"The Heiress Mage" is a story of a young woman who falls into a stream and is stranded in a Magical World. She became a great sorceress/mage, Everything changed when she founds out the truth that she was not the real child of those who raised her and they just adopted her.
Dear Readers , Hi guys , I'm WolfyHime and I am the author of this story ... I just wanted to say thank you for your supports in my story , this is the first story that I publish in Webnovel I hope that you still continue to support this until the very end , I really appreciate your reviews and supports in my story I will definitely give my best to update more chapters . Just be patient and chill while waiting for my updates ... And again I am very thankful for your supports ... Yours truly , WolfyHime
A different world story is a hard thing to write and the author did a really good job of creating it and getting us engaged there is really impressive work.
Reveal Spoiler
The synopsis caught my attention. It's short but pretty captivating. the story is very interest with an interesting plotline. The characters are sweet. I loved the book and I'm planning on continuing it. Great job done by author!
what a beautiful interesting plot! I loved every second of reading the book. The characters are really lovable, specially the protagonist. My sincere congratulations to the author for this beautiful novel ♥♥♥
is not really my type of book but I fall in love with it good job and highly recommended keep updating and kudos for writing this amazing story
A world full of magic! At first I thought it about the sleeping beauty legend or something. The author did mentioned about three fairy in the beginning of the story. But, my assumption is wrong. This is fantasy story with intriguing magical elements in it. Want to know more? Read it yourself.
The prologue got me intrigued I guess I'm a sucker for anything paranormal Great story idea......i am impressed, highly Thumbs up to the author
It's interesting, I love how the plot was arranged and also the transition. The synopsis caught me even though it's short. I hope she will find her true parents in the future.
Amazing book! wow.....................l love fantasy books and the way the author has written this book is just wow........a super fantabolous work ☺️☺️
that cover is awesome by the way, I love it. and the synopsis is so short and sweet and leaves a lot to the imagination. makes me want to know what happened to the girl, and how she dealt with this big secret. [img=coins]
Really very interesting and catchy, it captivates you and you can't stay without reading this! Absolutely wonderful and beautifully written! A tremendous book! Great job author 👌
it's a very good story idea. it's a fun read and it's easy to stay interested. I don't normally go for fantasy because of extensive early building chapters but the author does a great job of keeping you interested
Beautiful concept I love the royalty concept and I as captivated right from the beginning of the story The author has done a great job with this story,I'd definitely recommend it
I really enjoy this novel. I like the premise of a magical being growing up in our world instead of there own. The characters are interesting and many plot threads are weaved at the very beginning of the novel to give you an Idea of the over arching storyline. I normal like my stories to be more fantasy but if you enjoy fairy tales then this book is for you.