Tomorrow's my rest day (Edited)

Rosella Jones

6 years later......

"Rose, let out your sexiness," the photographer said. I nodded and do what he said.

Now I'm currently in the studio having a shoot with VOGUE. It's been 5 hours and we're not finished yet.

"Take five everyone." finally. My manager came and tell me my schedule "okay so you have a shoot with Victoria's Secret after this and tomorrow you are free"

"Finally freedom," I said dramatically.

"Hmm... not yet though, the next day you'll have a shoot with Chanel."

"Ughh..." The make-up artist and hairstylist came up to me and retouch my make-up and hair. "Okay everyone, let's get back to work." we continue the shoot till we're finished.

After a whole day of shooting finally, I'm done for today. "Don't forget to rest cause you have a shoot the next day." I got out from the van "I will thank Jessie for the ride." she nodded and drove out.

I open the door and walked in only to find the house empty. I walked to the kitchen and see the chef is cooking dinner for us, so I walked back and headed to my room. I put my bag on the couch and dropped myself in my queen size bed that is so comfy.

I was about to sleep when my phone ring. I groaned and stand up to take my phone only to see Kayla is calling me. I press the green button and immediately been greet with the sound of loud music "What's up girl?" She said in an energetic tone.

"Nothing much," I sighed "You?"

"Well as you know I'm at this new club right now with my friends you should come."

"Nope, I'm good besides I'm tired anyway. aren't you tired?" I asked and she laughs "Me tired? Since when there's a party and I will get tired?" I chuckled she's right she's never getting tired when there's a party.

"You love to party."

"Damn straight girl. Now come on, you should come it will be fun." she pleaded.

"Sorry girl I'm tired. Next time I promise." I could feel her rolled her eyes even when I can't see her. "Ughh... Fine next time. I'll be waiting."

I chuckled "Sure, don't get too drunk." with that she hung up. What a crazy friend I have. I shake my head and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped myself and jump in the shower. The hot water eases my tense muscle and I immediately relaxed.

These last few years have been pretty amazing, exhausted, tough, and entertaining for me. After I got into the modeling industry there's a lot of challenges especially when my mom offered me a shoot in her clothing line. Some of the models there giving me an annoyed looked because I'm the daughter of Angela Jones and I could be the model anytime I want without even trying. While they work hard to be a model. Being chosen to model designer clothes is a great opportunity for them and will boost their career.

I felt embarrassed that I still need my mom's help so I decided to reject her offer and tell her that I wanna try this on my own. With my blood, sweat, and tears. A lot of people said, if your parents are famous, you can use their name to get what you want. But for me, it’s not challenging and quite pathetic. Cause you still depending on your parents other than yourself.

My mom didn't agree with me at first but after assuring her that I'm capable on my own and I don't need their help to pursue my dreams in a silver plater which is not fair, she finally understands and let me do this on my own without my parents nor my brothers help. I feel happy and thankful that she trusts me.

After that incident in the cafeteria when I was in high school, I became more and more determined to show them, to show the people who doubt me and make fun of me that I'm capable to reach my dreams.

The next day after The Person who humiliated me which I hate to say his name I've been the center of attention. Everywhere I go they always make fun of me and honestly it hurts me. I've been instantly famous because of my stupidness. Why did I have to put the brochure there? I always wonder why did I have to put it in there. But maybe this is the start of my career. So I could make my dreams more seriously and I could show them that I can do this.

Thankfully graduation is only 3 more months than bye-bye high school, I just have to bear with it. The good news is I've been chosen to be a valedictorian when I told my family they were happy for me and proud too. To be honest, I was scared because I have to make a speech and talk in front of thousands of people including the whole students that bully me but I can't take that as an excuse after seeing my parent's proud face I couldn't let them down.

So I ignored their stares and acted like I’m the only one in the room with my parents. It works, I didn't stutter a single word and I might say I'm proud of myself.

I applied to NYU Gallatin when I told my dad he was kinda upset because he said and I quote 'couldn't see my little princess anymore' but I make sure to visit him if I'm free. With a heavy heart he let me go and the best part is NYU Gallatin offer me a scholarship but I reject it and told them to give it to people who needed more than me because I can always pay and if I take it, I will sound selfish.

The other reason why I chose NYU of all other universities is, first is not far from Los Angeles, the second I could learn more about fashion even Karlie Kloss went there, third the opportunity to see that Jerk is 10% because I know he will apply near to his home. And no I'm not a stalker I just know because I have my source.

While Kayla applied to a modeling academy where she could learn more about modeling. How to walk like a model, how to put that fierce expression. After learning for about two or three years she got an offer to model with h&m at first and from there her career skyrocket and now she's with the elite model management. As for Dean, he got a scholarship into culinary school and after a year of learning, he enters master chef and won. I can’t believe he won and I'm so happy for him. He builds his very own five-star restaurant in LA and now he has five restaurants in LA and NYC.

While me, I start entering a beauty pageant. Sad to say it’s not working because I failed then I looked it up online there was a casting for a model so I applied and the next day I met them with the other models. There's an interview and the photographer asked us to pose like a model. When I was being interviewed one of them asked me if I'm the daughter of Michael Jones and of course I denied it and said there's a lot of Jones in this world and they easily bought it.

I can't imagine if I tell them that I'm the daughter of Michael Jones, I probably get accepted easily but I don't want to as long as I'm still capable of myself, I'll do it on my own.

After the meet-up did they said they will keep in touch with us. I wait for about one week. I was almost lost hope but suddenly when I was eating a bag of Cheetos I got an email from them that I have been accepted to become their model and they placing me in Next Model Management.

I remember I was still in university and it's kinda hard balancing your study and your career at the same time, but thankfully I manage.

When I graduate from university I start focusing on my career more, I got an offer to shoot for forever 21, pull and bear, and others. I also applied to New York Fashion Week and trust me there are a lot of castings and competitors too. When I first got there I looked around only to find a lot of beautiful women stood there waiting for their turn and I suddenly felt self-conscious. I mean look around you, you are being surrounded by a lot of beautiful people. What will you do if you're in my shoes? of course, being self-conscious.

But I tried to be confident and not let them intimidate me. True to my words I got accepted and this is my first time to walk in the runaway. Fast forward from there I got a call from IMG models they said they wanted me as a full-time model and of course I accepted when my contract is done with Next Model Management.

Little did I know after I move to my new agency IMG models, they talked to me and said, you could be Victoria's Secret model and I laugh when they said that but they were serious. They offer me if I wanted to be a VS model and of course I took it. Who doesn't want to be a VS model right?

They told me to wait and they will call me via my manager Jessie. After about three weeks my manager called me and told me that VS accepted me as their model. I was ecstatic and so happy. I'm grateful that I move to IMG because a good agency knows all of the model potentials.

And now here I am being one of the successful models in my 24 years old. To say the least, I'm proud of myself that I could reach my dream and If I can so can you. Just don't give up on yourself it may be hard at first but it will be worth it once you achieved it.

My mind drifted to the sound of knocking at my door. "Rose, dinner time!" I turn off the water "Be there in a sec!" I dry my body with a towel then wrapped it around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my walk-in closet to get dress.

I walked downstairs to the dining room to find my family has already seated while chatting. Probably about business. I walked to my seat next to my mom and sat down. As usual, we do our prayers then we eat.

Our dinner this time is steak with gravy sauce and mashed potato yum. As I'm about to dig in my dad decide to interrupt me "Rose, how's your day?" I cut the steak, eat it then swallow it "Good dad."

"So do you have a schedule tomorrow?" He asked while cutting his steak "Nope." I continue eating "So that's mean you're free?" I nodded.

"Okay, so it’s you who will be going to the event tomorrow." I choke eating the potato and grab the water beside me. "What?"

"You'll be going to the event tomorrow"

"But why me? Why not Lucas, Colton, or even Ryan?"

"Lucas has to go to Korea to meet our new investor, Colton has to go to New York and take care of our branches there, and Ryan and I will be attending a meeting with an old friend" he explains smoothly.

"How about mom?" I looked at her "Sorry sweetie I have to go pick up the new fabric that I order for my new collection." mom smiles and I rolled my eyes.

"But tomorrow is my rest day?" I whined like a kid but I don't care I need my rest.

"You're such a kid." my brother Ryan shoots me an annoying look.

"Shut up." I retorted back. I felt a sense of Deja vu.

"It's just a charity event, you'll just need to represent me." and there goes my rest. "Fine, what time?" I chomped my food feeling annoyed.

"Six sharp." my dad smile gratefully at me. "Thank you, dear, you're such an understanding daughter."

I rolled my eyes and I hear Ryan scoffed. I shot him a glare and mouthed "Asshole." to him. He only smirked in return.

What a great daughter I am.