Hyun after reading and signing the contract ran home asking the secretary Kim to buy him some items that had been listed on one of the pages of the contract. It was really necessary changes, in fact he was offering to take care of someone.
- Wait ... Why didn't she take maternity leave? - He asked himself while waiting for the traffic light to open, that was a question that Hyun didn't even know he had, something that came out of nowhere and that made sense.
Hyun accelerated the car when the light opened and headed towards his mini mansion.
The student walked calmly taking the glass containing her teacher's favorite black drink. Is it that soda that is not sponsoring the author? No, it's really coffee.
Helena was nervous or the students realized this, she was the fixed teacher of the class, leaving only when there was a specialized teacher, as in Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology and Physical Education.
Helena felt right there, teaching, being treated well by the students who were very kind and understandable, and when the eldest discovered that they were called The Room of the False Nobles she was indignant, in fact she was born into a poor family and got money by her own effort, when she found that fighting for money and becoming rich and famous was considered to be a false noble, then she was a false noble. You see, teenagers are crazy, unbearable and unpredictable, that's a fact, but they weren't crazy enough to say hateful words to a teacher who had more influence than their own parents, a teacher who was a mother and even a wounded person transmitted a aura of superiority that scared everyone.
- Here teacher. - The girl deposited the coffee cup on the table of the older woman who had a harder expression than before, was thoughtful, but her expression looked like someone who was about to kill anyone.
- Thanks Chae .-- She took the coffee cup and took a long sip of the bitter liquid, took a deep breath and let herself relax, taking advantage of the fact that Asriel was sleeping. - It is likely that I will be without a class for a few months.
- Why?! - Everyone asked scared and worried getting up and approaching the older woman's table.
- Because my old job didn't give me maternity leave, Asriel is almost three months old and those energetic people didn't give me leave because I was "too good a teacher to be without teaching", in their words.
The students uttered some insults against Helena's old bosses who just laughed at the situation and sipped their coffee, the bitter liquid always calmed her, there was a time when the brunette was addicted to coffee and had to stop drinking for a few months. Helena sighed and looked at Asriel, she had gone back to drinking coffee when she discovered that she was pregnant with Asriel, let's say that some psychological problems that she had managed to overcome came back with strength and as a means of seeking calm again Helena returned to addiction to caffeine. That party was memorable in fact, Helena had just released the fifth book in the saga and was overjoyed so her friends decided to take it to celebrate, Helena never went to parties or to go out with several people and have relationships with anyone and much less drank alcoholic beverages, that is to say that Asriel was an accident and a blessing.
Asriel in the first months made Helena despair and have a severe panic attack, but over time Helena was calming down and getting excited about the arrival of her puppy, and while she was in Seoul she was reunited with old friends from the time she had exchanged.
- Thinking about what teacher? - When Helena realized she was just looking out the window and rambling about the past, she did that a lot.
- Remembering good and bad memories .-- she said she simplistically and finishing her coffee. - Well, lunchtime, what are you waiting for to eat?
Helena laughed when she saw everyone running out of the room and took out her cell phone by dialing her friend's number.
- Say Capeta. - The lively voice always shouted in her ear and Helena pushed the cell phone away a little, putting it to her ear again, the sounds of iron hitting and welding machines.
“Your girlfriend owns a moving company, right?” She asked, putting the phone on the speakerphone on the table and taking out a notepad and writing some things.
-- Yes Yes why? Say it as soon as I'm so fucking busy .-- A dull thud can be heard and the other screams a bad word.
- I need to know if she can help me, I teach full time and I urgently needed her company to take some of my things to a friend's house. - She clutched her pen fearfully and bit her lower lip.
-- Friend? What friend Helena? - Victor considered her a little sister and not knowing when she intended to spend a season at someone's home was worrying, especially with Asriel being so small.
- So there is this guy who owns an entertainment company who helped me and proposed a proposal ...
- What proposal did Helena propose to you?
- So ... To help me with Asriel, since he was responsible for ... Hello? Victor? - Helena took out her cell phone and realized that her friend had hung up. - Oh no, no, no, no, he's going after Pietro ...
Victor was a tall man, 1.78 tall and with a muscular body, not too much, but enough to beat three adult men and knock them out. He has black hair like coal like Helena's, and like Pietro, he was often mistaken as the younger brother, he was pale and unshaven, the white tank was stained with grease that was soon replaced by a blouse. long black sleeves, torn blue pants were replaced by navy blue jeans and shabby boots replaced by black leather boots.
Victor put on a black leather jacket and his helmet, got on his harley and accelerated the bike towards the publisher, had to have a word with Pietro and get the address of the idiot who broke Helena's arm and put Asriel's life at risk .
- I do not want to know, I want the books for Wednesday, it is your deadline to deliver them, I am tired of the delays of your printer ... It is my last warning if you keep postponing I will change the printer immediately .-- Pietro he was talking threateningly on the phone when Vitor entered the office, the youngest hung up the phone and walked away from the older one as he approached quickly in heavy strides .-- G-Good morning Vitor, h-how can I help?
The brunette cornered Pietro on the wall by placing one hand on the side of the head and leaning on the wall, Pietro looked at him in astonishment and tried to escape from the other side but the older brunette put his other hand there in the same way as the other.
--Where. That. Cretin. Do you live? -- He asked slowly.
Pietro was scared it was not like a liter to make those things advance in others and threaten them even if the older man had a manly and threatening pose he never used it to threaten others, he was a calm person with easy coexistence, for him to be threatening precisely Pietro is because it was really serious and it scared the youngest.
-- What asshole? -- Pietro found himself totally lost as the older one approached him, the younger one felt his face flush as the other approached and was inches away.
-- The bastard who broke Helena's arm. -- He whispered cleanly and directly, the whisper was so husky and serious that Pietro had to lean against the wall, damn seducer who knows how to get information.
-- Damn shit seducer. -- he replied pushing the biggest. -- What do I get in return?
-- Does he have an older brother?
-- Y-Yes...
-- Did you think he was cute? - Victor saw the younger boy's cheeks flush and he looked away. -- Give me the address of the bastard and I can get you a date with his brother.
- Ah ... W-Well ... A-actually ...
Victor watched Pietro's face become increasingly red and only connected one point to the other.
-- Ah you naughty conqueror !! -- The smile of pride and support was somewhat comforting to Pietro .-- You are dating the brother of the bastard! Tell me how was that? How did it happen?
-- W-Well, I d-didn't know he was Hyun Choi's b-brother, he's the same age as you and ... Wow, I, I think I'm very much in love with him Vic! - Victor saw the eyes of the boy he treated like a brother shine with passion. -- W-When I heard that his brother ran over Helena, I w-was so furious that ... What ...
- Did you strike?
- WHAT? !! -- He shouted shrill and even redder. -- N-n-n-n-n-no, w-w-w-we ha-haven't even ... Nor ... We did ...
-- Ok, it doesn't matter, it's good that he should go in his own time, because if he wasn't I would kill him and his brother.-- Victor hugged Pietro very tightly, transmitting all the love he could, the boy had suffered a lot in life, many prejudices, many hateful words and many traumas, he deserved to find someone to treat him well! -- We will always be here to support you ... Now the address.
- You really know how to end the mood huh - he muttered indignantly making both laugh.