Mark my words (Edited)

Rosella Jones

The bright sun that is penetrating through the window wakes me up. I looked around, confused as to where I am. I remove the comforter and relief to see my clothes are still attached to me.

I slowly got out of bed and walked through the door. I went downstairs only to find a vacant living room. Where am I? I racked my brain trying to replay last night's event.

Kayla brought me to a club, we both drink and have some fun together then we went dancing. I flirt with a cute guy when suddenly...

My eyes widen remembering who's the last person I saw, Kyle. He was the last person I saw and he was the one who showed me to his car last night.

That means I'm in Kyle's place. Shit!

It doesn’t need a genius to solve this.

The front door opens revealing the devil himself with an Armani suit and those Italian shoes, don't forget the Rolex too. He looked at me from up and down then smirked.

"How was your sleep?" He walked to me and I decide to ignore his question "Where am I?"

"You are in my penthouse." he shoves his hands in his pocket.

"What?! Why did you bring me to your place?"

"Because you were asleep."

"You could have taken me home instead of bringing me here." I can't help but be mad at him. I mean what was he thinking bringing me to his place? I don't even know him. What if the paparazzi caught us? We will be the hot topic for a few weeks or maybe months.

"I don't know where you lived."

"You could call my parents or my brother."

"Are you crazy! You want me to call your parents while you’re looking like that? You should be grateful that I bring you here or else you will be sleeping in the street." he said coldly.

I scoffed "Grateful? I was fine last night but you being an annoying jerk decided to butt in with my business."

"You-" I cut him off "what time is it?" He looked at me in disbelief but check his watch "1:30."

My eyes widen, Oh shit! I'm late.

"How long did I asleep?"

"Long enough for me to went to work and head back here," he said casually.


I run up the stairs, heading to the room that I occupied. I walked into the bathroom and jump in the shower. Doing a quick shower, I dry my body with a spare towel and walked to the sink to brush my teeth with a spare toothbrush.

Walking out from the bathroom only with a towel and just in time for Kyle to enter the room. He looked at me from up and down completely checking me out but I try to ignore his stare since I'm running late.

"Can I borrow your clothes?" I asked him and he raised his eyebrow.

Honestly, I don't like borrowing his clothes but I don't have any other choice, no way I'm using that dress again it smells bad.

"I don't know;" he pretends to think and slowly walked closer to me. Every time he takes a step closer my heartbeat crazily.

"W-what do you mean?" He stood in front of me and I clutch the towel tightly with my palms scare it will fall.

"What will I get if I give you my clothes?" He smirked.

He sure enjoying me squirm, what an asshole.

I glared at him "fine, then if you don't want to lend me your clothes, I will walk out wearing this," I pointed to my towel and start walking out the room but he grabbed my wrist and look at me in disbelief.

"Fine, I give you my clothes!" I try to hold back my laughter and turned to him smirking. He takes a remote the same one that I have back home and presses it.

It revealed a lot of clothes and I realized this is his room. I walked to the walk-in closet to find something to wear.

I took his white shirt and turned around to face the wall then I dropped my towel. I heard him intake a sharp breath. I look in the mirror and see the shirt ended a little below my thigh. Walking out of the closet I wear my heels and grab my purse.

Taking out my phone I saw a few missed calls, 20 from Jessie, 16 from Kayla, 4 from Lucas, I frowned how did Lucas know I'm not home, 3 from Colton, and 1 from Ryan. I rolled my eyes at that one.

I turned to him and found him already looking at me "Okay, thanks for the clothes."

I walked out of his room "Wait!" But stop in my track when he called. "You're going out like that?" He furrowed his eyebrow.

"Yeah," I looked at him confused. "Are you crazy!" He seems to say that more often "Think how many guys will check you out. At least wear something decent."

I rolled my eyes "This is decent, even Ariana grande wear this."

"That's different she's short so it looks like she wears a dress, while you're tall and it barely covers your ass."

"So what do you want me to wear? A winter outfit?" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes "I don't have time for this I'm running I'm late." I walked downstairs "I'm taking you home." he walked ahead of me.

"Why the sudden care?" I asked him, his hands rested on the doorknob.

"You never care for me before so why now? Because I'm different because I'm a model and don't have pimple anymore?" He turned around and look at me straight in the eye.

"You still have a grudge on that?"

"Of course I am! Who doesn't? You and Jessica bully me for 4 years and don't think I forgot what had occurred in the cafeteria. You humiliate me, for the last 3 months everyone in the school makes fun of me. Everywhere I go. Do you think it's nice when people laughing at you?" I hold the tears that were threatening to fall.

I walked to him and I saw that he actually feel guilty for what he's done. "I was a kid and act immature, I don't know which wrong or right" I laugh coldly "You're 18 and you said you're still a kid? that's funny."

Walking past him I open the door "I'm sorry, okay?" he doesn't sound sincere at all "Sorry doesn't fix anything." with that I leave him and went to the elevator.

I walked out of the hotel and saw a few guys checking me out but I ignored them and hail a cab. I got in and tell the address to the driver. I lean my head to the window and sighed.

Why from all those years I have met him now? Why is he being nice to me? And why did he act differently?

Isn't it obvious because you're a model now and you look different, my subconscious said.

That's just stupid because I look different, now he's being nice to me?

Starting from now I won't ever talk or see him again. Mark my words.