What the hell was that?! (Edited)

Rosella Jones

"Thank you so much for attending this event, have a good night." the event has come to an end, and it's time for us to head back home. Before I walked out I excuse myself to Jessie to go to the bathroom cause my bladder is full.

I walked into the bathroom and start doing my business, I wash my hands then head out. I jump slightly when I saw a figure leaning to the wall.

"Why do you always do that?" Clearly getting annoyed by his sudden appearance.

"Do what?" He raised his eyebrow "Show up out of nowhere!"

He shrugged "So can we talk?" I looked at him "You're serious about that? I thought you were joking." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm serious." I looked into his eyes only to find that he truly is serious about this. "Fine, 3 minutes."

He took a deep breath "I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did this morning. You just annoyed me." how can he feels annoyed when I'm the one who got annoyed by him.

"You're done?" I looked at him blankly. "And I wanted to apologize for what I did back in high school. I know I was a jerk, dumbass, jackass, for doing those terrible things to you. I treated you badly, I'm sorry." from the way he talks he really feels sorry. I thought he won't apologize to me but I was wrong, guess he feels guilty.

I'm actually contemplated not to forgive him that easily. I know everyone said you should forgive and forget, but this thing can't be forgotten easily and been forgiven with a snap of a finger. He bullied me and prank me. It leaves quite the memory that can't be forgotten.

He doesn't experience what I've been through, so he doesn't know how it feels when someone looked at you disgusted, when you walked near them they walked away, or when they laughed when you do the tiniest smallest mistakes. He doesn't know how it feels.

"I-I.." I hesitated.

"I know you can't forgive me that easily but-" before he finishes the sentence I pushed him to the nearest janitor closet and clamped his mouth.

"Yes! You're right, did you see Kyle Landon he is so handsome! I wish I could date him." she says excitedly.

"Everyone wants to date him. He looks like a Greek god." the other girl said.

"He is a Greek god." she giggles.

What the heck?!

They're talking about how hot Kyle is when the real Kyle is only a few meters away from them. I feel my palm wet and my eyes widen when I realized he licks my palm. I quickly remove my hands from his mouth.

"Why did you do that for?!" I yelled in a whisper.

"I can't breathe and why did you push me inside?" he said.

"So they wouldn't see us," I said in a duh-tone and wipe my palm in his suit.

"Why did you do that for?!" He glares at me "Cause your saliva is still attached to my skin." I hissed at him.

"This is my favorite suit!" I rolled my eyes "Yeah, like the one you said back then." he looked confused for a moment but soon realized what I meant. We stare at each other eyes for quite a long but suddenly I feel aware of his hands that are in my bare waist.

His touch burns my skin and his eyes slowly drifting down to my lips. He slowly leans his head to mine and he does the unthinkable thing.

He kissed me!

I froze at first because the person who bullied me is kissing the once ugly nerd but I slowly kissed him back. The fireworks erupted in my stomach like there's a parade happening. He pulled me closer till there's no gap between us. I can't stop kissing him something about his scent made me drowned in it.

When I realize what I'm doing I pushed him and take a step back creating a gap between us. My eyes widen and I bet my cheeks are red like a tomato. Thank god it's dark so he can't see me blushing.

"What the hell was that?!" He shrugged "It's a kiss," he said casually like he didn't do anything wrong.

"That's the problem you kissed me!" I hissed and glared at him.

"You kissed me back," yeah and I was stupid for doing that.

"Did I?" I act dumb. He smirked "Don't act dumb, we both know you kissed me back."

"Really? Maybe I don't realize it because your kiss it's too sloppy." what kind of excuses is that! His kiss's too sloppy so that I didn't realize I kissed him back? Stupid brain.

He steps forward and smirks evilly "My kiss is too sloppy?"

"Y-yeah, your a-a bad k-kisser" why did I stutter? I sound like a kid that doesn't know how to speak!

He took a step forward till we're only inches apart and somehow I feel like the room is getting smaller. "You're a bad liar. Want me to prove you one more time?" He starts leaning closer and closer...

It's a hunnid degrees

Why you feelin' down? What's the problem?

I frowned, rich brian? Seriously? blasted through his phone, since I don't bring my phone.

We just here to be free

It don't feel like this often

Bumpin' to the radio wit-

He took his phone out and answer it "What?" he snapped at the person who is on the phone with him. Rude much?

"I can't, how bout tomorrow?" While he's talking I plan to sneak out from this damn janitor's room. I slowly back away and open the door quietly without making any sound.

Phew... Finally, I could see a light.

I walked out hurriedly but it seems he notices my presence is gone. He grabbed my wrist and I feel the electric pull between us "Where are you going? Were not done yet," he frowned.

"Of course we're done." I pull my hand away.

"You haven't answered my question?" I raised my eyebrow "What question?"

"Will you forgive me?"

"Why should I forgive you? You humiliate me remember?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"I know, I said I'm sorry."

I looked at him straight in the eye "You said that because I changed right? What if I'm still the ugly nerd that has pimples around her face and bad skin? You wouldn't even be here heck you wouldn't even look at me." I said coldly.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm still young and stupid. I'll do anything to have your forgiveness? I'm really sorry." he pleaded and this is the first time that I actually see Kyle begged for forgiveness.

Am I too harsh on him? I thought for a while, Nah, it will give him a lesson to not bully a person based on their look. Cause he never knows that person will change and surprise him.

"You'll do anything?" I raised my eyebrow and he nodded.

"I'll forgive you if you don't show up in front of my face ever again." With that, I leave him standing and I make my way to Jessie.

"Rose! Where the hell have you been?!" Jessie burst angrily. I mean I don't blame her I left her quite long but right now I'm not in the mood to explain everything to Jessie.

"There are a lot of people," I said shortly and she looked at me with a question in her eyes but she decides to not ask me. Which I'm grateful for it.

We walked out from the event and at the same time, I saw Kyle are walking out from the place we talked about before. He spotted me and looked at me intensely whereas I looking at him with coldness in my eyes.

I averted my eyes and walked out towards the car. The bodyguard opens the door for me and I got in. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath then let it out.

Tonight was indeed a long night.