Detention Sucks

Aspen's Pov:

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, oh my chocolates where is Chloe! I've been waiting for 30 mins I'm going to be late for school. I check my phone for the time "8:20". Where is Chloe, we were supposed to go early so I can put my stuff in my locker and all that.

"Aspen, get in the car, we're racing Blake and Rain is riding with Cole" Chloe screams from her Mercedes. I run up and jump into the car and she doesn't even wait for me to put on my seatbelt before she zooms off.

"Chlo, I get it were trying to beat Blake, but you nearly killed me and that is illegal !" I exclaim

"Yeh, sorry but, Blake and I have a bet"

"Okay, I'm listening, what did you and Blakey bet"

"So, if I win, he's my slave for the entire day as well as tomorrow and if he wins, he takes me on a date"

"But, don't you want to go on a date with him"

"Yeh, duh, that's why agreed to the bet, it's a win for me whether I lose or win"

"Okay, but for nearly killing your best friend you have to make him do chores for me as well"

"Fine, but you're not my best friend, Rain is"


"I'm kidding I love you both, Your both my best friend"

"Same, anyway, you better run if you want to win the bet isn't it first one inside the school'

"Oh, yeh gotta scram, see ya later Asp"


Picking up all my stuff I head into the school. My locker is 847, I quickly move towards it only to find that it is right next to Cole's locker. Does the universe really hate me that much, why, just why me? Wait what if the universe loves me but is really bullying Cole and indirectly bullying me. You know what, stuff the universe it's mean.

I take all my supplies and organise my locker. I actually hate a messy locker at the start of the year but, when it gets to the end of the year I just don't care. "Cheesecake, are you stalking me"

"No, why would I do that'

"It's just weird your locker is next to mine are you sure you didn't swap because you have feelings for me"

"No, I didn't swap locker, I was assigned this one."

"Ok, but you didn't deny having feelings for me!" If I was stupid, I would think there was a glimmer of hope shining in his face, but I know better than that.

"Because, I do have feelings for you and that feeling is hate"

"Ouch, Aspy that hurt"

"Sure, it did, now shut up and leave me alone"



"I won the bet, I won the bet, I won the bet"

Watching Blake chant is not amusing at all and it's starting to get really annoying.

"Shut up Blake, why didn't you let Chloe win the bet"

"I though you wanted me and Chlo to get together"

"I do but, having someone to do my chores or carry my bag would have been nice"

"Why, don't you get Ace to do that"

"You think Ace would do that?"

"Yeh, if you trick him into"

"This is why I love you, I'm going to do just that"

"Wait, until second period, he only gets back from his doctor's appointment then"

"Okay, see you at lunch"


I head to my locker to get my stuff when a genius idea hit's me. We have maths, Maths is BORING, I have maths with Cole, we need drama. That obviously means I'll prank Cole.

Predictable, Cole has no lock on his locker! After stealing his maths homework, I get my stuff and wait at the class for first period. After around five minutes, I was talking to a very panicked Ranger.

"Has anyone seen my homework?"

"No, Rain said you left it at home"

"No, I had it in my locker"

"Ranger, when we were talking earlier, I saw inside your locker and their were no sheets of Homework"

"I don't believe you"

"Ask Rain"

I signal to Rain to go along with my lie. Unlike me she doesn't despise her brother, she actually loves him, but she's always up for a good prank.

"Rain, where's my homework?"

"You left it home, Cole"

"And you forgot to tell me?"

"Sorry, I guess I did"

The door opens and we all walk into the class. Taking a seat to the side of Cole, I see the panic written all over his face. I would almost feel bad for him, if he doesn't always prank me as well. Besides, I told myself in Year 7 that I wasn't going to ignore the bullying, instead I was going to stand up for myself and sometimes it's nice to fight back.

Mr Hayes starts writing some algebraic equations on the board and explains what we must do in a monotone voice. And don't get me wrong, I like Maths but maths with Mr Hayes can put anyone to sleep. Except maybe Cole who's fidgeting in his seat, like he has ants in his pants.

The lesson goes on for what feel like hours until, it's finally time for us to hand in our homework. I hand in mine and look towards Cole to watch the show play out.

"Sorry, Sir I forgot my homework at home, but I swear I did it"

Cole always does his homework so any other teacher would let him go for this one time, but Mr Hayes is well Mr Hayes.

"That is not acceptable, I'm really disappointed, you have a lunchtime detention"

Cole looks so crushed he doesn't even argue. Ok now, I'm starting to feel bad, but it is more amusing than a lesson with Mr Hayes.

"Mr Rossi, you have an afterschool detention for forgetting your homework"

The bell goes and everyone walks out unusually quiet. Just as Cole walks out, I walk up to him.

"Is this what you were looking for" I say holding up his homework sheet!

"Cheesecake, I hate you so much"

Cole rushes inside to tell the teacher; I probably should of gave him his homework after his detention that would have been a lot smarter.

"Miss Blaze get in here. Mr Rossi says that you stole his homework"

"Sir, I would nev"

"Except you would, this is the kind of thing you both do all the time and I'm sick of it, fix your childish problems and you will see me for detention after school for the rest of the week and that's both of you"

"But Sir, I didn't do anything"

"Mr Rossi, one more complaint and that will be two weeks"

Grumbling, we both walk out of the room. I strongly dislike Mr Hayes and I have him for Maths and Science and Ranger is in both of those classes. Doing my best to get away from Cole, I rush down the hallway to where I spot Rain.

"How'd it go?" Rain asks

"It backfired so bad"

"What backfired" Blake asks walking out of his English Class

"My prank on Ranger, it ended up getting us both in detention.

Rain and Blake just look at each other and burst into laughter. Great their laughing at my despair, I have such great friends.

"I can't believe you and Cole are that dumb"

"What do you mean?" I ask Blake

"Every single time you prank each other you both end up sharing the consequences so why do you keep doing"

"That's not true" Although when I look back, I realise they might have a point but Cole is just so infuriating.

"It is so true" Rain laughs

"Okay, whatever, you can believe what you want to believe"

Blake's face lights up just like he remembered something. "I'm going to find Chloe and ask her where she wants to go for our date"

I quickly stop him from sprinting away like a lovesick cheetah. "Blake, Rain and I will help you with the date stuff, because you can't bother Chloe now, she's in her music lesson and you know how much she loves that ukulele"

And Rain who is a sucker for romance even more than I am shoots out some things that Chloe will love before I can even get the words out of my mouth. She tells him how she wants to go to the ice rink and eat lots of junk food and how she loves simple things, so he won't have to worry.

"I'm going to go find Ace we have Legal Studies" I tell them

"Okay, cool you do that and see if you can get Ace to be my servant as well" Rain says

"No promises"

I say bye to Rain and Blake and walk down the hallway. I head to the front office to see if Ace is back since he'd probably be checking in by now. As soon as I spot him, I devise a plan.

"Ace, my man, how you doing"

"What do you want"

"What makes you think I want anything?"

"You said Ace My Man. I know you want something so spill"

"Okay, if I can get you to say no, you're my servant for the day okay"


"You said no so you're my servant"

"That's not how it works"

"Yes, it is now come on hold my books we're going to legal studies"

"You're such a lazy ass"

"Nuh, ah, ah don't talk to me like that mere peasant"

"Shut up Asp"

Grinning at him I walk into the classroom and take my seat. This is a class I enjoy because A I don't have a boring teacher and B Ranger isn't here.


"uhh, that was the worst class ever"

"Ace, bro why do you take the class if you hate it?"

"I'm good at it and I need a high score for my ATAR," he grumbles "Here's your stuff Asp, I'm going to go hang out with Cole and Blake see ya"

"Bu, but, you can't ditch me you're supposed to be my servant"

"Find a new one, I'm sure Blake won't mind"

As he runs off, I'm just left there shaking my head. Why do Ace and Blake keep nominating each other to be my servant. Stuff them it's probably faster if I do things myself. I walk down the hallway into the Cafeteria, hopefully they have good food.

I grab some lasagna and a bottle of orange juice and head to take a seat next to Chloe and Rain. I think Ace, Cole and Blake are off somewhere hanging out, they'll probably hang out with us in second lunch.

"Sup, girls"

"Nothing much, since I last saw you" Rain says while Chloe looks lost in some dream world.

"Chlo, you excited for your date with Blake"

She immediately snaps out of her daydreams and faces us "Yes of course I am, I just can't wait."

"My baby, already growing up" Rain fake cries

"I know darling, she's already got a boyfriend" I join into Rain's dramatics

"Shut up guys" Chloe laughs "and he's not my boyfriend"

"Yet" Rain adds


"Asp, did you finish your homework for English?"

"Yes, Blake I did so; so, did everyone else"

"By everyone else you mean the girls, Ace and Cole, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." "And why do you seem worried, you said you were doing your English homework in second lunch, when you and the boys came and sat with us"

"Well I was writing a plan to make the perfect date for Chloe, and I used English homework as a cover, but then I realised I really need to do the homework and we all have that class first tomorrow."

"So, do it tonight"

"Can I copy of yours, you're smart"

"No, sometimes I wonder if you're only my friend to copy my homework" I joke "And you're making me late for detention"

"Okay, I'm leaving I'll copy of Ace's or Rain's and why else would I be your friends" he laughs

"Bye Asp"

"See ya"

I walk down the hallways all the way to the dreaded room. DETENTION! One hour with Cole, man this is torture. Holy Chicken Nuggets I could most likely die, but it's now or another hour of detention. I'm pretty sure this isn't legal, but I'm a mere student what can I do!

I open the door cautiously and step inside. Looking to the seats, I'm flabbergasted to only see two. TWO SEATS! And there fricking next to each other. I personally invite you to my funeral.

Cole, sits in one of those seats and I'm assuming that I would probably have to sit in the other. I walk towards the seat for a voice to stop me.

"Miss Blaze, you are to sit next to Mr Rossi, while I go and will come back within an hour"

Okay this isn't legal; I'm not complaining but aren't teachers meant to supervise?

"Sure thing, Mr Hayes but can't I move my chair"

"No" he huffs "You need to learn how to cooperate with each other and I'm talking to both of you"

"Fine" Ranger and I chorus

After what feels like hours, Mr Hayes finally leaves the room. And then there were two!

I am enjoying the utter silence when Cole like always goes to ruin it. "Cheesecake, sit on the floor"

"Why? I think you should." I reply, "One of us has to move and it's going to be you."

"No, it's going to be you, since I was here first"

"I'm not playing this dumb game with you. And you know what, I will sit on the floor because it's further away from you"


"Yeh, Good"

A few minutes past and now I'm starting to get really bored. So I do what any normal peron would do.

I get up and fall to the floor and roll. Because why not it's more fun then silence and I'm not interacting with Cole.

"Can you not?"

No interacting, no interacting, I silently will myself to not speak but my mouth has a mind of it's own.

"Why, it's more fun the talking with you"

"You do realise that acting like an ass doesn't make yours grow any bigger"

How dare he insult my butt!

"And acting like a dick doesn't make your's grow any bigger" "Besides I'm not looking to grow my butt I like mine the way it is. It was pretty stupid of you to think otherwise."

"no need to be a bitch"

"Ranger I'm not a bitch and I'm sorry you felt that way, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I thought you already knew that you were stupid"

He stops for a moment but then starts to speak. Only this time he's seems less angry.

"Whatever Cheesecake, I'm cooler than you" he says trying to hide his amusement

Of course, it might seem like a childish comeback. But it seems to be the only one that I don't have an amazing reply for. And trust me this I'm cooler than you thing has been going on since we were kids. But this time I have a good reply towards it as childish as it seems it's just a thing we do.

I put up a smirk "Sweetie, I'm hotter than you of course you'd be cooler than me."


Hey guys! I want to thank all those who have followed me it's really cool to have followers. And to those who have read my book I want to thank you all. I just posted Chapter Four it took me a while since I've been drowned in homework. I'm not going to go into detail otherwise this would be a huge page of me rambling about how I'm going to sue the school for giving me so much homework and stress. Anyways how is everyone and to those who are doing exams at this time of the year how are you guys feeling and good luck.

Lots of love xxx
