Smithereens. Chapter 07.

The voices were heard so far away, that to some extent, they matched the echoes. Being equally unintelligible, because Sofia could not understand what they were trying to tell her.


Call an ambulance! ...

How could you have done something like that? ...

Please answer... answer... Don't go like this, Sofia.

It's too bad. It's a shame... She didn't survive.


Quick footsteps and the pale face of a doctor appeared in the waiting room.

―Relatives of Miss Sofia?

Only one person, a woman in her early fifties, jumped out of her seat and approached the specialist as quickly as possible. ―Me!

―There is something you must see, ma'am. It's about the body of your daughter.

That woman did not understand what was happening, but she did not dare to ask and she only followed the doctor to the operating room. ―Come in, please.