Chocolate Addict (Edited)

After the locker 'incident' I decide to stay back to clean my locker and replace the thing that had been covered in flour but what I didn't expect is for Dean to help me. I was shocked that he wants to help me. I watched him clean my locker and I just stood there and watched him. Gosh, I looked like a creep.

We spend an hour cleaning my locker and after we are done I was thinking about going to Target to buy a new book and stationery to replace my ruined one. We are walking our way out of the school entrance when suddenly Dean offered me a ride home. I decline him since he helped me to clean my locker but I said I was going to target but that doesn't stop him from offering me a ride.

We argue but he still persistent in giving me a ride and I could only sigh and let him by giving me a ride. We make our way to his Jeep and got in. I thought that this ride would be awkward but my thought was wrong. The ride was entertaining we turn the radio on and start jamming to it.

After about 30 minutes drive to target, we finally arrived and parked the car. We got out and went to the entrance. I took the trolley and find the school section with Dean beside me. After about one hour of shopping and laughing, we finally finished. And before Dean takes me home we ate at the nearest McDonald's. I must say it was so fun hanging out with him. He looked so friendly very different from the dean I know at school which intimidating.

We tell jokes and share our story and we laugh a lot but when he asked me what I'm going to do after we graduate high school I froze because I don't want him to know my dream. When I ask the same to him he answered without hesitation. He wants to be a chef and have a restaurant all over the globe. I was shocked when he told me that, I thought he wants to be a football player since he is the captain but my thought was wrong. He said that playing football was just his hobby and not his passion. His real passion is cooking and he will take culinary and arts after we graduate and when he told me his dream he didn't feel ashamed.

Instead, he felt happy that finally, he can tell someone aside from his parents. He told me that he doesn't have a real friend, everyone befriends him because he's popular. Once he had a best friend but he had to move to another country when his mom died.

I smile sympathetically "I have a friend too before Kayla but she had to move away because of her parent's job."

He pretends to be sad and wipes his eyes with a tissue "Guess we never really have a friend then" I looked at him weirdly and we burst out laughing.

People looked at us weirdly since we still at McDonald's and we laugh pretty hard.

After we are done eating, we decide to go home since its nearly five, Dean took me home and I told him my address, once we arrived in front of the gates open automatically and Dean drives through the gates. He looked at the house in awe.

"You lived here?" He said in shock.

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, I thought you knew."

"I mean I know you're rich but I didn't expect you to be living in a mansion."

I shrugged "Perks of being the Jones family. You want to come in?" I looked at him.

He smiled and shook his head "it's fine, I have to get home to prepare dinner."

"I almost forgot that you want to be a chef. I have to taste your cooking so I could rate if you're suitable to be a chef or not." he chuckled.

"Of course why not." he smiled charmingly.

"Okay, maybe next time you want to come over?"

"Sure why not."

We exchange numbers and bid our goodbyes. I walk in and open the door and I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I'm surprised to found my second brother Colton is here.

"Colton, what are you doing here? Are you supposed to be in the office? I raised my eyebrow.

He scratched his head "A-a well, I-I have a headache." I frowned "A headache?"

He stuttered "Y-yeah."

I looked at him suspiciously from head to toe, he looked freshly shave, his hair is neatly combed and he wore a different suit from this morning. He wore a white dress suit underneath with a grey blazer and matching grey pants, he pairs it with a shiny black pantovell.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to grab a water bottle, I open the lid and drink it while looking at him intensely. I close the lid and put the bottle on the countertop.

"Let me guess, you have a date."

His eyes widen "Well, y-yeah I mean n-no."

I gave him a pointed look and he sighed while scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "yeah, I have a date"

I suddenly broke into a smile "That's great! I'm happy for you. At least you stop playing around." Colton is known as the playboy in the family. He never went out with the same girl twice if she lucky maybe she can. He always has a different girl every day and he never stays in a relationship for more than a month. Sometimes I don't understand him.

He rolled his eyes and smile "I'm trying okay."

I shook my head "Trying my ass the last time you said that you only used a girl for god knows what."

"Hey, I only asked her to be my date at this event but she thinks that I asked her to be my girlfriend."

"Yeah, but you slept with her no wonder she thinks that."

"But she's clingy I don't like it." he shuddered.

This time is my turn to roll my eyes "whatever but does mom and dad know?"

He shook his head "No."

"So you tell me that you lied to dad saying you have a headache so you could go home and rest but the truth is you went home and get ready for your date."

"Please don't tell them I'm not ready to face them especially mom, she will ask me a lot of questions and I'm not ready."

"Them as in..."

"Mom, dad, Lucas, and Ryan."

I put my hands under my chin pretending to think "Hmm... I don't know brother."

"I'll buy you a pack of skittles."

I raised my eyebrow "Only a skittles?"

He rolled his eyes "Fine and a kit Kat too."

I grinned "Deal" I am such a good sister.

He muttered "Chocolate addict."

"I heard you." I mean who doesn't love chocolate, especially that chocolate is skittles and kit kat.

I grab my water bottle and walk out of the kitchen before patting my brother's shoulder "good luck brother."

He nodded but after I walked out of the kitchen I heard him said "I have to bribe my sister just for asking for help. Unbelievable" I chuckled and went up the staircase and make my way to my room.

I put my stuff down and plop myself in my queen-size bed. I closed my eyes trying to comprehend what had happened today. I might say that today is between a bad day and a good day.

The bad day is Kyle prank me by putting flour in my locker which I don't know how he knows my locker combination and some of my books are ruined along with the stationary and I've been humiliated by him because some of the flour flew to my clothes and don't forget the glare that Barbara shot me.

The good day is the popular boy in school stands up to me and wants to be my friend. He walked me to class and I've been the center of attention and not to mention he helped me and took me home which is kinda hard to believe.

I blew out a sigh because of a hectic day.

Now that I've been friends with Dean, his friend will look at him differently. What if they ignore him? and Dean will end up like me. Is like an angel fell from the sky. He's no longer a popular boy that girl admires and he will have no friends.

What if he blames me because he's friendless? What if he pretends to be my friend to humiliate me in front of all of the students? What if the next day I come to school everything was a dream? There's a lot of 'what if' running in my head right now.

I get up from my bed and decide to take a hot shower to clear my head. Stripping myself in the bathroom I turn on the wot water then jump in the shower. The water running to my body making me feel relaxed. I wash my hair with my favorite shampoo and conditioner and rub my body with my tropical breeze soap to clean the flour that sticks to my body. After rinsing myself I turn off the water and stepped out of the shower.

I dried my body and my hair with a fluffy towel then wrap it in my hair then I used a bathrobe to cover my body. I walked out of my bathroom and took the remote and click the button to open my walk-in closet. Ending up with my polka dot pajamas I grab a clean set of undergarments and walked back to my bathroom to change.

While waiting for my hair to dry on its own I pick my romance novel and start to read in my bed. After a few chapters, I suddenly feel sleepy so I set my novel on the bedside table and decide to just call it a night after a hectic day.

Before I start to doze off I feel my phone vibrate beside me, so I pick my phone up and saw a message from Dean.

Dean: I'll pick you up tomorrow :).

Me: no, you don't have to.

Dean: no more arguing sunshine ;).

My heart flutter with the nickname.

Me: OK fine. See you tomorrow.

Dean: goodnight rose.

Me: goodnight dean.

I re-read the text messages to make sure this is real. Once I realize everything is not a dream I grinned and set my phone down on the bedside table.

I laid my head on my pillow and snuggling into my blanket, I kept thinking 'maybe my senior year will be different after all' I closed my eyes with a smile on my face.