Going Back

Aspen's Pov:

Oh, my chocolates I can't wait, it's going to be so great to finally go back home. Like, the London was great and all, but Melbourne is where my life is. I can't believe it's been one year, I mean I don't think much has changed Rain and Chloe have kept me updated so as far as I know everything's the same and it probably won't be changing soon.

"James, get your stuff and pack up, we're going home" I yell in excitement as my older brother walks down the stairs. "Shut up Aspen, I'm getting to it" he grumbles as he walks off. Honestly, I don't know why I bother, I know he's excited but he thinks he's too cool to show it.

Anyways, being the annoying sister, I am I follow him. "James, aren't you excited you finally get to see your non-existent friends, and I get to see the people I miss the most yah know Rain, Chloe, Ace and Blake!" "We get it you miss your friends and for your information I have friends and I am excited but I'm just not going full on crazy about it" He sighed.

"Guy's get in the car, we're going to the airport" Mum yells from who knows where. I race down with my stuff, James right behind me as we both get into the car.


"Get on the dam plane James, and Aspen stop kicking your brother" dad whisper-yells! Like dad you can't whisper they can probably hear you from Mexico. I feel a gust of cool air slam onto my face as I get onto the plane. I really hope this plane has actual good food, or I will die. Finally, the plane is off an I can watch some movies. After a few hours we are back home and the first thing on my mind is food.

"Dad are you and mum going to buy stuff since we don't have any food."

"Princess why don't you go buy food you have a car and you can take James with you!" My dad suggests as I walk towards the door. "Sure, thing dad"


"You suck at driving," my annoying ass brother says. "Shut up James you're only saying that cause I'm better than you,"

"You're really not but I'm not going to waste my time on you; just go buy food" I hear him say as I walk to the aisles. Just when I was about to make a turn, I bump into a rock hard surface. "Watch where your going" a gruff sexy voice says. I look up only to see my worst enemy, WAIT DID I JUST SAY HIS VOICE WAS SEXY! Man, there is something wrong with me today.

"What do you want Cole?" I say annoyed. "Oh, it's you can't you have stayed in London like a little longer, or did you miss me that much Aspy"

My heart flutters at the nickname. No, you hate him no heart fluttering allowed get that in your head. Gee's I've been a way for one year and my heart seems to have forgotten what a jerk he is.

"What the hell, I would never miss you Ranger" I had to use the nickname because I know he's embarrassed about his past obsession with power rangers as a kid.

"Whatever just don't get in my way" He says annoyed! "I wouldn't dream of it, but I think you'd have a hard time staying away from me"

"Yeah, you wish Cheesecake now get out of my way"

Wow bipolar much! I never understood why Cole hated me but I'm not going to waste my time dwelling on it. I quickly gather up all the food I want, then pay and head back to the car.