12. Catching The Stray Cat Part II

"General, there's nothing wrong with your body. It's just that you had a lack of sleep and intense tension due to stress. It's better if you take a rest and relax your mind. I have a prescription that could ease your tension inside, you only need to follow the instructions written on the paper."

Jiang Hua took a piece of paper with the set of instructions written inside and handed it to Delun.

"Then, I'll follow the doctor's instruction. Thank you." Delun then folded the paper and placed it on the desk. Just as he looked at the doctor, Feng Delun had a question mark above his head as he saw the doctor looked giddy, moving his sight from an unknown direction as if he was looking for someone. Feng Delun cleared his throat. Jiang Hua noticed the General's puzzleheadedness and laughed dryly.

"General, may I ask? I haven't seen Min Zhe around?" Jiang Hua pondered why he couldn't find Min Zhe in the manor. He was on a duty for a dew days in the General's household so he thought that Min Zhe could explain what is the meaning behind his letter.

After Cheung Chao explained it to him, he was getting really impatient and worried about Li Jie's behalf. Somehow, he was alarmed about Min Zhe's letter indicating that Li Jie aroused some of the people's mind of abducting him.

After Feng Delun heard Jiang Hua's question, he raised a brow and looked at him. Jiang Hua was still raising his neck that looked like a squinting giraffe. The General thought why he was looking for Min Zhe, but he quickly gained his thoughts while looking at Jiang Hua's familiar face, he actually resembled Min Zhe.

'So, is this Min Zhe's brother too? If that's the case, then he was also that concubine's brother?'

"He's currently outside the Capital. He had a mission there. If you have something to say to him, he'll return in two days." The General maintained his cold and aloof face. He then smiled inside his thoughts.

'What a small world.'

"I see. Then, this doctor shall take his leave." Jiang Hua said. He then clenched his fist and lifted his elbows in an angled position. He bowed to the General with respect and bid his farewell. The General nodded his head and did the same.

"Then, have a safe journey."

Jiang Hua walked out of the General's office and met one of the servants who handed him the fees. He then thanked the servant then proceeds to go out of the manor. And then he was about to get his brother back. However, as he looked around, he could not find his brother at the manor.

'This fox! Where did he go now?! There's no single time when he doesn't make me worry!'

He rushed to the Guard who was patrolling on the manor's hallway. He looked at the guard who seemed dazed and out of his world, he ran towards the guard and tapped the guard's back.

"Excuse me, have you seen a young man with an eye patch on his eye?" Jiang Hua panicked when he asked the guard. Jiao-long, who was daydreaming about something was finally awakened by the person who approached him. He then looked at the man who asked him a question and was slightly stunned upon looking at his face.

The person resembled Min Zhe's face a lot. Now that he mentioned that beautiful young man, Jiao-long pinched his nose and cleared his throat. He then bailed off his thoughts towards that beautiful young man.

"Oh. He just came to tell you that he went out first and head towards the clinic." Jiao-long said as he straightened his back. If the General saw him like this then he could not imagine the consequences.

"Oh I see. Thank you for telling." Jiang Hua didn't waste his energy and dashed forward to his clinic.

'This kid really attracts trouble recently. Just what is happening to him?'

As for Li Jie, he doesn't know why he can't leave the manor. Just because he saw that stray cat who stole his meal, his grievance with that cat rippled to his mind and wanted to teach the cat a lesson.


"You little rascal!" Li Jie rushed to the hallway to catch the stray cat. His mind was so focused on the stray cat that he didn't noticed that the cat was heading for the General's office.

When Li Jie passed by, the Guards was found speechless from the running youth who was determined to kill a lowly little cat. At the same time, they were stunned upon knowing that it was the young concubine who gave them a beating.

Guard 5, "Hey, isn't that him?"

Guard 3, "Yes, it's him. Should we go after him?"

Guard 5, "Don't be reckless. If the General found us, we'll surely be dead. Besides, he entered the manor so it seems that the General have persuaded him already."

Guard 3, "Hmm. Sounds reasonable."

Then the guards decided that they should not interfere with the youth. After all, this was their General's concubine, no, they should say the General's wife.

They just hope that the General wouldn't treat this youth the same as his concubines before.

And they thought Li Jie is strong enough, and he wouldn't be trampled easily just like how the General have thrown those past concubines after being tasted.

Guard 5, "I just hoped that the General will change back to his original self just like how he was before."

Guard 3, "I agree with you."

Then they went back to their senses and guard diligently. They should not interfere from the General's affair and do their job as a guard.

On the General's office, the General was in a daze as he noticed the meowing of the little cat went louder that it almost shouted for help. And also, he heard a certain familiar voice.

"Hey! Come here you fox brained cat!" Li Jie yelled at the cat and it takes a long time when he regained his senses back.

"I'm in my habit again!" Li Jie sat on the ground and gritted his teeth. Just now, his mind was filled with the cat who stole his meal this past day and he forgot that he was not in their house.

Ever since he was young, he liked to chase whether it was an animal or a person who did something he did not like. But it was simply another matter when it was an animal, especially those little puffballs. Li Jie wanted to snatch the cat and make it his little disciple. But, the little puny cat was freaking afraid of him that whenever the cat sees him, it gradually ran away. Li Jie's heart felt broken and thought of giving up chasing the little cute cat.

"Where am I again?" Li Jie scratched his neck after he recalled that he was in someone's territory.

"I came here...How can I be so careless?!" He finally flashed back on how he came here. How did he forgot that he was in the General's manor?

"Damn it you stupidhead!" Li Jie scolded himself of how stupid he is. He just barged in the manor without thinking, thanks to the cute, little cat.

"Ai, what mess did you do again?"

Li Jie heard the familiar voice and he sensed danger was approaching him.

'You little pighead! You're struggling to avoid that pervert and here you are letting yourself be caught by him. Idiot! You Idiot!'

Li Jie tiptoed himself to escape. But before he could react, the General found him and put the little cat back to the ground.

"So, my little darling decided to be with me?" After Li Jie heard the seductive and playful voice of Delun, Li Jie wanted to puke and roast this General until he became a burned roasted pig. However, he knew that he can't level the General resulting himself turned into a wilted leaf.

He scoffed silently and innocently smiled at Delun.

"Darling? Darling is not my name General. I believed you called someone else." Li Jie wanted to kill this person but he was hopeless knowing he can't do that. He doesn't even sure if he could handle killing anymore. It seems that his body negatively reacted if he wanted to kill someone. Therefore, he cannot do it anymore.

"Hmm, you are my darling. Then does that mean it's you I'm looking for?" The General looked straight to Li Jie's green eye. Somehow, Li Jie felt shivers down from his spine. Those phoenix eyes staring at Li Jie as if he could see right through him. Li Jie felt that it was scary and then he sneakily moved his entire body to get out of the place. However, the General went ahead of him and pressed Li Jie on the ground. Li Jie's both hands were being held by the General's fierce and strong right hand while his left hand locked Li Jie's body.

"Why do you always ran away from my grasp? Are you afraid of me?"

'Yes! Yes I am you damned General! You even have guts to question me?!'

"Afraid? Who's afraid? I'm not afraid of you! Let me go!" Li Jie kept squirming from the General's handhold and had no way of escaping from him. The General's eyes darkened as he stared at Li Jie's slender body and his fair skin. Right now, Delun was attracted to Li Jie. But he quickly suppressed it and prevented himself to go astray.

"Darling, husband, I-I was wrong! You're my husband! You're almighty! Your strength is incomparable. However, I would be delighted if my husband would let me go he-he." Hearing the word 'husband' and 'darling' escaped from Li Jie's throat, Delun frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Li Jie who was trembling underneath him.

"Oh, you finally aknowledged me as your husband? You're quite unpredictable." Delun sneered, Li Jie then imprinted his face with horror. No matter how fearless he is, in front of this strong and handsome man, he felt inferior and afraid. This man's aura is too much for him to handle.

"W-well, can you let me go now?"

"No. If I release you, I could tell that you are planning to run again."

'I really hate him!'

Li Jie was thinking of a way to escape from the General and calmed down a little. The General was puzzled seeing the youth stopped squirming. Li Jie then thought of something so quick.

'Since you're unwilling to let go of me, then I'ts not my fault for doing this.'

When Delun looked at Li Jie, he saw the youth smiling to him naughtily. The General was about to opened his mouth when Li Jie raised his right knee and hit the General's little brother with brute force.

From here, you could hear the sound of an egg cracking until it turned into a sunny side-up.

Because of the insufferable pain, Delun froze and instantly let go Li Jie's hand. The General's face somewhat distorted, as if he wanted to cry from the pain.

For the past years since he was young, no one dared to humiliate him like this. Not to mention that it was his little brother got bullied, his eyes darkened as he looked at Li Jie who jumped on the roof, preparing to escape.

But before he departed, he yelled at the General.

"You? My husband? Bah! In your dreams!"


'Wait till I get you. I will certainly give you a lesson!'

Li Jie then ran off to the roof and laughed crazily. Guard 5 and 3 who was strolling near the General's office shivered upon hearing the familiar laughter.

They looked up and saw the concubine again. Now that the concubine escaped, they rushed to the General's office to see what's going on.

But they were taken aback by surprise.

The General, who was fearless and feared by anyone, was clutching at his little brother with his red eyes stared angrily at the departing figure.

Guard 5, "No way, is that tears?"

Guard 3, "I sense danger. We should go."

After that, the two guards who was afraid of the General's wrath, hurried back to where the General could not find them.

Guard 5, "Hey, do you think that concubine kicked the national treasure?"

Guard 3, " You could totally see the General's wrath while clutching the national treasure right? Of course it is! The concubine is as fearless as the General! They are perfectly matched!"

"This concubine, I salute him," the two guards thought.