Smithereens. Chapter 08.

Sofía POV

The white light blinds me to nothing, so much so that I have to put the palm of my hand on my forehead to see where I am.

In the distance, I can see an immense white door, like its landscape, with decorations carved in golden wood in the shape of angels.

―Hello! ―Someone greets me. ―Welcome home, Sofia.

I was stunned and couldn't believe my eyes. There she was, in a white dress just like mine, prostrate at that door with a smile, the most beautiful smile I had seen since she left.

Tears accumulate in my eyes and I cry, but they are not sad salty drops, but happy ones. I rush as I run towards her and when I am finally face to face she hugs me.

For the first time, I feel infinite tranquility within me. The doors swing open and I realize that there is a small town inside, it is full of people and everyone seems happy, with big smiles on their faces.