I am so stupid (Edited)

A few months had passed, dean, Kayla and I are becoming good friends. We often spend time together after school or in the weekends. True to Dean's words, they didn't bully me again maybe a few and that is only Kyle or his jock's friends.

I'm happy too because Jessica and her minions are not bothering me again because that time dean caught Jessica and her minions are making fun of me in the girl's bathroom.

I don't know how Dean knew but he just burst into the girl's bathroom and stop Jessica. He scared her and even threatened her if he sees Jessica and her minions bothering me again and from there she didn't bother or bully me again only glare.

When I asked Dean how did he know where I am the only shrugged.

To make my life more complete my pimples are starting to fade and my red skin is healing. Even though it's still there but I'm happy it make a progress. Thanks all to my mother she knows how hard I'm struggling with the pimples and my sensitive skin, so she quietly made an appointment with the best dermatologist in Los Angeles.

The doctor said it's common for a teenage girl to have a pimple and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. She even told me, she was struggling with pimples too when she was a teenager that's why she wanted to be a dermatologist. She gave me an ointment for the pimple and face cream for my sensitive skin.

But that doesn't mean my pimple will immediately disappear it still needs time like the doctor said. However, there will be a side effect, like today my face is red when I walked to the mirror to check my face. I gasped seeing my face I mean the pimple is not that visible but my skin is red. So I went downstairs to find my mom and asked her about my skin.

She said it's fine it will heal in no time and she suggest me to put aloe vera before I go to school and I oblige it.

I was thinking to ditch school but I remember that I have a quiz and I can't miss it especially when school is only a few months till we graduate. So I have to get good grades, dean and Kayla are on their way here too, it will be rude if I suddenly tell them I'm not going to school.

Knowing Kayla is there with Dean she will ask me why until she gets her answer so I decided to just get ready.

And here I am walking in the school hallway with Dean in my right and Kayla in my left.

"You should open your hoodie," Kayla suggests.

"Oh hell no." from the corner of my eye I could see Kayla rolled her eyes "It's not bad, right Dean?"

I glance over at Dean "Yeah, you don't need to embarrass about it."

I looked down "What if they bully me again?"

Dean put his hand in my shoulder and I looked up to him "They won't trust me." he gave me a reassuring smile. I hesitate before answering him "I trust you but I don't trust them." I mumbled.

He chuckled lightly and slung his arms in my shoulder "they won't get anywhere near you. Right, Kayla?"

Kayla nodded "Right because there are Dean and me who will protect you" I feel really grateful to have a friend like them "Thank you, guys."

"No problem Rose," Kayla said. Just right on time, the bell ring signaling for all the students to go to their respective classes. Dean bid us goodbye and will meet us in the cafeteria. Kayla and I walked together to our first period.

The first period is the same as usual Mr.David gave us an assignment then he let us do whatever we want as long as we do our assignment. Hours have passed and now it's the second period, I bid goodbyes to Kayla and walked to my locker to change my book. I closed my locker and make my way to my second period which is chemistry but on my way there I bumped into someone.

"Watch it." someone hissed its sound like a male voice when suddenly I remember who the voice is that. kyle, Why oh why do I have to bump into him. I rather bumped into Jessica than him.

My brain has formed a plan, quickly apologizes, and runs away with my head down hopefully he wouldn't know me because of my hoodie but my plan didn't go the way I wanted to. He yanked my hoodie and revealed who's the girl in the hoodie that bumped into him.

He chuckled lightly "So it's you, what's with the hoodie? Are you shy?" he said mocking me.

I have enough of him messing with me. I pull my hoodie and face him "Aren't you tired?" He looks shocked for a moment and recovers quickly "Tired of what? You?"

"Tired of messing with me! pranking me calling me names. Aren't you tired? Well, I am. I have enough of you, you think I'm scared of you because you're popular and everyone fears you? I'm letting myself being prank and bully by all of you because I don't want to make trouble. I'm quiet all these years doesn't make me scared by you nor Jessica but I have my limits and now I can't stand myself being a target of your bully."

With that, I leave him standing with his eyes widen. I thought I never gonna do that. Knock some sense to kyle and left him before he responds. I head to the bathroom to wash my face while calming my beating heart. I closed my eyes for a while trying to comprehend what I just did.

Oh my god, I make a mistake why did I do that? It's like I'm entering myself through hell. I am so stupid I didn't think twice before I said that. Now, what am I supposed to do?

I check the watch on my wrist and realized that I'm late for my class, great. I don't want to get a detention so I'm thinking about going to the nursery room and make excuses about the girl's problem.

Time has passed and I decide to get back to class. I got up and grab my bag in the chair, I excuse myself to Mrs.miles the nursery "Are you sure you okay?" She looked at my concern. I flash her a smile "I'm sure, thank you Mrs.miles." she nodded and I walked out from the nursery room and go to my next class.

"Okay class, don't forget to do your homework for tomorrow its important for your grades." the student started to pack their stuff and burst out of the classroom.

I honestly can't concentrate my mind is somewhere else, after my outburst with Kyle I feel relief and satisfied that I could make him startled by my outburst but at the same time, I'm scared too. I can't imagine if I saw him later what will he do to me? Will he try and embarrass me in front of the students like what he did to my locker?

"Ms. Jones, are you going to sit there all day?" I looked up and realized my teacher is looking at me. I took off my glasses and put them inside my bag "S-sorry Mr.William." he just shook his head.

I walked out of the classroom and decided to just go to the cafeteria instead to stop by my locker. What if I bump into Kyle? What will I do? Just stand there pretending to not acknowledge what had occurred? That just stupid.

I take a deep breath and walked into the cafeteria, immediately their eyes snapped in my direction. I stood there frozen in place and my eyes widen. Every tick of time I became more anxious, why? Because all of the humans' eyes are looking at me. I bent my head down, walking hurriedly to my table.

There I saw dean and Kayla are looking at me worried. I sat down and looked down while playing with my fingers anxiously.

"Rose, you okay?” Kayla said worriedly. I looked up to her and decide to ask her "What’s going on?"

They both shared a look. I raised my eyebrow at them and Kayla nudge Dean arms. "Okay, what's really going on here?"

Dean cleared his throat "You don't know?" I looked at him confused "Know what?" Kayla pushed her phone to me. "Look," I was getting more and more curious so I grab her phone and looked down at the screen. There is a video in it, slowly my finger wrapped around it and press play. The video play and all the color from my face drained.

'Popular guy scared of the nerd?' In the video, I could see me and Kyle were arguing that I knock him some sense before leaving him standing there with his eyes wide. I didn't realize I clutched the phone so tightly that it may break. I see the video one more time before putting the phone down and face my best friends, they looked at me worried.

"Rose," Kayla touched my hand "just remember this, we will be by your side no matter what and I'm proud of you!" she grins widely. I just nodded still dumbfounded that someone records this and uploads it on Facebook.

The cafeteria door burst open and all eyes are on Kyle with his friends walking to their table. But this time is different, usually, their girls went over him but seeing his deadliest glare they decided against it. He dumped his bag on the floor and sat in his usual seat, he took his phone from his back pocket and play it.

All of a sudden he slammed his fist to the table "What are you looking at?!" He shouted. The students get back doing their things. But however my eyes stuck into him, I could tell from his face that he really is mad. All of a sudden his eyes found mine, the glare is still deadly, and the way he gritted his teeth he surely is still angry. I averted my eyes from him and looked at my two best friends.

"I think I'm gonna head out"

"I come with you." I looked to Dean and shook my head "No, it's fine." I forced a smile and fly out from the cafeteria. I decided to go to the library when no one can't find me.