A Declaration?

She felt warmth that was neither from the heater nor weather when she woke up, with muscled arm she recognised so well holding her stomach in place, his calm breaths sounding like music to her ears. At first she smiled in excitement, before consciousness and reasoning awoke in her and she jumped, waking him up in the process.

"How did you get in here?" She wondered what a sight she must look like with a dishevelled hair and red eyes. She hoped she hadn't been drooling too, seeing that the warmer had come off while she was asleep.

He rubbed his eyes, sitting up on the bed. "Duplicate key card. Sorry, I know this is creepy..."

"Very creepy. What if I had been sleeping nude?" She folded her arms under her breasts in defiance.

"Then I would have left, immediately. I wanted to surprise you, so I came by to drop this. But when I saw you were here, in front of me, I couldn't resist the urge." He stretched an arm to get the present wrapped in fancy sheets.