So much for being cautious (Edited)

Rosella Jones

On our way back home, dad asked me a lot of questions. I don’t blame him especially when he heard what I said. I try to make up some excuses but fail miserably. So I told dad I will tell him everything but later cause I was feeling tired. He didn’t buy it at first but being the cheeky girl I am, I put on my tired face, and thank god he believes me.

As soon as we arrived home, I quickly dashed out and make my way to my room. I freshened up while thinking, how can I avoid that topic with dad. As much as I want him to know what Kyle had done to me, I don’t want dad relationship with the Landon strain. Just because of Kyle's childish behavior.

I sigh exasperatedly and decided to go to bed and sleep. I guess I have to try and make some excuses more.

I woke up at the sound of my alarm blaring. I press the off button to make it stop. Today, I decided to skip workouts cause I feel lazy. I don’t know what came up to me, I usually love morning workouts despite being woken up at 4 am. But today I don’t feel it. I even felt lazy to drag my butt to shower.

Maybe it was because of my encounter with Kyle yesterday. Or maybe it was because I’m trying to avoid dad hoping he wouldn’t ask me.

With a lazy sigh, I got up and stretch my limbs. I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower then get dress. I chose a white crop top shirt and pair it with a denim jacket, ripped denim jeans then light brown ankle boots with heels. I didn’t put much makeup only mascara and lipstick then decided to let my hair down.

I had called Kayla to meet me at Starbucks so I wouldn’t stay in the house for a whole day.

After I’m done getting ready, I grab my mini red shoulder bag then put all my necessities there. I head out from my room and cautiously seeing my surroundings. Slowly, I make my way downstairs and quickly walked to the front door. I sigh in relief when I made it to the front door without any interruption but soon my sigh go to waste when I heard a cough sound behind me.

I closed my eyes and knew who the person is. I turned around and find my dad crossing his arms while tapping his foot.

"Going somewhere?" I cursed under my breath. So much for being cautious.

"Dad, are you supposed to be in the office?" I gave him a nervous smile.

"I took a day off and I think now it’s the right time to talk. No running away and no excuses." Dad said sternly. I sigh and nodded my head. Last night, I managed to avoid dad by not having dinner. I make up an excuse saying I’m still sleepy and tired. Now I don’t have any other choice.

I follow him to the living room and sat across from him. I avoided eye contact but when I heard dad cleared his throat, I looked in his direction. Dad is giving me a look that says explain.

"What do you want to know dad?"

"Everything." I sighed. Here goes nothing.

"Kyle used to bullied me when I was in high school." I looked down at my hand.

"For how long?" I hesitate before answering "Since freshman."

"Why didn’t you tell me?" I bit my lip and feel the tears are threatening to fall. I blink my eyes rapidly to prevent the tears from streaming down my face.

"I don’t want to draw attention." I heard my dad sighed. "What else he did to you? Did he ever make you cry?" I didn’t answer dad, I just kept quiet. But dad takes my silence as a yes. "I will kill him!" dad's voice boomed and I looked up with eyes widen.

This is the reason why I don’t want dad to know. He will go ballistic. I know dad will do anything for me because he loves me so much and me being the only daughter.

"Dad! No, it was in the past and maybe they were childish that time."

Dad looked in my direction "They?" oh shit! "I-I uh-" I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously.

"What do you mean that? They all bullied you? The whole school bullied you?" I closed my eyes and took a breath. How can I slip? Telling dad about Kyle was enough to see his furious face and now me accidentally slipping up? I don’t know how will dad react.

Opening my eyes, I decided to tell him everything from the top. Dad listened to my story intently but I know dad was trying to control his anger. After I’m done telling him everything and calm him down, dad only sighed and asked me ‘have I forgive him?’ I shook my head and told him I can’t still forget the incident in the cafeteria.

I think that incident will forever be imprinted in my mind.

"Dad will this thing that Kyle did to me will strain your relationship with the Landon?" dad smiled softly at me.

"Of course not honey. The problem is with Kyle, not his parents." I sighed in relief when he said that. "I know the reason why you didn’t tell me because you don’t want to strain my relationship with the Landon right?" I nodded my head. "I won’t but I can’t say the same to Kyle." I knew that.

Dad stood up "But now you and Kyle have to settle everything that had happened in the past as a grown-up. Don’t try and avoid it cause it won’t get you anywhere."

Standing up, I walked to my dad and hugged him. he kissed my forehead then walked away. I sighed and check the time on my wristwatch. My eyes widen, Kayla!

I ran out to the garage and took the Aston Martin key then drove out from the mansion. After 10 minutes of drive and thank god there isn’t any traffic, I arrived at Starbucks and quickly head inside. I decided to order an ice americano and a croissant. When my order is done, I searched the room and my eyes landed on the girl sitting at the very back. I walked to her and smile nervously. Hope she won’t kill me for coming late.

Her head snapped in my direction and glared at me. I haven’t even reached the table yet and she knows that I’m here. I sat down across from her. Before I could even utter a word she cuts me off.

"Rosella! Where the hell have you been? I have been waiting for you for about 30 minutes and you haven’t yet come."

"Sorry kay, there’s something unexpected happened." I sighed and looked down. "You okay?" looking up to Kayla and saw her worried eyes. The thing about Kayla is she knows when she should be angry. I appreciate that.

"What happened?" I told her everything that had happened. From my second encounter with Kyle till when my dad knows about the bullies. She assured me that everything will be fine and said that it's time for my dad to knows. She then said she agrees with what my dad said about settling this thing between me and Kyle.

That’s the thing that I’m thinking about. How will Kyle and I settle this? And I for sure as hell won’t be the one apologizing to him.