So why do you care? (Edited)

Rosella Jones

"Great rose, nice. Okay, we're done for today. Good work Rose." Eddie the photographer said and I high-five him.

I change my outfit and walked out of the studio. I was having a photoshoot with Estee lauder today and it didn't take long only 2,5 hours then we're done.

I got into my car and drive back home. My phone rings and I connect it with my Bluetooth earphone.


"Rose, let's hang out I miss you," Kayla said and I chuckled "Hello to you too, and I thought we already meet 2 days ago?" I could feel her rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on, we were talking not hanging out. So what do you say?" She asked excitedly.

I chuckled "Sure, meet me at my house?" She agreed and we bid our goodbyes.

Arriving at my house, I could see Kayla's car it means she's here. I walked into the house and headed to my room. I saw Kayla laying down on my queen size bed while playing on her phone.

"You are fast," I dropped my bag to the couch and plopped myself on my bed.

"So where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to this new club, it's opening right now," she suggests and I plopped my elbow. I looked at her "Aren't you tired of going to the club?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I just want to find a guy to date, that's all." I rolled my eyes "Just use that dating site." she looked at me in disbelief "Oh hell no, last time my friend used that, she got a guy who is older 20 years than her."

I laugh loudly "That's ridiculous."

"Well, she told me the guy didn't use his real picture so she got fooled by him." I shake my head still laughing.

All of a sudden I stay silent. Kayla notice my silence and looked up arching his eyebrow "Let me guess still thinking about Kyle?" I sat up and shook my head vigorously. "No! Where did you get that idea from?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don’t lie to me, I can obviously see it in your face." I sighed. She knows everything about me so why bother lying.

"I just can’t forget my conversation with dad and I can’t still believe that I met him at that event," I said exasperatedly.

"So what if you met him in that event? You will soon meet him again sooner or later. But I can’t still believe from hundreds of people in that event you have to bump into him. how come? I think it’s your fate to finally see him, after all, this year." she chuckled.

I groaned "I don't know, ask him" I point my finger upwards and she rolled her eyes.

"But he looks different you know, his face, his body. It's more.."

"Hot," Kayla cut me off. My eyes widen "What, no!"

"All of the girls said that." I looked at her "what do you mean all girls?" I scrunched my eyebrow.

"You don't know?" I shook my head. She takes her phone and searches for something "what are you doing?" She handed her phone to me and gestured for me to see it. I looked at the phone and start reading.

Kyle Landon.

The son of James Landon and Patricia Landon. As we all know Techno Trends corporation is created by Jeremy Landon known as James Landon's father and Kyle's grandfather.

Over the past few years, Techno Trends always be America's number 1 favorite technology. They invented a lot of technology that is needed in our life. Every inch of your house is filled with techno trends.

In 2017, Kyle Landon took over the company after he graduated from Stanford University. Believe it or not, since Kyle lead the company, their company sales increase and they are now the number 1 best technology in America.

Aside from that Kyle Landon is the youngest billionaire at his age. His net worth approximately $400 million.

My eyes widen seeing the number. He's that rich in his 25 years old. I scrolled and continue reading.

For his past relationship, Kyle is known as a playboy. He has girls all over him. He ever dated, Kendall Jenner, Kelsey Merritt, Lorena Rae, Jasmine Tookes.

The list hasn't stopped there.

I scan the list of girls he dated and most of it is a model. I click a picture of him. He indeed grew into a more handsome person. I don't know why I just couldn't take my eyes from the picture.

With a sigh, I hand back Kayla's phone "So, what do you think?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Give me a minute," I can't say a word, my brain is still absorbing all the information.

"Okay, so he's the CEO of techno trends." she nodded. "How come I just know? Even though our fathers are friends I still didn’t know that Kyle’s family owns Techno trends." I frowned. Every inch of our house almost field with that technology even my walk-in closet used that technology and for my 24 years of existence, I just knew.

"You’re so living under a rock." I rolled my eyes. “The conclusion is every woman worshiped him. They are dying to get his attention."

"But does he ever have a real relationship?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged "No one knows." I sighed and lay down hugging my pillow. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to sleep." she pulls my pillow harshly "What?" I looked at her.

"Come on let's go get ready."

"For what?" She rolled her eyes "To the club of course," she said in a 'duh' tone.

"But I'm tired," I whined.

"No, it's been a while we hang out. Especially when you're a famous model."

"One what does that have to do with this? And two we just hang out 2 days ago?"

"First you have a busy schedule and second we only talked about your Kyle." I glared at her. "He is not my kyle." she crosses her arms while tapping her foot impatiently.

"Fine let's go," she clapped her hands excitedly "Now you go take a shower, I will choose the dress for you." I nodded my head and headed to the bathroom. I do a quick shower and wrapped myself in a bathrobe.

I head out from the bathroom and Kayla immediately told me to sit down in front of my vanity table. She picks a brush and starts doing my makeup. After 30 minutes she's done with the makeup and hand me the dress she chose. It's a strapless black mini dress with a diamond sequin at the front and a long tassel that covers the black dress. "Isn't it too fancy?" I gestured to the dress.

"Of course not, the club we're going to is not a usual club, so you have to dress fancy." I walked into the bathroom to get changed. the dress fit me perfectly I didn't even realize I have this dress till Kayla show it to me.

I check myself in the mirror and a little bit shocked to see my makeup. Kayla decided to go with a bold look and it goes well with the dress. I walked back to my room to see Kayla apply makeup. Once she saw me through the mirror she gasped and turned around.

"Oh my god, you look beautiful!!" She squeals and I laugh seeing her reaction. "You look beautiful too!" She wore a black short dress with a cut out under the chess through the back and she pairs it with black and gold suede strap heels.

"Gosh, you look hot!!" She blushed "Okay, now we're done complementing each other. It's time for you to finish your looks." heading to my walk-in closet and choose white strap heels with a black clutch.

I walked back to my room and took my long earrings and decide to let my hair down. Once we both finish we headed downstairs.

"Woah, where are you girls going?" Ryan shows up and looks at our dress "To the club of course." Kayla said. I could see Ryan checking her out. I don't blame him Kayla does look hot but please not in front of me.

I rolled my eyes "You're done checking her out?" I cross my arms in front of my chest. "Me checking her out? Yeah right, she's not my type." Kayla scoffed "Well you're not my type either." with that she walked out of the house leaving me with my stupid brother.

"Seriously Ryan?" I leave him alone before he can respond and joined Kayla outside.

"Hey, you okay?" she nodded "Yeah, I'm fine," she said bitterly. I think something is going on between them. I shrugged off the thoughts and decide to ask her when she's okay. We got in the car and mark drive us to our destination, we catch up with each other and talk about a lot of things.

When we arrived at the club, Kayla gestured me to follow her, she shows her ID and I do the same. They let us in then Kayla lead me to the bar. We order some shots and just have fun.

"Okay, so what's with you and Ryan?" I asked while sipping my cocktail. She shakes her head "Nothing." I looked at her suspiciously but nods my head. Guess she's not ready to tell me.

She orders us a shot again and we cheer. "To us." we drink it and she leads me to the dance floor. Usually, I don't dance but I think the alcohol starts kicking me.

We both just dance carelessly and laugh like we both are crazy. When the song change to physical by Dualipa, which is my favorite song. I continue dancing and sway my hips.

A cute blonde guy went to me and smirked.

"Hey beautiful, what's your name?" I looked at him and smirked. I circle my arms around him and start leaning to his face "What's your name handsome?" I whispered sexily to his ear. He looked at me smirking.

I run my hands to his chest and dance sexily, now definitely the alcohol start takes over me. He put his hands on my waist and start leaning his face to mine, I'm about to close the gap when suddenly my body was being pulled.

I turned to the person who pulled me and was shocked to see the annoying Kyle who pulled me. He stood there and shot that poor boy a glare. I left him and went to the bar to get another drink but he took my drink and drank it.

"What the hell?!" I turned to him and glare.

"You have enough of those," he said. I scoffed "Who are you telling me?" I'm about to leave him and go back to the dance floor but he grabbed my arm "Where are you going?" I ignored him and try to let my arm out from his grip.

He dragged me outside from the club and I looked at him in disbelief "Let me go!! What are you doing?!" He stops and glares at me hard "Are you crazy! Do you know how many guys in there that undressed you with their eyes?!" He burst and I pull my arm "So, why do you care? Is not the first time anyway." I crossed my arms feeling annoyed by his attitude.

He looked at me darkly and he dragged me to his car. He opens the passenger door and tries to shove me in "hey!! What are you doing?!" I panicked.

"Taking you home," he said coldly "I can't leave Kayla alone!" I turned to him "I will send my man to take her home." he starts shoving me again "Wait!" My brain formed a plan to lure him so he could let me go.

"I forgot my purse," I said and a smirk formed on my lips. "Could you let me go for a while? It won't take long," I whispered seductively and start to trail my fingers to his arm his eyes darken but suddenly he smirked "Nice trick, but I'm not stupid." my smirks immediately turn to a scowl.

He harshly pushed me in and lock the door. He got in and start driving to god knows where.

"Here," he throws me my purse and I rolled my eyes. All of a sudden I feel tired, maybe because I don't have enough rest. Leaning my head to the window and sigh.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Kyle looking at me. I wonder what's in his mind. Before I drift off to sleep.