He deceives me

Rosella Jones

It has been 3 days of me contemplating the decision that I have to make. I have been rejected Daniel and Kyle's phone called. It’s not like I intentionally do it but I just need to so I could think clearly without any distraction.

Mom said follow your heart but I don’t even know what my heart wants. I’m still confused but I have to make my choice.

"So... have you made your choice?" Kayla asked me through the phone.

"I have."

"Really? Who is it? Tell me!" she said excitedly. I swear Kayla gets excited about everything.

"I rather not."

"Why?!" she whined like a child. I rolled my eyes. "Cause my grandma said, if you tell people your plan, they wouldn’t go well." I could practically feel her rolled her eyes. "Geez... I didn’t know you believe in superstition."

"I don’t but that is what she said. Anyways, how about you? Have you find a guy for yourself?" she sighed. "Nope, I haven’t."