
Aspen pov: 12 years earlier

"Sweetie why don't you play with the neighbours" Mummy whispers into my ear. I look outside and I see a little boy and girl playing with some toys it looks kinda fun.

"Okay mummy" I say as I walk over to them. "Hello, I'm Aspen Blaze" I wave to the black haired boy.

He looks up at me and stares "Ciao, I'm Cole Rossi".

Did he call me a cow?

"I'm not a cow" I sob and sit down crying.

The strange boy comes over and hugs me as he says "not cow, you pretty!" I feel happy the boy likes me, I really hope we can be friends. I look up and he points to his toys "vuoi giocare?" (do you want to play) I don't know what he said so I nod and just copy him "Vo Jocare". He smiles and hands me his car and I feel very happy, I just know we are going to be friends!

At that moment his sister comes over. We all play and I know that Rain and Cole are going to be my best friends.

Cole's Pov:

That really cute girl Aspen just left. I really like her she so pretty and nice. And to make today even better my older cousin Matteo was coming over he is seven years old and really cool.

"Matteo" I yell as I see him come in "Oggi sono pazzo amico di una ragazza davvero carina" (I made friends with a really pretty girl today) He scrunches his face in disgust and says "Girls have cooties Cole", "cosa sona cooties?" (what are cooties).

"Cole that's not the point if you wanna be cool like me you can't be friends with a girl". "But she nice and pretty" I say, I really want to stay friends with her. Matteo sighs "If you want to be cool you can't be friends with a girl, you and her will both get bullied." I wanna be friends with Aspen but I don't want her to get bullied so I say "okay."

Now I just have to find a way to stop being friends with her.

Aspen Pov:

"I made friends with Cole and Rain and Cole is so cute, I really like him" I say to my mum. She looks up from her work and smiles "do you have a crush on Cole sweetie!" Just as she says this daddy walks in with an angry face "Aspen, princess you are to young to have crushes I will not allow it."

"Daddy I don't want to crush Cole he's my friend, I wouldn't want to hurt him." My dad just laughs "okay I believe you princess, but I still think the only boy you should be hanging around is your brother." I laugh my daddy is so silly "James is a meanie daddy, now I'm going to go play with Cole and Rain."

I walk outside and see Cole "Hey Cole" he looks up at me with a mean face "Aspen we are not friends, You are weird" He walks away while I'm crying. Rain comes up to me with a worried look "are you okay" I look up at her she looks kinda blurry "Cole said I'm weird and he doesn't wanna be my friend." She comes closer and hugs me "Don't worry you can be my friend and I'll tell mum that Cole was being a meanie!"

From that day Rain and Aspen became Best Friends while All Cole and Aspen did was bicker and fight.


Hey People

This is the prologue, my first Chapter will be next and to those who are wondering yes they will be older and no they are not five year old's for the whole book just the prologue I promise! Anyways, I am definitely not a writer, like I'm really bad at writing narratives in school, but I love reading so I thought I should give writing a try. Anyways, please feel free to give constructive criticism and stuff but I will not stand for any mean and hurtful comments.❤

Thanks xx
