Tree Chickens

Aspen's Pov:

Okay I can do this. 45 mins, 60 questions. Minimum revision, half of my semester mark. I got this. Wise words by Nike "just do it".

"Yes Aspen, just do it; The Test, now please"

"Sorry Sir, umm, I'll get to it" I wasn't supposed to say that out loud I'm so embarrassing.

I look to the seats next to me to see Chloe and Lucas trying to muffle their laughs as they get on with the tests. Okay Asp, no time to waste FOCUS.

I look to the questions the first seem kind of easy. When did World War One begin? Okay so like June 28th, 1914. After so many of those types of multiple-choice questions the test gets a little harder. We have written questions. Damn it we actually have to think.

WW1 was the main cause of WW2. Agree or Disagree!

Okay so now I have to write a full-on mini essay about WW1 and WW2. I love school! Yay!


The bell rings and I am so relieved to be finished with that test and by the looks of the people around me its obvious that they are too. "Karate Kid" Lucas calls out to me while striking a weird chicken/tree pose in the middle of the classroom.

I love Lucas, like a brother even though I just met him a few months before I left but these are the times I want to pretend I don't know him.


"Why you so mad Asp don't you do some martial arts stuff"

"Yeh, but first that's JiJitsu not Karate and second what were you doing"

"It's called the tree chicken position, I learnt it from Blake, who learnt it from Ace who created it with Rain's brother. What's his name, I still haven't got to know him yet."

"His names Cole and you don't want to know him" I reply

"Okay I'll take your word for it anyways how did you and Chloe find the test?"

I turn around and am surprised to see Chloe, I guess I didn't realise she was standing, because I was distracted by the tree chicken pose.

"Chlo, I didn't see you there"

"Yeh, I literally waked back in here after realising you weren't with me, anyways correct me if I'm wrong was that the tree chicken pose that Cole created."

"Yes, how did you know?" I ask curious as to how everyone except me new of this wonderful pose that Cole created.

"Blake taught me" She replies

"It's a great pose isn't it. Honestly, props to Cole! I found this pose really brings out my inner tree chicken."

"You know what let me try it" I put my stuff down and do the pose. "You're right I can feel my inner Tree Chicken"

I joke even though I have no idea if Lucas is being serious or not. If Ace says something like this it's generally serious. But Lucas I just met him so I don't know him as well, but you just can't tell if it's a joke or not. That's why I decide to play along.

"How do you guys think you went"

"No idea and I don't want to know" Chloe states

"I'm with you on that" I say

"I think I did tree chickeningly awesome" And with that statement Lucas is off. Literally. He just walks out of the classroom yelling bye see you soon.

"That was interesting" Chloe comments looking starstruck


"So, I heard you taught Lucas, Cole's tree chicken yoga position"

"Yes, I was just going to teach you it" Ace claims excitedly

"Don't woory I already learned it"

"So, Lucas thinks he can steal my spotlight rude" He grunts " I told Blake not to teach Lucas, but noo don't listen to Ace"

"Hey, don't worry the spotlights all on you"

"Yeh I know" he pauses and think before adding "Did you find that it brought out your inner tree chicken"

"No I didn't" I sigh

"That's sad" Ace looks at me with sympathy "I thought Cole was a genius, I mean before I did the pose I could never find my tree chicken no matter how hard I searched, but the pose really help me find the tree chicken in me" Ace says genuinely

"Ace stop bragging, I still haven't found my inner tree chicken" I fake cry "And have you seen Rain, Blake and Chloe?"

"Yeh there waiting for you in the music room, and last time I checked Blake said that he's hanging out with Cole and will be there in a minute or two"

"Oh okay thanks, I'll see you after next period"


Walking into the music room I can't say I'm even faintly surprised to see Blake in the Tree Chicken Pose. Is it tree chicken day or something?

"Why" I ask flabbergasted

"Hey Asp" he says oblivious to my utter confusion

"Hi Blake, can I ask you why you're doing the Tree Chicken pose"

"Cause I was bored and thinking about how the pose was created"

"How was the pose created" Rain asks from the drum kit that she was banging on

"No actually that's something I want to hear" I say as I grab a guitar and set up the mic

"True, how exactly did the famous Tree Chicken come to be" Chloe calls over form where she's strumming her ukulele

"Well, if you shut up I'll tell you"

"Wait Blake before you start, did you even do any music" Rain asks

"Yeh, I played a bit of guitar and bass why"

"Just you have basketball and we didn't want to waste your music time by making you tell us a story" Chloe says while Rain and I nod our heads in agreement

"Okay, so it was a warm sunny yesterday"

"Normally please" I say

"I'm just saying it how Cole said it"

"Well, Cole's a dumbdumb" Rain says

"Anyways basically, he fell over while thinking about yoga. Then he saw a chicken near a tree and thought of the yoga positions, so he combined them."

"That's it" I say


"That's the famous tree chicken origination story" Rain says disappointed

"I was hoping for an explosion" Chloe says

"Yeh no explosion baby, anyways know I go to go Basketball practice"

"And we got to actually practice music"


How reproductive cells reproduce. Meiosis! A natural thing. But I guess grade 11 boys don't get that. I'm sitting at my desk a few desks from the right of Cole's and all I can here are the immature boys behind me. It seems that these guys have looked at the topic sex cell reproduction and only managed to read the words sex and reproduction.

Behind me I can just hear them going on about the girls they've banged and how they've done it with so many girls they can't count. They probably can't count in the first place.

And now it looks like they have no shame! One of the guys, Nathaniel I think just claims that he wants to have a go with me. Like are you serious, I'm sitting in front of you and everyone in this row can probably hear him. He might as well have yelled it out loud.

I turn around to tell them to shut up and not be disrespectful like that but the sound of a fist meeting a desk makes me stop. The whole class turns to Cole's desk where he sits with a murderous glare. Why the hell is he angry and who the heck is he going to murder.

"Mr Rossi, care to explain why you punched your desk?"

"It was an accident Mr Hayes it won't happen again"

" I have no idea how that could've been an accident, but I'll let it go just this once since you already have detention with me"

After that mishap, the class went back to normal. Only difference was the fact that the boys behind me shut up and Cole had a constant death glare directed at them. He probably was mad and disgusted that they could even think of me in such a way.


Now I have detention Yay Me! I just want to go home and read or better yet sleep.

A bruised and punched up kid who I recognise as Nathaniel form science runs my way. "If I knew you had a boyfriend, I wouldn't have said anything about you. Plus, you could have talked to me if you found what I said disrespectful, no need to set your boyfriend on me"

"I don't have a boyfriend"

"Yeh right, don't lie" and with that he's off running and panting like he's scared for his life. I feel bad for him, yes what he said was disrespectful, but I don't think he deserved that.

Then suddenly, I see Ranger running from the exact direction that Nathaniel was coming from. He looks like mad, raging furious and seems like he could beat someone up. And that's when I know I found my culprit, my so-called mystery boyfriend.

"Ranger, why'd you punch Nathaniel up for me"

"I punched him up because he deserved it. He can't expect to get away with talking about you, I mean girls like that. Its rude and disrespectful"

"That's strangely sweet of you to do" I say feeling a warm rush of blood to my heart

"yeh well I didn't do it for you Cheesecake, I did it because I know how to respect woman"

"that was to be expected, but you don't always respect me"

"Respecting someone doesn't always mean you have to like or be nice to them"