Conjuring and Quarrels

Aspen's Pov:

"Hey mum, what's for breakfast?" I yell as I walk into the dining room. Looking at me with annoyed expression she says "Pancakes and next time don't yell" while James horribly tries to hide his laughter and dad reads the newspaper.

I was about to reply when mum cuts in "oh and sweetie just so you remember were having dinner at the Rossi's tonight and I don't want you to fight with Cole got it?"

"Fine Mum, I promise not to fight with Cole instead I'll give him hugs and kisses" I sigh, Cole's going to be a pain, but I think I'm mature enough to manage. I think?

Dad's head immediately shoots up "there will be none of that" he glowers. Did he really think I was going to kiss Cole; I get that he's overprotective, but he needs to detect sarcasm.

I get up and tell my family that I'm going shopping with Rain and Chloe while, they sit and talk about James' new girlfriend. It's quite annoying to be honest; James' says I'm too young to have a boyfriend but then he has a new girlfriend every week.

Once, I put on some actual clothes, I sprint out the door to Chloe's house. I rush up to my friends as soon as I see them in her front yard. "Hey Rain and Chlo, how you guys been?"

"Great but we missed you" they say at the same time

"I missed you guys too but now is not the time for getting soppy we need to have a girl's day out it's been so long"

So, once we all came to an agreement we hopped into Chloe's car and zoomed off to the mall.


"Fountain Gate, ahh it's been so long" I say dramatically.

"Hey Asp, do you think we should watch the Conjuring 2" Chloe says as we step inside.

"Definitely" I say just as Rain says "Hell Nah!"

"Come on Rain, lets please watch a horror, we'll watch what you want next time" I plead. She looks hesitant as first but she ends up agreeing.

With that all settled we walk into the movie's and get our tickets and food. While, in the line I feel a slightly annoying tapping on my shoulder, deciding to ignore it, I stay silent. But it just keeps getting harder, having enough, I turn around and put on the most menacing glare.

"Asp, how's it been?"

Changing my most unpleasant scowl, I break out into a smile. "Ace, oh my chocolates, I haven't seen you in sooooo long, how have you been, wait is Blake here as well?" I ramble out in one excited breath.

"Yeh I'm good, great to see you again and Blake's here and so is your one true love Cole"

"Okay, Ace I love you and Blake, but I already told you guys there is no sexual tension, the only thing that Cole and I have between us is HATE"

"Sure" he says as if he doesn't believe me.

"Anyways, what movie are you guys watching" Blake appears up from nowhere.

"Conjuring 2, you" Rain says

"Same, we're waiting for Cole" Blake states

I mentally groan. Now I have to spend more time with Cole. And you know what I am not going to let him ruin my fun; I want to spend time with Ace, Chloe, Rain and Blake and that's what I'm going to do.


We all head inside once Mr always got something up my ass comes over. "Asp, I'm going to be sitting next you" Blake says.

"Sure thing, Blakey"

And I'm glad alright, cause Blake and Ace will understand if I grab onto them in the middle of the movie, but Cole most definitely will not. Walking up the aisles we find our seats. I'm was going to be sitting next to Blake but since he and Chloe are sitting together I'm in between Ace and Rain. But I'm not complaining, it's not like Rain or Ace are going to mind me clinging onto them, they'll probably just laugh it off and Rain is going to be petrified anyways.

I sit down in my seat while we all wait for the movie to start. I look to my right and I can't find Ace he must've gone to the toilet. And when I look to my left, I'm not surprised to see Rain wearing earmuffs to block the sound. The lights go off and I hear Ace sitting in the seat beside me, but I can't see him because it's so dark. It all starts to go eerily silent as the movie begins. And trust me the silence is not helping my fear.


"AHH" I scream and cling onto Ace's arm as the dead old man in the chair begins talking to Lorraine. This movie is creepy as hell.

"Get off me" an all too familiar voice whispers

"Ranger, where's the hell is Ace" I ask in all confusion

"Right, Ace was feeling kind of sick, so he wanted the end seat in case he needed to get up and vomit throughout the movie" He then pauses as if thinking of something else. "Wait Cheesecake, don't you love horror movies or something"

"Just because I love horror movies, doesn't mean I'm not fricking terrified when watching them"

"Yah, know what Aspy, I think you just wanted an excuse to get close to me"

I scrunch my nose up in disgust "Never, in a million years Babe"

"Shut up and let me watch the movie in peace, Babe." He whispers in utter revulsion!

I quiet down and go back to watching the movie. Once again, I scream as soon as I see Valek pop out getting closer to Ed and Lorraine and once again I make the mistake of grabbing onto Cole's really toned, muscular, strong arm.

"Cheesecake, you're doing it again, I'm starting to think you like grabbing onto my arm"

"I don't like gripping onto your arm Ranger, I just grab onto to things when I'm scared" I hiss in the quietest voice I can manage

"Whatever, you say Cheesecake, but I still think you like holding onto my arm" he says with a cheeky smirk.

Trying to keep my anger from bursting, I stay silent and do my best to ignore him.


"Rain wake up" I yell as I motion to Chloe and Blake "Guys, stop being lovey dovey and help me wake her up"

"We tried and plus we had to wake her up last time; you wake her up and get Ace to help you" Blake says

"Uhh, I hate you guys and where the hell is Ace or Cole for that matter" I groan

"Don't know, and you don't hate us, you love us" Chloe smiles

"Yeh your lucky I do" I say with a grin

"Anyways Rain, wake up" that's when a genius idea comes to me. I lean into Rain's ear and yell "Aspen's kissing Cole"

She shoots up "Wha, what, when, where, I want to see this. Aspen and Cole can barely talk to each other, plus Aspen would never kiss Cole"

"Damn right I won't" I laugh

Just then Cole and Ace walk in from who knows where "Damn right you won't want?" Cole the stickynose asks.

"Kiss you" I reply in the bored tone

"Yeh, I would rather lick a shoe than kiss your ugly face"

"Glad the feeling mutual Ranger!"

I walk past Cole and the others and up to Ace who just stands their looking guilty and in no way sick.

"Ace, ya dumbass why'd ya ditch me and make me sit next to Cole now I'm forever scarred" I say in a tragic voice while all my friends laugh and Cole like always has a scowl on his face.

"Asp, sorry but I was feeling unusually sick"

"sick, my ass"

He leans in and whispers "okay maybe I was just trying to get you and Cole together just maybe"

Just as I suspected "Sorry, Ace but that Ship is never going to sail"


The toilets are so cool, that probably sounds weird but it's the truth! They have new hand dryers and it's just so clean and fancy; it's changed so much since; I was last here. I walk out of the toilets and into the lobby area of the movies, dam I really hope Cole didn't drive off without me, since Chloe and Blake left for some alone time, he's my only ride.

"Aspen where the hell are you?" I hear his annoying voice in the distance. And I'm surprised to see him look worried. "Right, here Ranger" I yell across from the counter that I'm near.

"Oh my god, where did you go, we were all looking for you, we thought we lost you" as he rambles, I stare at his face. It's honestly, the most confusing thing ever! I would imagine that he would be glad to find my body in a ditch somewhere, not relieved to find me just coming back from the toilet.

Man, I'm so dumb, how could I even believe he genuinely cared about me, he's probably relieved that I'm alive so that he can kill me himself.

"You still there Aspy"

Realizing that I was in a daze I quickly pull myself together. "You seem relieved to find me did you miss me Ranger"

"I would never miss you, but Rain was upset, and I don't like seeing my twin upset especially not because she thought you were hurt, since your honestly not worth it"

He crossed the line; he does not have any right to call me worthless. Seriously what did I do to him. "Shut up, Cole, just because you think I'm not worth it doesn't mean others do as well so why don't you just leave me alone" I rage.

"You know what, I would leave you alone but in case you forgot you're having dinner at my house tonight so get in the dam car Cheesecake."

"I honestly hate you"

I swear he had the smallest flicker of hurt in his eyes but that's just wishful thinking and that's not going to get me anywhere when it comes to Cole.

"Is that supposed to hurt me, because let me tell you what, it doesn't, and I hate you too'

He starts walking with clear indication that he wants me to follow. Scratch that needs me to follow as if it was up to him; he'd probably leave me here.

Sometimes, I wish I knew what I did to Cole, because deep down I don't want to hate him, but he makes it so impossible.