You want to be my friend? (Edited)

Can the time go faster?

I can't wait to go out of this class.

I know you may think that why a nerd wants to get out of class early.

First, I kinda hate the teacher not the subject though which is chemistry. But the teacher is kinda aggravated. she gave us a lot of homework, when I said a lot it means a lot. And not to mention she likes her class peaceful. Not even a sound of a squeaking chair. So we have to sit quietly in the chair without making any sound like a statue.

Second, how unfortunate for me to be in the same class as her. She means that is Jessica's best friend or should I say her second in command. When I walked into this class she and her other friend glared at me but I looked down quickly and make my way to my seat. Even after the class started she kept glaring at me hard.

I wonder why? I made a mental note to ask Kayla once she goes home.

I looked at the clock and class end in 15 minutes. So I have no choice but to wait.

While waiting till the bell ring, I try working on my homework. Since I don't have anything to do.

15 minutes have passed and the bell ring. Thank god. I couldn't bear another minute in there especially when she kept watching us with her eagle eye. I shake my head.

I pack my stuff and wait till all of them walk out then I walked out of the class. As I'm about to go to my locker I immediately remember what had happened to my locker. I mentally groan and skip my way to my locker. Remind me to stop by at my locker to clean all the remaining things inside it.

I walked to the cafeteria and buy some French fries with lemonade and make my way to my table. Guess I have to bear this lunch alone then. I pull my Nicholas spark book from my bag and start reading. I was about to read the next chapter when I hear a chair being pulled. I adjust my glasses and lookup.

My eyes widen seeing dean Samuel sitting across from me.

What the hell is he doing here?!

He put his arms on the table. "Why do you look surprised?"

I blink my eyes to make sure he's real. "Aaa.... Don't mean to be rude but what are you doing here?"

"Eating lunch of course." I looked around and saw most of the students looked at us in shock especially the girls who have their mouths gaped open.

"You know people are looking." I hissed at him.

He raised his eyebrow and looked around "Ignore them."

"If you sit here because you pity me, sorry I don't need your pity," I said to him coldly.

He sighed " No, I don't pity you, I sit here because I want to. Besides, I know that you're a strong person and you're capable of facing them alone."

"So why now?"

"Because I feel like it. I mean I know that you've been bullied for three years. And one of those times I want to stand up to you but I don't dare to do it. I know what they do to you is wrong and probably unacceptable. And that's why I'm here to make it up to you."

I closed my book and put it aside then crossed my arms "I don't believe you. What if this is one of your tricks to humiliate me. You're one of the popular kids." I said as a matter of fact.

"Believe me even I'm one of the popular kids, I didn't act like them and you know that." he's right he didn't act like them, he didn't bully me or any other kids instead he help them and I think he didn't care about his title being the second popular.

"So you mean you want to befriend me?" I raised my eyebrow.

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me shyly "Aaa... Well yeah, I mean if you want to."

"You didn't even know me."

He smirked "You're wrong, I know who you are." he leaned forward and looked around him if there's someone eavesdropping when the coast is clear he continues talking."You're Rosella Jones the last daughter of Michael and Angela Jones. Your father is a famous businessman and your mother has a clothing line and you have three older brothers." my eyes widen in surprised.

So he knew all along?!

"You knew?" He nodded.


"Well my dad work at your father's company and one time they have a chat and your dad told my dad about it" he smiled sheepishly.

I sighed. I don't have any other choice he helped me earlier and being the good person I am I accept him to be my friend. I mean there's a first time for everything right.

"Yeah sure," I smiled shyly at him. "But one thing though, since when do you know about me?"

"Since sophomore year. Why?" He grabbed my fries and eat them

"That long?" He nodded.

"And you didn't tell anyone?" He shook his head "Why should I? I'm not Kyle or Jessica that like to bug in someone's life"

"So you want to be my friend because you know who I am?"

He sits up straight "Of course not, I want to be your friend for real not because of your background. if your parents not famous I still want to be your friend," he said seriously.

"Okay fine, sorry I was just making sure." he nodded and grab my fries again.

Is he serious? Does he want to be my friend? What if all of this is just his game? I seriously don't know what to do, but I've already accepted him to my friend and if I change my mind it will be rude. Is not possible for me to just say 'hey, I change my mind I don't want to be your friend' that will be weird. For my seventeen life of existence, I only have two friends and that's Kayla and Emma.

Yes, I have a friend besides Kayla.

When I'm in middle school I surprisingly have a friend. I don't socialize much and I'm an introverted kind of person and I like to read so I don't have many friends. Emma is my only friend through middle school, she approached me first at the library because we have something in common, we love reading books. But the sad thing is Emma has to move to New Orleans after our graduation day because her father got a new job there.

And is kinda sad, to be honest, but I manage to go with it. Then there's Kayla, I met her when I was a freshman because we have something in common too. And suddenly there's Dean that came out of nowhere and he wants to be my friend. Which is crazy by the way. The school popular want to be a friend with the nerd that only has one friend.

I drink my lemonade to calm me down and I looked to my plate to grab my fries but there are only 6 fries left. I looked up and saw that dean eat half of my fries.

"Hey, that's my fries." I glared at him and he smiled cheekily.

"Sorry, I was hungry" I rolled my eyes "Then buy your own fries." I eat the remaining fries left.

He just chuckled and pull out his phone when I'm about to ask something the bell ring signaling that our lunchtime has come to an end. With a groan, I get up and grab my bag and my lunch tray.

I throw my trash in the nearby garbage and make my way out from the cafeteria. I just realized that Dean is walking beside me.

I looked at him "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me "Walk you to your class."

"You don't have to."

He shrugged "it's fine, so what your next class?"

I hesitated to answer "A-a.."

He sighed and stop then turn his body to face me "Rose please, trust me I'm trying to make it up to you."

I bit my lip and nod "Calculus."

"Okay then let's go to calculus" he walked ahead of me and I just chuckled following him.

On our way to my class, some students give us weird looks. Probably thinking 'what did he look at her' I just bent my head down because I do not use with this attention. And at that time he slung his arms in my shoulder making their eyes widen. I hold myself to not roll my eyes Geez... Their just dramatic is not like me and Dean is kissing.

When we arrived in front of my class, Barbara is looking at us with anger in her eyes and when she looked at me she glared at me hard and continue her way to her next class. I wonder what's her problem.

I bid my goodbyes to the dean and go to the class. Everybody already looking at me and I just bent my head down and head to my seat.

The teacher came and start explaining and I can't focus on what he explained. My mind keeps thinking about what happened in a few hours and I bet after all this happened, my life will be completely different.