Chapter 5: Target shooting

I have been choke with air because of the weird guy whose--- wait, what is his name again?

Ah whoever this guy is, being at the front of the window of this 8th floor. Yes, you read it right, at the front of the window!

How can this guy float and smile like an idiot?

I walk near the window as I look at the weirdo I met in Brye’s (Bryan) Resort.

“How can you float? I mean, How did you did that” I ask as I peer at him.

"I'm not floating, boss. I'm hanging myself" he explains with a serious face.

I don’t really know what to say with this weird guy, as I look out the casement, and look up and see a shinning thread that connects him and this weird guy.

That thread must be very strong to carry this guy.

He then sways back and forth, as he enters flawlessly like it is a norm.

The heck is wrong with this guy.

I look both left and right, and pull this weird guy, away from my childhood friends. It will be bad if we wake them up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I eat the banana I’ve been holding.

"I need to protect you, Boss. They're after your life." He answers with urgency.



"As in rain?"

"Yes and no. Boss I really need to pro---"

"I can handle myself," I say, cutting his next sentence. "I need info though. Don't think of leaving easily without info"

"Not until you prove yourself"

An arc raised from the corner of my lips.

Prove eh? Is this guy challenging me?

"In what way?" I ask.

"Fight me" Reign

"If I win, info right?"

"That is if you can win" he answers as he smirks.

Does this Rain guy think he can win against me? Heh. I know how to fight, and I am no weakling.

"I'll call you," Rain (Reign) says as he is already at the window sill.

E--eh how did he?

"Ciao," He says as he jumps.

My eyes bulge as I ran toward the where he just jump down but he's already gone.

This Rain (Reign) is creeping me out.

I don't know him, but there is one thing I am sure of, He is surely a crazy weirdo.


It's been a week since my childhood friends been hospitalized.

We are in the shooting range area that Brye (Bryan) had reserved. Yeah, he got that much money because he is an only child and his mom loves to try different businesses.

I know every normal teenager will get scared or traumatize but we’re not.

We are in an open field area, in front of us, on the ground is Bermuda grass and a wooden target in human shape. While we are at the shooting range, whatever it’s called, where we going to shoot.

*bang* *bang* *bang**bang**bang*

I heard Justine cuss because, among the five-shot of bullets, none of them were able to hit the target. While Renz (Lorenzo), looks like an idiot, for having a good built while shooting with one close eye, even though he is wearing a headset and safety goggles, you can still see his eyes.

But I might say, he is more amazing than Justine, for hitting two targets.

As for Brye (Bryan), he got 4.

"Brye, my dear, you're so cool." Says Maria as her eyes twinkle.

She has a crush on Brye (Bryan), I don’t really understand why, when we all know how much of a playboy he is. Haist.

"You're so noisy. Tss" Says Justine in a sour mood.

What is this guy's problem?

Maria (Maria Victorina) looks at him from top to bottom and says haughtily “at least I hit it all while you…”

And let the noise begins.

These two, really, they are like cats and dog who always fight.

Maria is really good for not using the gun for 5 years, 2 bull’s eye and 3 just a bit more and it will be bull’s eye.

Well, what can we say in the long-range princess of Fierce 5?

If you ask how come Maria is called such, it was because of 5 years ago Bryan discovers about gangster roulette and wanted to join.

And because they treat him, yes they because during that time Maria (Maria Victorina) just pulls me to their group, having no choice but to just follow.

The gangster roulette did like this; each group that wanted to join need to have at least 5 people in the group, and we called ours Fierce 5, it was Bryan's decision.

Each member needs to win in 3 competitions, and whoever wins will have popularity in the underworld. I don’t know which one because even Bryan, himself, doesn’t know, he just wants to join out of curiosity.

The game has five different genres: Sports, information, gadget, brawl, and shooting range.

And Maria is in shooting range, garnering the name for “Long-range Princess” for getting the number one in shooting range competition.

They put me in information gathering, I’m not really as good as my elder brother Leo (Leonardo), who can hack anything he wants to, even getting a blueprint of a jail, fortunately, he didn’t try to get one, although he tried to get one before and succeed, the Bureau of investigation and talk to my dad garnering a scold.

By the way, I just learned it from him, I mean getting information.

Ah, you are wondering if it is such why did they get scared of the raining bullets when were in Brye’s house?

Dunno, ask them.

All I know is that they easily forget and get over things, and then do weird stuff.

I stand up from where I sat, obviously.

"Gun," I say toward the steward who manages the guns.

He then gave me a handgun. I look at the wooden target, which the bull’s eye is on its heart.

As I shoot, I felt the recoil, but it feels like it is normal. It’s as if I was used to using it, but I never remember using a gun before.

I hold the gun with just my right hand, then pull the trigger and release the bullet from the muzzle, I can see the bullet as it flies out of the gun muzzle, toward the wooden puppet, until it goes to the red mark paint and passes through the very


I then shot it continually, as all of them move in the same direction.

I remember the weird guy these past few days because I got this tingling feeling that I know him, that I met him before we met at the poolside, but don’t know where, when, or how.

I just wake up in my trance when I hear a crowd clapping behind me.

There, I notice that all my shots were all bull’s eye.

"You know how to shoot?!" A look of surprise is visible on Justine's face.

I just raise my brow as I look at him, though, I don’t think so that he can see it with my big foggy glasses.

"Well, this is our first time seeing this." Brye (Bryan) says.

Renz (Lorenzo) is just blinking. Maybe he got dirt on his eyes, while Maria (Maria Victorina) is silent.

What are they talking about?

I was about to say something when my phone ring.

I look at my cell phone, only to see an unregistered number calling me.

Who is this?

I then excuse myself from them, as they continue what they are doing, and sit at one of the benches then answer the phone call. “Yes?” I ask.

{“Boss, this is Reign,”} says the voice on the other side.

I accidentally close the off button of my phone out of surprise.

How the heck did this guy got my cell phone number?

[Boss, I thought that you want info?] Text send by Reign

[Drop the boss word] I reply in text.

[So you want to or not]

This guy is really annoying.

"Who’s that sis?" asks Maria as she walks near her.

I answer her with a shrug, then stand up from my chair and walk away.

"Where are you going?" Justine asks

"Rest," I answer as I walk away.