Wrong timing

Jack Wilson

Driving my car to my best friend building, I parked my Ferrari at my usual spot but my spot has been used. I raised my eyebrow as I see the Audi R8 that parked in my usual spot. So, I parked my Ferrari behind it.

Stepping out of the car, I looked at the car curiously. Whose car is that? Does Kyle expecting have a guest? Shrugging my thoughts, I went inside while whistling.

As usual, all the women who walked past me started to whisper in a hushed tone and some of them are giggling. Of course, they couldn’t resist my charms. I winked at one of them and they squealed with their friends. As I make my way to the lift, I saw a girl coming out from the lift with her head bent down. I scrunched my eyebrow seeing her walking like that.

I stopped in my track as she walked past me. I could see a glimpse of her side face. She looks familiar, but who? I scanned her and notice a familiar handbag in her hand.

No, it can’t be her.

If it’s her, why is she crying then?