
Trials of Exit (Part 16)

<~*Chapter 32*~>

As the smoke clears, Scott notices the symbols from his vision still spread across the walls. Perhaps he could interpret the alchemic symbols and find a way to destroy the vines. Or, at least, subdue them.

Scott can barely see around the cave, especially with the huge worm lying in the center of it. It's too dark to make out the potions and papers that he once saw in his vision. That's to say that they're still there and not damaged by the worms and vines.

The scientist in his vision must have been an alchemist, Scott concludes. But why would a changeling also be with them? Alchemists tend to work alone and are similar to witches. They can make potions using natural ingredients and create things with them using magic. Alchemists can be found in any nation across Ethereal but hide in caves away from the cities.