13. General's Proposal

Li Jie's chest going up and down as he ran all the way from the manor to the busy streets of Xianyang after he crazily escaped from the General. Though he really didn't want to harm Delun's national treasure, what would happen if Delun become impotent? Will the General kill him?

Typically, he didn't have a choice. The General was too strong for him to knock him out. He can't even move his body when the General pressed him down.

"Is he a gorilla? How come he's so strong?"

In truth, Li Jie was totally scared when he was facing Feng Delun. It was as if his body had been frosted that he can't move a single finger when he was being stared by the wolf.

Even so, it's not enough reason for him to not be angry at the handsome young man. Pressing him down, looking at him as if all of his clothes were stripped, threatening him to be his maiden in which clearly he had three legs, thinking all about it made Li Jie wanted to die from humiliation and resentment.

Li Jie's face full of black lines and was changing color from red to green. He hated that handsome young man to the abyss of his heart that he was thinking of several ways on how to kill him.

As soon as he went out of the territory, Li Jie cursed himself for his stupidity. If he was way beyond airheaded though he actually really was, he couldn't imagine if his chrysantemum would be stolen in the middle of the broad daylight. Harking back to the situation before, Li Jie's face went redder and hotter from the humiliation that he wanted to bury himself five feet under to the ground and never go out again.

'I, the mightiest assassin in the whole world, was being humiliated by a single damn wolf! Shame on me! Shame my mother! Shame my ancestors!'

He was certainly angry towards him, yet his heart was beating precipitately which made him confused. He thought he got a high blood pressure because of his anger resulting his heart beating abnormally. He didn't want to die because of a high blood pressure nor he wanted a hypertension. For goodness sake, he is only seventeen!

He looked at the direction towards the manor and frowned deeply. He hated that place the most.

And now, he realized how silly he was. What would his brother say to him when his brother found out that he wasn't in the clinic? No, his brother left the manor already and probably, he was already in there.

He then quickly ran towards the clinic and explain his disappearance to his brother. He already promised that he will not separate from them anymore and there he was, as stubborn as he is he lost his tracks inside the manor.

"Idiot! You really are an idiot!" He just hoped that his brother will not send him to death.

Still and all, after he got into the clinic, numerous words of scolding entered Li Jie's ear. Right now, he was inside the clinic, facing the older brother who almost died due to unexpected heart attack. Jiang was worried to death. He scolded Li Jie making the younger's ears chaotically ruptured.

"You! How many times do I have to tell you that you will not go too far?! What if you'll get hurt!? What if someone will kidnap you?! You don't have any idea how worried I was! What if I didn't find you at all?!"

Jiang Hua was frantic with anger that he almost blurted out words that could almost hurt his brother's heart.

Fortunately, he suppressed his temper before he actually said those, afraid that he will accidentally hurt his brother or worse, he will make the younger resent him. Of course, he cannot accept that direful thought. Thinking about it would make him go crazy. He shooed all these thoughts for it will only make him feel distressed. He then relaxed himself and took a deep breath.

Li Jie doesn't know why, but for some reason, Li Jie felt stuffy and uncomfortable at his chest. It felt like he couldn't breathe after hearing the scolding of his brother. Why was it that every word his brother told him, it was like being carved deep inside his heart? Seeing his brother angry at him, it made him feel scared. No one whom he had grown into a connection had been angry with him before, especially from his past lives---excluding his enemies. However, this is the first time someone whom he had been so close, was so angry at him. He doesn't know what to do? Should he talk? Should he stay quiet? But no matter how he wanted it to be okay, his heart feels like it have been wounded. Unbeknownst to him, his tears kept falling. Well, not really. He was thinking something that made him pushed himself to the edge, all for his perfect camouflage.

As Jiang Hua managed to calm himself, doesn't know that his brother was crying. Li Jie kept lowering his head down, looking like a lost puppy getting scolded by the owner.

When he let himself calmed down then he looked at his younger brother. Seeing his younger brother's tears trickling down his cheeks, Jiang Hua panicked and scolded himself for being too immature. He forgot that his younger brother is too weak to handle emotions that he always take the words seriously at heart. And now, he was shaking knowing that he made his brother cry.

'He hates me now, doesn't it?'

"S-sorry brother. I-I didn't mean it. Do you hate me anymore?" Li Jie was heel sitting on the floor while his feminine hands clenched in fist, resting above his thighs. Wonder why he was feeling stuffy inside his chest? Actually, he was imagining the scene in the movie he watched inside his laptop back in his previous life. It was the scene where the protagonist was being ridiculed by the protagonist's evil stepmother. The author was not sure why he decided to choose this scene that it was barely related to his situation now. But, the black-bellied younger brother's plan really did work. Li Jie then thought of something so absurd.

'God above, reward me an Oscar!'

"No, no! How can I hate my younger brother? Utter nonsense!"

"But brother is shouting at me. He hates me!" Li Jie sniffled, rubbing his eyes with his cute little hands that was clenching for a while. After he rubbed then he looked at his older brother. Jiang Hua, really felt guilty because of what he did. How can he make his little baby cry?

'I'm such an idiot!'

"Li Jie, don't cry! Brother is sorry! He will not do it anymore! So, wipe your tears okay?"

'Brother, I'm not really sad.'

Jiang Hua hugged his brother and coaxed him heartily. He cannot forgive himself for what he have done. However on the other side, the black-bellied person was laughing sinisterly inside his mind and constantly wanted to tease his brother. For now, he felt guilty so he will not tease him yet.

"Then, I still have to punish you. You wanted to be a doctor right? So, we will stuff your brain with books! Learn the basics of medicine and then I will examine you after the lesson."

When his brother wanted to lecture him and bury him with books, Li Jie really cried in pain. He doesn't need to learn. Where did he obtain the title of crazy surgeon if not for his intelligence over everything?!

'Brother, I don't need to learn! I am the best surgeon in born in the 21st century and no one ever surpassed me! Why do I have to read this rubbish?! Damn! I even hate school!'

Li Jie wanted to protest but he doesn't want to ruin his big brother's mood. Right now, all Li Jie could see is that his brother's aura was full of blooming flowers with tiny droplets of rainwater, illuminating the beautiful rainbow above his brother's head. Seeing the older one like this, who was so heartless to do such a thing?

The salted fish really didn't like books. But, he was not that stupid to tell that to his brother that simple.

But still, Li Jie was heartbroken that he wanted to tear all the existing books in the world, until no pieces of pages left.

He sighed, thinking about this sure made his mind ache.


In Nanzheng, Min Zhe was ordered by the General to deliver his message to the Prime Minister of Qin. Although he hated the General now, he still cannot defy him since he was the mighty General of Qin. No matter how pathetic that 'j*rk' inside his head, he was still the General they feared and no one could change that.

Before he proceeded his mission, the General had offered him a condition. Min Zhe was unsatisfied by that idea, but this time the General has a point.

"Min Zhe, I know that right now you're murdering me inside your brain. However, I still want to make your brother my concubine."

"And why is that Master?" Min Zhe frowned, he glared at the General when he knew that the General still persisted on getting his younger brother.

However, the General was as thick as a crocodile skin and also hardheaded. He doesn't stop until he gets it.

"As far as you've known, my beloved was being kidnapped by bandits a few days ago..."

The corner of Min Zhe's lips twitched, hearing the lovey dovey words that the General have brought. Surely, if this man was just a commoner and took an initiative to speak in front of Min Zhe like this, he wasn't sure if he'll going to keep this person alive.

"And the one who hired to abduct them was the Minister Steward of the Qin, Liu Ming. Maybe now, the old fart was thinking of a way to solve his mess. And certainly, he cannot rest until he gets your brother to his hands." The General said impassively. Min Zhe thought, the General may be true. After all, many knew about the Minister's true colors. And he cannot say that it was a good thing. In fact, right now he took it as a bad omen. And he cannot bear seeing Li Jie hurt.

"What does Master thought about this?"

"He will be safe if he's with me. After all, I was also involved in this matter. So, you can rest assured Li Jie's safety. With my name, no one can hurt him." Delun spat those words with seriousness, one could tell that he cared about that beautiful young man.

Min Zhe pondered about it and looked at the General. Min Zhe was hesitant. As a guard for five years serving in the manor, he already witnessed how the General treated his concubines before. After he played those women, he always left them and threw them back on the ground. The cycle repeated, and Min Zhe even sympathized those women.

That's why, there was no single concubine have had remained in the manor. Because, the General doesn't allow them to step into the manor anymore and exhiled them mercilessly.

Thinking all about this making Min Zhe conflicted and furious. He clenched his fist and look at the General with resentment.

"If for only my brother's safety, then this servant did not object this excellence. However you should talk to my brothers regarding this situation."


"But..." Min She frowned, this time he gained his courage and faced the General.

"If my brothers agreed, then I don't have a choice but to support you. If he will sure becomes your concubine, this servant shamelessly asked for the General to take care of him. We, the Chens love our youngest brother the most. And we'll do everything to keep him safe. However, if you dare hurt my brother, if you put my brother in danger, or if you treat him like those lowly concubine of yours, then forgive me Your Excellence for being this rude. Because, I will slash your throat with my own blade."

"I don't care if I will let myself astray about the law, but if it is a matter between my family, then I will and I should betray the law and be the country's fugitive. I will let my blade tainted by your clan's blood. This is my request, Your Excellence."

Seeing the Guard's deadly gaze and heard the Guard's sentiment, the General frowned and threatened at the same time. The General could tell that the other was not bluffing, so he sighed and stood up. He looked at the Guard and maintained his paralyzed face.

"Then it's settled. Deal. I want him to be my only wife, and I will announce that I will not build a harem this time."

Seeing the latter satisfied, the General was relieved and was telling him to finish his mission.


Min Zhe entered the Prime Minister's residence by the help of the token that the General lend him. He then walked towards the office and saw the Prime Minister on his chair, his desk was neat and right now he was writing something on the scroll.

Min Zhe walked to the Prime Minister and shared his salute, he bowed and showed respect from the high official.


The Prime Minister's voice rang in Min Zhe's ears and obeyed the Minister's order.

"What should I help you with?" The Minister said and immediately handed over the scroll with the General's message written inside it.

"The General had sent you a letter and wished to see you Master."

When, the Minister saw the seal mark on the scroll, the Minister's face sank which confused Min Zhe.

'What is the letter all about?'

"Then, tell the General to meet me at the Plum Blossom Pavilion in five days."

"This servant shall obey."

Min Zhe then left, his questions left unanswered. Then he began to think what's the message is all about.


