She's the girl (Edited)

I walked through the school hallways and relief to see there are not many students only a few. That means I'm early today and it's a good thing because I'm planning to come early every day, so I won't see the popular. I headed to my locker and get my books that I left the other day but I feel like something is missing but I just noticed it now. I racked my brain to think what's missing but I don't remember. I shrugged and closed the locker.

Turning around and plan to leave, I let out a small scream. "What the hell guys?!" I found my two best friends are standing in front of me with a scowl on their faces.


"Don't 'what' us. Where have you been?"

"I've been at home?" It came out more like a question than an answer.

"Where have you been? You didn't come to school yesterday, I called you but you didn't answer and where were you after you head out of the cafeteria?" Kayla asked seriously.

I sighed "To answer your question, yesterday I have family matters so I can't come to school and I mute my phone."

"How about the other day?" I rolled my eyes "I stay back for a while."

"Why?" I frowned "what's with the question? Is it not like I disappear into thin air" she rolled her eyes "We are worried about you."

I closed my eyes and lean back to my locker "I know and I'm sorry" A hand touched my shoulder and I open my eyes to see its dean. "Hey, don't worry, remember we always stick by your side? You can tell us." I nodded and face them "I'm just.... you know afraid that's all because of the video. So I decided to stay back for a while in the library."

"You don't have anything to be worried about," Kayla said.

"I don't know but I just have a bad feeling that's all"

"You worried too much that's all" I nodded "Yeah, you're probably right."

"How about this, we could go eat ice cream after school. How's that?" Kayla suggests "I'm in." Dean said and they both looked at me "Count me in." I smiled and we continue to chat till the bell rings.

English is the same as usual Mr. David gave us a task that we have to do and ignore us. I don't really have a problem with it because after I do my task I could play on my phone or talk to Kayla. After English is done it's time for history which I don't enjoy it. Why? Because the teacher explained with a monotone voice so it's kinda boring. Most of the students could go to sleep just hearing his voice even me.

Finally, the bell rings after two hours filled with boredom. Before I go to the cafeteria, I went to the bathroom because my bladder is full. After I'm done doing my business I feel my phone vibrate inside my jacket, I took out my phone and see it's a message from Kayla asking where I am.

Me: I'm in the bathroom.

I put my phone inside my jacket and walked out only to find Dean and Kayla are leaning at the wall.

"What are you guys doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion.

"We're here to make sure you're okay," Kayla said. I rolled my eyes "Seriously guys I'm okay" I flared my arms out.

"Better safe than sorry." Dean shot me a charming smile.

"Yeah, yeah, come on I'm hungry" he chuckled and we three start heading to the cafeteria. While we're walking Kayla decided to ask Dean how to make healthy food for her and here I was thinking to get spaghetti with apple juice and don't forget the dessert which is a chocolate pudding yum.

My stomach starts grumbling just thinking about it. We walked into the cafeteria and I immediately went into the line to get my food and both of them followed suit.

After quite waiting for like 10 minutes in the line finally it was my turn. I ordered the food exactly as I was thinking before while Kayla only order a fruit salad with water and I instantly rolled my eyes seeing her order. I mean it's okay to treat yourself once in a while is not like you'll get fat just eating a plate of spaghetti or burger and cake.

After we're done playing we headed to our table but the clumsy side of me decided to make an appearance by stumbling at my owns shoes. How great is that? My lunch flies towards Kyle. Yes, Kyle Landon, couldn't my day get any better. I gasped and the whole cafeteria turns dead silent. You could even hear a pin drop because is so quiet and it's freaking me out.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He looked at his shirt that was covered in my spaghetti, chocolate milk, and my chocolate pudding. Great, that stain will be there forever and my life will be over.

He lifted his head to find the source who threw the lunch to him and his eyes found mine. He glared daggers so hard and if looks could kill I may be dead by now. He strode towards me and I'm starting to worry. "You did this" is not a question is a statement. I looked down at my shoes because he's right, I couldn't even utter a single word. Even saying sorry.

"You little-"

"Stop Kyle." I lifted my head and looked to my right, finally Dean.

"You want me to stop because your new friend spilled her lunch on my shirt.''

"It was an accident, she tripped beside it's just a shirt."

He laughs coldly "Just a shirt, I know it's just a shirt but this shirt is precious to me." wow, I just know that a shirt is precious. Where did he get it? In Paris fashion week. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry okay, I accidentally tripped." I decided to just apologize to him before he makes it a bigger mess out of it.

"Sorry doesn't fix anything, you ruin my favorite shirt," he said in venom.

"So what do you want me to do? Buy you a new shirt? Or wash your clothes? It's just a shirt Kyle." I said pleadingly so he could let go.

He smirked and I could see there's a mischievous glint in his eyes. He walked closer till we only have an inch of space. He whispers "You embarrass me twice and I'm going to get back at you" I looked straight to his eyes "What are you gonna do? Prank me again or calling me names?" I gave him a challenging look and he smirked mischievously.

"HEYYY PEOPLEE!!!" they instantly put their attention on Kyle. "Do you guys know anything about the model competition?" They starting to murmur to each other wondering why the hell Kyle talking about model competition.

"Beatrice, do you know about this?" He walked to Beatrice and pulled out a brochure. Where the hell he got that from? Beatrice scans the brochure "Of course I know, who doesn't," she talked with the softest tone and battling her eyelashes.

"Girls all over Los Angeles will enter the competition to be a model and whoever wins, they will be signing a contract with the best model agency," she explains. "And what are the rules to enter the competition?" He looked at me and smirked. Oh no, I think I know where this thing going. My palms start sweating "Well according to their rules, you have to be beautiful meaning your face have to be clean, pimple free and no bad skin,"

I shoot dean an alarmed look and he nodded. "Kyle look we don't-"

"A little birdie told me there's a student who will enter the competition," and the whole cafeteria instantly goes wild and I closed my eyes. Please, please, please not what I'm thinking.

"Who's the person?" Someone in the cafeteria asked, "Oh you'll be surprised even me." he chuckled lightly. "Kyle please i-" he cut me off "She's the person." my eyes widen. I was thinking after Kyle told them the cafeteria will go wild but this is the opposite of what I'm thinking. The cafeteria is really quiet even you could hear the wind blowing. "Yeah you heard me, she's going to that competition. Imagine her in that competition what will the judges think of? Do you guys think that she will be accepted?" And out of nowhere all of them laugh like really laugh, a heart full laugh.

"You're kidding me right she will enter the competition with that face?" A random student asked and he continues his laughing. "Tell me this is a joke?"

"Sorry man, this is your lucky day." Kyle laughs with them.

More and more students asked him, I couldn't take it anymore so I flew out of the cafeteria and head out of the school. I stand in the middle of the parking lot and didn't realize the tears are flowing down my cheeks.

I sat in the middle of the parking lot and cry. I cover my face with my hands, so they wouldn't see my ugly so-called face. Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong? When everything is going fine suddenly there's something unexpected came.

First the locker incident, second I bumped into him two days ago and knock him some sense when out of nowhere someone records it and posted it on Facebook. Last but not least this incident when he told everyone about me entering the competition. I haven't decided yet and he told everyone I will be entering the competition that's nuts!

What am I going to do now? The whole school knows about it and I bet there's someone record it. I can't take this anymore, I can't, I'm going to move to another school or maybe I'm thinking about homeschooling instead. Yes, that's great. I stop crying and wipe my tears with the back of my hands. I stood up and pull my phone from my pocket planning to call mom about homeschooling and probably tell them what had happened to me in the last three years.

Before I press the call button a hand rested on my shoulder and I flinched slightly. "Hey, hey it's okay. It's just me." I relaxed and looked up to Dean, the worry in his eyes is visible and I for once feel like there's someone who cares about me not faking it. I suddenly feel guilty that I'm planning to drop out of high school and continue homeschooling instead.

I sighed "I'm sorry I jus-" the tears in my eyes that have stopped are threatening to come out every time I remember that had occurred in the cafeteria.

I feel an arm wrapped around my shoulder and Dean assured me that everything is going to be fine but I just can't think that everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be much more worst starting tomorrow.

"Ssshhh... Stop crying you're going to be okay" I sniffle tears and rest my head on Dean's chest. "You wanna get out of here?" I nodded and he leads me to his black jeep. He opens the door for me and I got in the passenger seat. Pulling my seat belt on, dean got in the driver's seat and turn on the engine before he pulls out from the parking lot. I looked to Dean "Where's Kayla?"

He pulled out his phone and text Kayla and suddenly she appeared out of nowhere "I'm here sorry," she closed the door and Dean pulled out from the parking lot.

"Rose you okay?" I looked at her from the rear view mirror and force a smile "I'm okay now." but she didn't buy it instead she looks more worried. I stare at the window blankly but I could still feel their gazes towards me.

"Guys, I'm okay though."

"Girl, I've been friends with you since junior year so I know if you lied to me" even without looking at her I know she probably rolled her eyes.

"So what do you want me to do? Cry and said everything is not okay?" I said sarcastically.

"No, all we wanted is for you to tell us the truth. That's it, we all know that you're not okay."

"If you know then why asked" I snapped and Kayla lean back to the seat and sighed. I feel bad snapping at her. All she does is helping and I act like a bitch to her. She's always been a great best friend to me.

I turned to her "Look I-I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's just, it's been hard for me that's all and I know its not right to make it as an excuse. So I am sorry. Please forgive me?" She looked at me and her eyes soften. "It's fine, I should be the one who says sorry. I know you've been through a lot in high school and I shouldn't be asking you if you okay or not. You're not okay but I just want to make sure if you're okay that's all"

"I know, you have good intentions. Truce?" I lift my pinky and thumb. She smiled and sealed it "truce"

"Now if you guys are done with the sappy things, let's do the happy things now." we both laughed looking at Dean and I turned back to my seat "So where are we heading?" He glances at me "You guys remember to eat ice cream?" We looked at each other and grinned. Dean blast the radio with Ariana, Jessie J, and Nicki Minaj bang-bang.