She's just being jealous (Edited)

Since the locker incident, Dean and I have become a close friends. That morning I was waiting for him to pick me up on my porch because last night he told me he will pick me up I wait for him for about 10 minutes but he didn't come I almost lost hope and not to mention I almost late so I decide to ask mark to drop me but suddenly I heard a honk and when I see who's that is dean sticking his head out from the window and I chuckled looking at it.

He apologized to me because he had to drop his little brother at school. How's sweet is that. I told him it's fine but for him, it's not fine he promises to make it up to me and I told him just buy me a skittles or kit kat and he said that he will buy it after school.

We arrived 7 minutes before the bell ring and when we walked into the school entrance, the students are looking at us with their eyes widen and mouth gaped open. They still couldn't believe that Dean is right beside me and we were walking together to school. Unbelievable! After what had happened yesterday they still couldn't believe it. They think that this is a prank. Stupid.

Wait until they see me with Dean in his car after school. I'm curious to see their reaction. I sound like a possessive girl trying to show the world, my boyfriend.

Anyways after a few days, I think they couldn't see the obvious, dean and I being friends. Is that a crime?

On Monday, Kayla finally back after her visit for 5 days and she pesters me to tell her everything. Why? Because she caught me in a car with Dean in the school parking lot. She gave me a pointed look and demand to tell her everything when Dean is out of sight.

How lucky I am because we have the first period together. But thankfully good luck is on my side, after we arrived in homeroom Mr.David burst in and told us that we have a quiz. So that I didn't need to tell her right now.

The bell ring and I decide to went to the cafeteria instead and meet Kayla there.

You really don't wanna feel Kayla's wrath, once there was this boy and he was a freshman who accidentally bumped into her in the hall and he doesn't want to apologize and he blames her because it's her fault. The truth is, is his fault he's the one who stuck his face in the phone and doesn't know where he was going.

Knowing Kayla she doesn't want to blame, so she argued with that boy and he said it was your fault because of your big body block the way' or should I said he called her 'fat' and that made Kayla infuriated. Even I know that was a lie and she did something that I didn't know she capable of doing she hurt him.

Yes, Kayla Anderson hurt someone, hurt as in broke that poor boy's nose. You may see her as a sweet person but she's a tough person in and out and she's not afraid to stand for herself unlike me. She's not afraid of anyone in this school except the teacher of course, so that's why she has rarely been bothered.

Once he realized she broke his nose, he only screams and shouts profanities. The teacher came and brought him to the nursery room to be taken care of and Kayla been ushered to the principal office.

The cool thing is she didn't get suspended only detention, why? Because that time our principal is a woman. Mrs. Hadley Dennings. Kayla has her own way, she told her how it feels to be called fat, she even cried and Mrs. Dennings agree and told her she never be in her place in high school and so she set her free but still with a punishment.

Even though is not that bad. Only detention.

When she came out of the office I was worried sick and told her if she was okay if she gets suspended but she only wiped her cheek and shrugged. Then we walked into homeroom.

At lunch, she told me everything and I couldn't believe it. My eyes widen when she told me Mrs. Dennings was in tears too. That made me laugh and her smile is triumphant.

She's one hell of an actress.

I jump in line to Bu some food because I couldn't live a day without it. Today's menu is pizza, apple juice, and chocolate cupcake yum. I pay afterward and make my way to our table. I can already spot Kayla there munching her fruit salad.

I put my tray down and sat in front of her, she's already looking at me with those eyes. The tell-me-or-you'll-regret looked.

I sighed "Okay, I tell you chill." I grab my apple juice but she took it forcefully "Now."

"Fine." I take a deep breath and let it out "okay, so remember when you said you couldn't go to school?" She nodded.

"That morning when I walked through the hallways I felt weird because they didn't look at me like usual they just ignore me so I shrugged it out and ignore it. So I went to my locker to take my books but what I didn't expect is when I open my locker there's a flour that flew to my face." she gasped.

"How? Is it Jessica? Oh, I swear to god that girl will pay." she said dangerously.

"No, it's not her." She looked at me confused.

"What do you mean not her? She's the one that always bullied you right?" I nodded "Yeah, this time is not her."

"Who it is then?"

"It's Kyle." a voice cut through the air and I follow Kayla's gaze and it landed behind my back so I looked to my back to find dean is standing there with his hands in his pocket.

"Kyle as in Kyle Landon?" Kayla asked and he nodded.

Dean sat beside me and Kayla raised her eyebrow "And how do you know?"

"Because I was there."

"And how do you became friends with Rose?"

She won't stop till she got what she wanted.

"I-" I cut him off "he was helping me." I grab my pizza and took a bite then I heard Kayla laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You said he helped you?" I nodded.

"You're lying right" I shook my head.

"But he's one of the popular kids how come you." she pointed to Dean "Want to help her?"

He shrugged "Because I think it enough of Kyle pranking her and bully her too."

"I know that Kyle bullies you and sometimes pranking you too but I didn't know that he would do this."

I sighed. I never tell Kayla how bad Kyle pranking me I only told her the easy prank that he does to me. Like once when I was opening the toilet door there's a green slime been pour to my head but thankfully there are not many students there only a few, however, there's Kyle who suddenly came out of nowhere and laughing real hard I have to blink my eyes so I wouldn't cry in front of him.

After that I immediately left the school and Kayla behind, I told the teacher that I was sick. The next day Kayla asked me where I've been and I lied to her saying I was sick and she scolded me for not telling her because at that time she had to stay back in class for another 30 minutes because of the noisy student.

"Who could've known." I continue eating my pizza and grab my apple juice. I open the lid and start drinking but Kayla still looked at me with those eyes and I closed the lid and put it down.

"What do you want to know Kay?"

"You guys become friends." I rolled my eyes and eventually telling her.

After I'm done telling her she still doubts that Dean wants to be my friend she thinks that Dean just using me and of course knows Kayla she presses dean with her famous dangerous glares and makes a promise to her to never hurt me or using me.

Of course, Dean instantly nodded his head and promise to never hurt me again. I chuckled seeing them I guess the both of them will be the best friends

"How bout your friends?" Kayla asked him.

Dean shrugged "They're not my real friends, they just using my popular title to be popular too." he gestured the 'popular title' with an air quote.

After Kayla feels satisfied by interrogating us we talked and tell jokes. I don't know that Dean is a funny person and his sense of humor is just intriguing. He makes both of us laugh aloud till we received weird looks from the other but Kayla didn't mind them neither Dean is.

Lunch ended and we head to our next class, dean bid us goodbye because he has gym class and he doesn't want to be late or Mr.Baldwin will punish the student who came late by running twenty laps.

I mean who wants that.

Before me and Kayla going separated way Jessica and Barbara walks past us and ignore us but Barbara shot me a murderous glare and I looked away. Kayla rolled her eyes looking at them and about to go but I held her arms.

She looked at me questioningly "Wait I wanna ask you something."


"Why does Barbara looking at me like she's going to murder me right here right now. I mean every time she saw me she always glared at me like before. Why?"

She rolled her eyes again "Ignore her she's just being jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Of you of course," she said in a matter of fact.

"Me? Why should she be jealous of me? Should it be me who's jealous of her?"

"She's jealous because you're hanging out with dean and not just hanging out but friends too."

Okay, I don't understand.

She sighed "She's in love with Dean." my eyes widen and my jaw dropped.

I choked out. "In love?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew."

"I don't."

She put her hands on her hips "Don't you know that she asked him out since freshman year? And in sophomore year she declared her love for Dean and she even put status in relationship with Dean on Facebook."

"She did that?" Kayla nodded "I never knew" guess I really don't have a social life.

"It's fine it's not important anyway. And do you know that dean says no?" I shook my head.

"Dean said no and that's why she forbid every girl that trying to flirt with him. I might say she obsessed with him."

So that's the reason why no wonder she glared at me every time she saw me.

"How come you know all of this and where was I that time?"

"At freshman year were not friends yet, all I remember is she asked him out in Dean's locker. And in sophomore year she asked him again in the cafeteria that time you were in the library."

I muttered "No wonder." the bell ring signaling our lunchtime is over "Okay, thanks for telling me to see u later." she nodded and bid goodbyes and we both went to our class.