Chow Min Marriages

I didn't get a ride from Chloe today since James said he'll drop me off. So here I am, currently sitting here and listening to James and his girlfriend Danielle being so in love. And it's not that I'm against love or anything, it's just that love tends to remind me how lonely I am.

Waving to James, Danielle and a bunch of jocks who I don't know, I walk into the school. First period I should have English but turns out my schedule changed so I have maths again with Mr Hayes who gave Cole and I a detention. I have some time, so I decide to get my stuff and go hang out with Rain and Chloe. As I walk down the hallway to my locker, I'm met by a billion buckets of slime.

I have the grossest pink slime covered all over me, literally dripping from my bag and clothes! This is not how I wanted my morning to go. Raging with fury, I turn to face the culprit and I'm not surprised to see Cole, laughing his head off along with Ace and Blake who are supposed to be my friends.

"What the hell Cole, I don't have spare clothes" I seethe in anger

"What's with the Barbie Pink today Cheesecake, it's a bit much don't you think?"

He's purposely trying to make me mad and you know what I will be mad if the idiot is going to pull a stunt like this, I have every right too.

"Cole, Ranger Rossi, I really despise you," I glare. Then turning to Ace and Blake "What the hell you guys"

"Asp you have to admit it was a good prank" Blake laughs

"And when, Cole told us what was happening, we had to help our best friend out," Ace pauses then as if thinking of something else he continues, "If it makes you feel any better I hand made all the slime"

"Hey, Asp he's lying, I helped him make the slime I promise" Blake butts in

"I helped to" Cole adds

"No, you didn't all you did was sit there and rant about how Asp would be so mad and Blake all you did was colour it pink"

"Hey, that was hard work, I had to scrub really hard to get rid of the pink dye" Blake whines

"Yeh, and I had to think of the master plan" Cole says

"Fine, you both helped; HAPPY"

Really, were they really doing this right now. And how is this helping my mood, I'm still stuck in wet, sticky, pink clothes. And now I know that they put so much effort into making my life miserable fun.

"What the hell, how is that making me feel any better"

"It's not" Ace looks up

"Of course, it's not, Ace" Blake points out the obvious

"And it's not supposed to" Ranger the dumbass says

"What, but I put so much work into it" Ace trembles as if someone stole the last block of chocolate

"Ace, she doesn't want to know that," Blake says "Watch, I'll show you how it's done"

"Asp, we very sorry, but Ace and I were just in it because it was a great prank and a bit of fun and we didn't mean any harm" Blake claims

"And Cole did it because he loves you" Ace adds

"But he has a weird way of showing it" Blake of course has to input

"No, I don't, and you should probably get someone to help you find clothes because we have maths"

Ace and Blake tell me that if you ask the older front office lady, Sarah, you can get her to call someone to get you clothes from home. I run down the hallway to avoid the humiliation of bumping into more people than necessary. And thank heavens for my luck as the only people I bump into are Rain and Chloe.

Who unfortunately take one look at me and laugh.

"What happened to you" Chloe asks half worried and half amused at my current pink state

"Cole, Ace and Blake; mainly Ranger though" I sight

"Another prank, I have to admit it is a good one but kind of harsh leaving you to clean up yourself" Rain says

"Ace and Blake told me about Sarah at the office who is lenient enough to help me fix this up but Cole, just walked off" I say

"Well, girl now that you're Barbie we should find you a ken before you get cleaned up" Chloe says her mood brightening up instantly

"Yes, I think there's a hot guy in our Calc class" Rain gushes

"Oh, Carlos the one you're drooling over"

"Am not" Rain says

"Besides, I'm not finding a Ken anytime soon, James or my Dad would scare him off"

"True Dat" Chloe says

We head to the front desk and lucky for me, I won't have to request for Sarah as she's right here. She takes one look at me and lets me call my parents for clothes.

"You guys go to class" I say to my friends

"You sure, Asp" Rain says worry creasing her features

"yeh, we can stay if you want" Chloe adds

"It's okay guys, seriously get to class"


Walking into class, I'm prepared for a full-on yelling at. I open the door dreading the moments ahead, the one good thing is I'm out of slimy clothes. I'm around 10-15 minutes late to class but I have an excuse.

"Miss Blaze, to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement, why weren't you here on time?"

Feeling sick of his attitude when I just got slimed, I reply irrationally "Well, Mr Hayes if you must know, Cole poured slime on me, so I was getting changed. And your job is to teach not yell" The whole class muffle their amused remarks as I say this.

"Do not speak to me like that, this is a sign of disrespect and because of this you and Mr Rossi will have a lunchtime detention today along with your two-week detention.

"What did I do sir" Cole yells exasperated

"You slimed her, and that tone of voice is not appreciated Mr Rossi"

"What proof do you have?"

"This is normal for you two and Miss Blaze is normally on time, and because of this disrespect I would like Miss Blaze to sit next to you"

I roll my eyes but do as I'm told. Don't want any more detentions, do I? Sitting next to Cole I can tell he's so mad at me.

"I bet you told on purpose to get to spend more time with me" Cole scoffs "so desperate that you got us detention"

"I would ever want to spend time with you, Ranger" I hiss in the quietest voice I can muster.

After that I just turn my head to complete my work.


"What are you getting?" Ace questions as we step into the cafeteria line. Today we have the option of Shepard's Pie or Chow min. Since, I love both I do the only logical thing eeny meeny miinie mo.

"Chow min" Yes Ace and I are on good terms, I find it hard to keep grudges, when A it was a good prank and B the only person, I can hold a grudge against is Cole.

"Me too Bro" Ace exclaims

We get our food and walk to our table in the far corner, none of our other friends are here yet so we keep talking.

"Holy Cookies and Cream, Ace we must be telepathic" I join in with sarcastic excitement although I must admit it is fun to act like this

"Wait, maybe this is a sign you and Cole aren't mean to be" Ace says slowly "Us, Asp we must be soulmates" by now I know he's joking but I play along because why not?

"Yeh, we should get married"

"100%, Blake get me a ring" Ace yells across the Café and funnily enough Blake found a ring

"Here's the ring, are you guys getting married" Blake asks like it's the most normal thing ever

I look around to see if James is here as he will take it out of context and probably believe that Ace and I are going to run off to Vegas, while Ace confirms to the Blake that we are in fact getting married.

"And you didn't choose me as your best man" Blake says looking more distraught than he was about the fact that we were getting married

"You're the ring bearer" I say

"So, what, Cole is the Best man" Blake says in fake anger

"No, of course not, I don't know where Cole is, but you are both my best man"

"That's good to hear"

Ace then starts getting on his knee and it's obvious that everyone is looking but we don't care. Once again, we're stopped from our little play when Chloe and Rain arrive. And they must have been watching since, they both blurt out that they want to be the maid of honour.

I tell them they can both be the maid of honour and once again we start our charade. I'm pretty sure we're just doing it because the reactions of the other people are priceless.

"Aspen, will you marry me" Ace asks

"What the hell, I object." Cole yells not caring that he's making a scene. "Why are you marrying her"

"Chill, man we're not actually getting married and plus she's your girl" Ace smirks

"I am not his girl and what's it you, Ranger?"

"Nothing wouldn't want my friend making a bad decision" He says in violent anger, turning around to the other poor students in the cafeteria he yells at them to mind their own business.

I ignore the dab he makes at me since; I'm trying to be the more mature on here. Sitting down we all fall into an awkward silence until Blake breaks it "So why is everyone quiet"

"Because that was a really awkward situation and does it need any more explaining" Chloe bursts

"Umm, I don't get why that was awkward" Ace adds in

"Whatever let's change the subject" Cole mutters just loud enough that we can hear him.

"Oh, guys guess what, I got SRC for this year" Rain burst into a sunshine of happiness

"Congrats, Rain you deserve it girl" I exclaim as all the others join in on congratulating her. I know how hard Rain works for things like these. Rain was so bummed last year when she missed out on SRC and even though she acted like she didn't care I know she did. So, I'm really happy that she got SRC this year she really deserves it.

"How's everyone finding classes, I mean next year we're going to have VCE" Cole says

Everyone's replies are so different, and it makes me think how we're all going on to different things and next year we're going to be in year 12. But I'm not worried too much as I know that knowing us, we'll keep in contact.

"What do yall want to do after school today?"

"I don't know Rain, maybe we should have a sleepover or go to the park?" Chloe suggests

"I have so much homework, maybe we should do a study group thing like in Community" Ace says surprisingly since he would be the last person to suggest a study group thing normally that would be another one of us

"Yeh, but first we should go to the park" Blake says full of excitement

"Okay so it's settled, park then study it is" Rain says

"But, after 4 since Cheesecake and I have detention for an hour"

"True that, ranger" I'm not in the mood for arguing so I just agree.

"Yep, we should do that but I'm going to head to the lockers and I have music next so I wanna get there early" Chloe says



I'm walking with Cole to his car because I told my family that after detention, I would be hanging out with my friends, so they didn't have to pick me up. And I kind of regret it since, it is so awkward. We're not even talking.

Why does the universe punish me in such a way? I am a good human being, aren't I? I'm catholic I pray to god every night so why punish me?

Better not dwell on that or I might find out I'm not an angel and I'd rather believe I am one.

"Hurry up Cheesecake" the hot, sexy voice breaks me out of my rambling trance of thoughts.

Dam it, I know rules are meant to be broken, but I should know well enough not to break my rules about admitting Cole is not bad looking.

"I'm coming, you're just going to fast"

"Am not"

"Ranger, we are seriously not doing this"

"Why not"

"Because I would like to hang out with our friends"

"You have a good point for once"

I huff quietly and sit inside the car. He turns the key and starts the engine and once again awkward silence fill the room. Without looking he leans over, reaching for something accidently whacking me with his arm.

Immediately sparks shoot up my arm, I feel as though I'm lit on fire. And I knew love had sparks, but these sparks are intense and seeing that we don't love each other, it must be hate. I admit though, I never knew hate sparks existed, but this situation just proves it.

Turning, to face Cole I know that he felt the hate sparks too. But he ignores me and turns to drive the car with, if I'm not mistaken a faint blush on his cheeks.


Where are they? They said that they'll meet us at the park. I walk a bit further ahead Cole following behind me to be met with a loud BOO.

"WHAT THE HELL" I scream

That fricking terrified me. I don't get scared easily but when I have no idea what's happening, I do. Rain and Chloe burst out laughing from seeing my distraught face.

"That was hilarious" Chloe giggles

"Yeh you should have seen your face" Rain says in between laughs

"Hahahah, very funny," "where's the boys"

"Oh, their down near the lake part skipping rocks and I'm pretty sure I saw Cole join them" Rain says

We walk towards the lake, it's quite a big lake for a small park. And we see that Rain was right they are skipping rocks.

"Hey Chlo, I found one of those rocks that you like" Cole shouts

Chloe runs over to Cole, but you can tell by her disappointed face that Cole did not find on of the rock things she collects and probably another one. But to give him credit, nobody except Chloe knows the difference between rocks.

Chloe tells Cole that he hasn't found one and just picks up the rock and skips it. But it juts sinks.

"Rain, Asp you guys come over here let's see who can get the most skips" yells Blake

"Kay" Rain yells back as we jog towards the lake. Picking up a smooth rock I stand next to Ace and Rain. But before we start Cole yells out wait and moves in between Ace and me. I look towards him and he just shrugs

"What, didn't want you and Ace getting married"

"That was joke and get over it are you jealous"


"Shut up you two, we're trying to have a rock skipping competition not an arguing one" Blake sighs in annoyance

"Sorry" Cole and I say simultaneously

I pick up my rock and wait until Blake says go. I throw my rock and see that it makes 5 skips, Cole's and Rain's also make 5 skips, Chloe makes 3 and Ace makes 4. Meaning that Blake one because he had 7 skips. It's witchcraft I tell you, no one can get more skips than me, it must be witchcraft.

"You can't use dark magic to win a competition Blake" Chloe says as if reading my mind

"I don't have magic powers dumbass"

"Sure, he doesn't" Rain mutters to Ace, Cole and I

"I heard that" Blake yells "You guys are such sore loser

Laughing at everyone's competitiveness we start to walk around. It is a really nice day and this is just the best moment. School isn't that bad with heaps of homework and I get to hang out with my friends. The only thing that can make this better is spending some time with my family, it feels as if I haven't talked to them all day.


"Cole, I'm not lying the answer is A" Blake strains his voice

"No, Blake I'm not lying the answer is B" Cole says

"Don't be dumbasses the answer is C"

"Ace, shut up, it's not C" Cole and Blake both say

"Yeh it's D" Chloe adds

"This is not working, you need to prove your answer not just fling out random letters" I say getting tired of the debate that has been going on for hours but if I'm being honest I'm on Cole's side the answer is B or it could be A, maybe D. It has to be one of them.

"Okay, we'll do mickey mouse had a house and whichever one it lands on is our answer" Ace speaks up

"No, we'll check the textbook" Rain says

"That's actually genius" Chloe says

"Exactly we'll do that, but I bet 5 dollars the answer is A" I say as Chloe and Blake agree with me

Rain is not on a betting side as she already checked the answers

"Cheesecake, I bet 10 it's B" Cole smirks

"I bet 100 it's C because when I did mickey mouse had a house it landed on C" Ace claims proudly and we all know that is method is not reliable, so we let him bet 100. Easy money am I right?

"The answers C bitches" Rain smirks

What the hell. C it's C. I should have just worked the question out instead of choosing A because it's the best letter. I hand a 100 and so does everyone else except for Rain who looks smug for not participating in the bet.


"So, how's life" I ask Rain

Since, everyone left after a while it's just us two. Well Cole, Aunt Nessa and Uncle Dante are downstairs, but it's just in the room

"Nothing much, just so tired"

"Same" I sigh

"How are things going with Carlos"

"we're friends but romance is non-existent, honestly Chloe is the only one with their romance life on track. You and Cole are fighting feelings and Carlos and I well we're just friends"

"I agree with all of that except the part were Cole and I are fighting feelings. We're actually quite open about the one feeling we feel it's hated, oh and Carlos definitely likes you, you should see the way he looks at you" I ramble

"I guess, let's hope you're right" Rain sighs "Are you going to that Camp thing?"

"Probably, but first they need to give us more information"

We turn around as the door opens and Cole's head pops in

"Are you going to leave" He says meanly

"Cole don't be rude"

"Calm, down Ranger and don't worry Rain, the mother would want me home for dinner"

"Bye Asp

"Thanks for leaving Cheesecake"

I walk down the stairs, say bye to Nessa and Dante and head out the front door. The perks of living next door to one of your best friends is the fact that you don't have to walk far to get home. I walk inside my house to meet a smug looking James and two angry parentals.

"Aspen, you want to tell us why you had detention a lunch and for the rest of the week afterschool?" Dad asks in a semi-mad voice

"Umm, well I'd prefer not to"

"Nah, Asp I think you should" James the idiot just had to voice opinion didn't he

"Yes, Aspen I would like to here it" my Mum says

"Well, I kinda pranked Cole by stealing his homework and Cole pranked me by sliming me which is why my uniform is in the wash" I nervously state

"Well, Aspen I can't say I'm not disappointed in you but since you already have detention, I'm not going tot ground you" James' face looks crushed as dad says this

"Yes, I agree with your father, but you have to do some extra chores"

The smile on my face disappears while James looks amused again. But looking on the positive side it's a few more chores for a month or so and I'm not getting grounded.

My dad, James and I head to the kitchen as it's my mum's day off; on Tuesdays we cook. I can hear my mum rambling to Nessa about Cole and I being in love and all that fake news.

I get the eggs out as dad cooks the chicken; today we're making chicken schnitzel. Getting the chicken, I dip it in egg and pass it to James who dips it in flour and crumbs, then my dad cooks it. This is so fun we get a little messy but it's fun so whatever.

I get the next piece of chicken and accidently drop it on the floor and lucky for me James is a control freak at times. "Aspen, you better clean that up or you're not getting any dinner"

"James, you can't decide that" My dad says

"Yeh, James" I say in response to his grumbling. I love irritating my brother.

"Aspen, he can't decide that, but I can so clean it up" My dad jokes

Dad does this all the time he'll tell one of us off but if the other one does something to spite the other one, he'll tell us off too. After cleaning up and making the salad we head to the already set up dining table. We all take our plates and help ourselves.

"You guys cooked a decent meal, I'm really impressed" my Mum says in a surprised manner.

"Mum, you say this every time we cook" James replies

"Don't correct me I'm your mother" She jokes "Oh, your Dad has something to tell you'

I turn to my Dad and listen to what he has to say.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me Ali, so Dante and I are going on a business trip and will be gone for a few days or maybe a week"

Darn, why does he have to leave. It's going to be so different around home, I'm really going to miss Uncle Dante and my Dad. I know it's a short while, but he never really leaves for that long so it's going to suck.

"I'm going to miss you Dad"

"Me too" James says

"I'm going to miss all of you too but it's only for less than a week, so I'll be back before you know it"