I hate you (Edited)

Kyle Landon

Rosella Jones

That name kept lingering in my head. I can't stop thinking about her, every time I closed my eyes her face keeps appearing. Her beautiful eyes, her white skin, and her soft pink lips.

Yesterday at the event I had no idea that I will see her again, all I know is I've been invited by them and when I saw her, I was mesmerized by her beauty. She looks so beautiful in that two-pieces dress that shows her tone stomach.

She walked in the other direction when suddenly she stumbles at her own dress, good thing I'm not that far so I quickly catch her before she falls down. She opens her eyes and again I'm drowning in it. She looked shocked to find me in that event especially when we just see each other a few hours ago.

From the look in her eyes, I could tell she hated seeing me, well I don't blame her she probably still has a grudge against me since were in high school. So that's why I try to apologize to her and asked for her forgiveness.

But it seems she's not going to forgive me soon and I need a new plan.

Because of that kiss we share last night, it was more like I kissed her. I can't stop thinking about it, is like there's a magnet that pulling me to her, that's why I kissed her. I could still feel her soft lips in mine and when she kisses me back I feel like a child opening Christmas presents.

Sadly, everything must come to an end. She realized what we're doing and she pushed me creating a gap between us. I was disappointed, of course, I want to kiss her again feel her in my arms but I can't do that.

Not when she still hates me. And now I'm determined to ask for her forgiveness. I know what I did back then was probably unacceptable, I didn't know she will grow up into a beautiful person.

One thing that I learn from my past is never to judge a person based on their appearance because one day that person might surprise you and you will regret what you did. Like me as an example, I regret what I did.

"Sir, what do you think of the project?" I looked around only to find 6 pairs of eyes are on me.

I cleared my throat "I think it's a good idea, just do your best everyone" they looked at me confused but nodded. I walked out from the meeting room to my office.

I sat in my chair and sigh deeply. I can't believe my mind is not on the meeting, I usually always focus on my work because work is my first priority after family of course. But thinking about her makes me forget about work.

My office door slung open and I looked up only to find my annoying best friend "can you at least knock?" I said feeling annoyed by his sudden appearance.

He chuckled "What's wrong with you?" He raised his eyebrow and plopped at the couch.

"Nothing," I continue to type some important files "Girl problems?" he knows me so well "No." he smirked knowingly "Alright, if you say so"

"Do you know this model, she's very beautiful, her body is just to die for. I really want to date her. What do you think?" I looked up to him "who's the model?" He got up and show me the picture on his phone.

I don't know why but my blood boil when I saw a picture of her wearing lingerie in that shoot. "Why the hell do you have her picture?!" I burst out angrily. His eyes widen seeing me burst out "Woah, calm down man. You're acting weird."

I closed my eyes and take a deep breath. Why do I feel jealous all of a sudden? It's not like she's mine. I open my eyes and try to calm myself down "sorry, I thought it was Valencia" he looked at me suspiciously but nodded anyway.

"Yeah, I know her. She's the girl I met when my dad asked me to have lunch with him." he grinned.

"Really? That's cool man! It means you could help me get her phone number or you could introduce us."

What?! Introduce her to him? Why would I do that?

"She has a boyfriend." boyfriend? Really?

His face falls "Such a shame. What a lucky person he is."

I decided to ignore that "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you are busy opening clubs."

"Yeah, I am but for the meanwhile, I'm going to focus my new club here in LA. And it's been a while we hang out."

"Geez... You're such a girl." he rolled his eyes and chuckled "What do you say?"

"Sure, let's go," I got up and took my phone. "The usual?" He nodded and we head out of the office. We got in the elevator and there's one of my employees looked down feeling intimidated by me.

But as usual, jack starting to flirt with her. Let me tell you jack here is a playboy too but much worst than me. I remember when we were in college, he ever dated 2 girls in one day. Dated as in banging them. When one of the girls showed up in front of his dorm bringing some food, jack looked confused cause he never remembers her name heck he doesn't remember all of it. So he does the stupidest thing, he takes the food and slams the door in her face.

I know stupid right. But he is what he is.

The girl started to giggle and at the same time the elevator door open. I pulled his arm and dragged him out. "Hey, hey, I was talking to her."

I scoffed "Talking? more like you want to seduce her and take her to bed." he rolled his eyes and he got in his Audi RS5 where I got in my BMW 8 series coupe.

Jack leads the way and I follow him. An evil idea came to my mind and I decided to drive at a high speed. He quickly got my note and we both start driving crazily. Don't try to drive at a high speed if you’re not a pro is dangerous. I swerve through the car and turn the stirring wheel to the left because there's a truck in front of me. I looked to my review mirror and saw he's catching up, I smirked and decided to block his lane. He honks his car and I know he's mad.

A few cars honk at us and I chuckled, it's been a while I feel the adrenaline. We finally arrived and I beat Jack. I got out of my car and so is he. A grin makes its way to my face "Fuck! You cheating! You blocked my lane." I laughed "No I didn't if you have a skill you can easily beat me. But you don't so it means you pay lunch" he rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah."

We entered the restaurant and Jack order us a table, the waitress nodded and lead us to our table. The waitress gave us a menu and I know that she's trying to flirt with me. From the way, she batting her eyelashes at me. Desperate much?

"I'll have a ravioli with Pomodoro sauce," I said without giving a glance.

"And I have medium-rare steak with some red wine. You?" Jack asked "Same."

"Make it two wines then," she write down our order and leave. Once she's out of sight Jack leans forward.

"Did you see how she's trying to get your attention?" Here we go again "Yeah, I know and it bothered me."

He scoffed "Wow, this is the first time I hear you say a girl trying to flirt with you and it bothers you," he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes "Do you not see how much she use makeup and her lips it's so big," I shiver. when I entered the restaurant the first thing I saw is how big her lips are.

Jack laughed "I thought you never notice, I wonder how many injections she uses for her lips?" I chuckled.

At the same time, our food came and we dig in. We talked about a lot of things starting with business, girls, car, family than business again. You never got bored if you're talking with him cause he always adds a little humor in every conversation.

He excuses himself to head to the bathroom and I kill some time by playing NBA live on my phone. I checked my watch, it's been 15 minutes and he hasn't come back. What is he doing taking a shit? so I decided to find him.

I walked to the bathroom but stopped when I saw Jack sitting with a girl in a bar.

"Jack, what the hell man?! I was waiting for you." he turned to me shocked seeing me standing there.

"Oh yeah, sorry man. I just have to talk to her." he smiled looking at the girl and I turned to look at her and she did the same. My eyes widen when I saw the girl he meant is HER.

Rosella Jones.

"You?!" We both said at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her "Well I'm having lunch, what are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" She said with wide eyes "what?! Why the hell should I stalk you?"

"Cause every time I go somewhere I always met you. Is quite odd isn't it?" She said coldly.

I rolled my eyes "As long as we live in Los Angeles, there's a high possibility we will meet each other. At least today you didn't bump into me." I smirked and she glared at me.

"Oh come on, I'm just joking," I said "I hate you," she said while still glaring at me "No you don't, you kissed me yesterday." her eyes widen "N-no I d-don't." she blushed and look away. She looks cute when she blushed.

Jack coughed awkwardly and we both turned to him "I think I'm gonna leave." Rose said, "I'll call you later." Jack said.

What?! Does he have her phone number?

"Okay, call me. I'm single," she emphasized the word single while looking at me. Jack probably has asked her if she's taken or not. She gave us a fake smile and leave the restaurant.

"You kissed her?" Jack looked at me questioningly.

I shoved my hands in my pocket and looked at him "You have her number?" I said coldly to him.

How can she give away her phone number that easily?

"You okay man?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Why am I not okay?" I said sarcastically "Cause you're ready to kill me with your eyes." I didn't notice.

I turned around and leave the restaurant. Getting in my car and drive away to help me clear my mind. Sorry Jack, I left you.

Now I have to think of a plan to make her forgive me.