .-- She is cute .

-- But she is also a pest, she looks like a saint, but when she wants attention, a shouting goes on.

-- The students, however snobbish they will understand. -- Said Rose, getting up and squeezing the other's shoulder. -- Don't be afraid, everything will be all right.

-- Well ... It will be a long shot in the beginning, but I think they will get used to it as well as college students. -- Said smiling, Rose opened a big smile too and left the room heading for the infirmary.

Helena continued to go over some papers on her desk before the bell rang to indicate the start of classes. When that annoying bell rang Helena got up with her things and headed for the classroom, from afar she could hear the noise of conversation and mess coming from the classroom. Perhaps they had assigned him to one of the worst rooms.

-- Good morning .-- He said when he entered the classroom and put his bags on the table, he turned to the students and they looked at her wide-eyed and surprised .-- What are they waiting to sit in their seats ? -- He asked mildly.

Everyone ran and sat still watching the teacher with her baby, Helena turned and wrote her name on the chalk board, when she turned again she came across a sea of raised hands.

-- Ok ... You, ask. -- He pointed to a student of Maria Chiquinhas and a huge red glasses.

-- Is it true that you are Andromeda? -- She asked and the older woman could see one of her books on the girl's table.

-- Yes, it is true, yes. -- He replied smiling and pointed to a boy.

-- So you know the boys from Secrets?

-- Yes, I know, I studied with them and they helped me with pregnancy and taking care of Asriel .-- Helena sat in her chair .-- Tell me, what was the other teacher teaching them?

-- About pregnancy.

-- Are they already in the part where the fetus is formed?

-- Yes -- Replied a boy with glasses with his clothes well ironed.

-- Then I will tell you a very interesting story. -- He said smiling, watching the students bend over to listen.

Hyun Choi was circling his office thoughtfully, the huge contract was lying on his desk already signed, but Hyun insisted on reviewing everything.

-- How does she know that I own an entertainment company?-- She asked, stopping and looking at a painting on one of the walls, then started walking in circles again. -- And how did she keep hiding that she was Andromeda for so long? -- She stopped again, this time in front of the painting that she herself had painted and that Hyun had made a point of buying, a true work of art, like all others focused on. in mountains.

-- If you continue like this you will pierce the floor. A man's playful, adolescent voice spread as the office door closed.

-- Li Ah! -- Exclaimed the businessman, who was distracted by the painting, startled.

-- I watched Andromeda's interview, was it with that beautiful thing that you closed the contract?-- He asked with a tone of malice in his voice.

-- Yes, with her own.-- Hyun wouldn't deny that the woman really is very beautiful, in fact she was Italian, how could she not be beautiful? -- But something intrigues me.

-- What would it be? -- The brownish asked while sitting in the chair where Hyun usually sat, behind the table, and placed his feet on the table and leaning back in the extremely comfortable chair.

-- She knows that I own two companies. -- She approached her friend by removing her feet from her desk. -- How does she know that since I put someone to pretend to be the owner of the company? Even the media fell for it, how exactly does she know about it?

-- This is something you have to ask her. -- Li Ah got up and walked over to the sofa in the center of the room, sitting down and looking at the friend who sat across from him, he was looking forward to something.-- You made a proposal for her, didn't you?

-- Yes ... You saw that her arm was broken, right? -- Hyun received a nod and then sighed heavily.

-- Not!

-- Yes.

-- How did she not sue you? -- He shouted at his friend who raised his hand to his own lips, wheezing so he would be quiet.

-- I didn't know she was Andromeda, it was on Friday or Thursday, I don't remember. -- He whispered as if someone could hear. -- She also didn't know who I was, so I don't think she even wanted to bother. He treated me in such an informal way that I felt offended. -- He dramatized, taking a hand to his chest and squeezing as if he were a victim.

Li Ah laughed at the friend and the situation. -- What's up?

-- "What's up" what? -- He made quotation marks with his fingers looking indignantly at his friend.

-- Then she didn't say anything to you? And don't deviate from the subject anymore, what the fuck is the proposal?

-- Calm down, I saw you get there. -- He grunted making a dismissive gesture. -- I took her to the hospital, and honestly I never saw doctors so sulky.

-- Perhaps because you ran over a woman with a baby? -- Li Ah pointed out while looking at his relatively large nails.

-- It does not fill up -- He replied feeling the weight of the words. -- Continuing, on Monday we closed the deal and I found out who she was, of course I was afraid she wouldn't want to close the contract afterwards, so I took her address with a friend.

-- What friend?-- He asked interested.

-- She owns a dance academy. -- Said as if it was nothing big. -- Continuing, I went to her house and she invited me to enter, and well ... Served tea and I made the proposal ...

-- What is... -- Encouraged the youngest leaning forward curious.

-- I said that I was totally responsible for what happened to her and that I would bear the consequences, so I ... Well ... I ... I invited her to live at my house to help her take care of Asriel.

Hyun saw his friend take on a shocked expression while looking at him with open mouth and wide eyes, couldn't his friend be more obvious than that he could? Li Ah knew that Hyun had a crush on the mysterious writer that no one knew the face but the voice, but offering the house for both of them to live while the older one recovers already shows that Hyun's passion may have evolved into something more .

-- And ... And did she accept? -- He asked, recovering from the momentary shock.

-- I still didn't get her call, she said she would think about it because she still had a lot to resolve and that she would soon return to me and-

Hyun listens to the loud and irritating sound of his cell phone ringing and takes it out of his suit pants pocket, when he looks at the screen he sees that it is an unknown number and soon answers it.

-- Ok, I accept your proposal, but we will have to have some conditions, the contract should be getting there so sign it. -- The writer's low and soft voice dictated as an order to be strictly followed and Hyun felt that if he didn't comply would live to tell a story.

-- Mr. Choi, a document just arrived by Andromeda, the deliveryman said it was of the utmost importance. -- Secretary Kim walked over to her boss and handed him the brown envelope, leaving the office feeling a burning stare. on her back, but she was already used to those looks from her boss's friend and she just thought it was ridiculous and didn't even care about the boy.

-- Wait, wait a minute. -- He said in an amused tone trying to hide his happiness. -- Did you prepare a contract for that?

-- Mr Choi I want you to understand that I am in class and I cannot speak much, I just called you because it was really important, so as there is nothing more to say, I don't think it is necessary to continue the call, no? while the sound of conversation of several people was heard in the background.

-- I understand that you are in class, Miss D'Angelo, but understand that I may have doubts in certain clauses, would it not be more prudent than explaining it to me? -- He asked, wanting to prolong the conversation with the woman.

-- If you look closely at the contract you will find some notes that I attached in each clause explaining them, the ones you don't have are the ones you really don't need. -- And he ended the call.

-- She's better than you in business. -- Pointed Li Ah smiling.

-- Go look for anything to do!

-- Only if you give me the number of the dancer.

Hyun looked indignantly at his friend and stood up leaving the office.