Chapter 12: Reign's past

It's kinda cozy here, the sun rises outside, and peeks between my curtain, lightening up the white bed that I lay on. I raise my hand as if I was trying to reach for her figure, hoping to hear her voice as she scolds me for buying the wrong thing, or bringing the wrong food, and calling me the way she used to be.

I heard that she’s at school, I hope I can also be there.

If only she remembered me, I can be with her right now. Protecting her, being her servant, and getting every order she gives me.

But now, I can't. All I can do is to do everything I can to make her remember things.

I know what I am doing sounds stupid to others, as they gave up already, believing that she’s already dead, and the person I am chasing couldn’t possibly be her, that I am just hallucinating. But what do they know?

I believe it is her, although the hair and body change, and there is a bit of change in her voice, but it is still the same, just like her alertness and the aura that I know.

I still remember the first time I saw her 12 years ago. She’s good at fighting at that time, even though I was unable to win against her.

At the age of 4, she was able to win against 20 people by herself. As she either left them with broken bones or bleeding, as she used her sword.

She was like a beautiful goddess, with blood dripping to her sword, and fights as if she’s dancing in the air.

She usually used either guns or swords to fight, and she killed a lot of people, especially the traitors in the organization.

One of them is my family.

You might find me weird because I was obeying the murderer of my own family, but it was actually me who killed them.

It happened 10 years ago.

We were in front of Boss Rogelio, who is sitting on the throne of his, in this wide dark room, and peers at us as he smiles kindly. But it is not because it is really the smile of a cold-hearted devil, especially the next words he said.

"Kill those trashes now, my princess." He said toward the 6-year-old girl that I always admired, with her golden yellow hair and eyes that looked at us as if we were not human, but some kind of plaything.

In her left hand was a handgun she was playing with as if thinking about how she should kill us.

I was around 8 years old at that time. My parents had disobeyed the law, as they had sold the brothers to another organization, causing many of the members, who almost died in the process.

I didn’t know what it was during that time, as I only knew that everyone was glaring at us with obvious disgust and accusation in their eyes.

"Daddy. I wanna play with some toys. Can I just play with them first?" asked the young lady, as she was looking at us with those emotionless eyes, and her mouth calling us toys.

"What kind of play?" Curiously asked boss Rogelio

"Chase to kill. If they are lucky enough, they may still live, although I know they will still gonna die in the end. Cause I'll chase them... until no one of them left" the young lady said as she smiled like an angel, but it is actually a fallen one, for she was like a devil incarnate.

I heard that she had killed a hundred people at the age of 3, as she swam to the flood of blood like it's none of her business. And the number increased as her age increase, going for a thousand.

It seems absurd, but as I was in such a situation, I couldn’t help but believe it.

My body shook in fear, as my eyes turned red and the water in it was about to fall.

"Please Boss, at least spare the life of my children. I beg of you" my mom cried, as she begged toward Boss Rogelio.

"What do you think, my princess?" Boss Rogelio asked as he looked at the beautiful young lady, with those golden eyes, lovingly.

She looked at Boss Rogelio in a bored manner as she answered. "That is definitely absurd, dad. Na ah. But I'll think about it. Oh yeah, why not this." Then she looked in my direction.

I couldn’t help but wonder. How come a devil came from such a beautiful young lady?

My body shivered as I saw her mouth move that spitted out the heartless word I had ever heard.

"Trash, stand up, and kill your family. It will be a good experience" then she smiled at me like a beautiful angel, but it was not. I felt my knees like it was about to fall as I looked at her in horror. "I promise to spare your life, and you can work under me afterward. I promise I won’t kill you. That is. If you can kill your beloved family." she said as if what she's saying was a trivial matter.

My tears started to flow down my face.

Then I looked at my baby sister and then my 6-year-old little brother. My mom and dad.

I-I can't

"Do it Gin" my mom said as she begged me, "please kill us."

My heart went cold, then it started to crawl all over my body causing me to feel weaker and weaker.

"Mama, I don't wanna die," cried my brother Gerald, begging toward my mom. His body is tied up with those yellow and black ropes that have been tainted with blood, on each one of us.

I really can't.

My heart felt it was about to stop as my mind turned blank.

Then, I felt them loosen the rope that bound around me and hand me a cold metal, called a gun.

I want to let it go, but rather loosen my hold on it tightened.

The young lady went behind me. "Come on now Gin. Kill them." I shivered, as a great fear from her felt deep inside of me. I never had felt this kind of fear, it's like if you tried to disobey, she'll do something worse than death.

And with those words, my body is like being controlled and moved on its own.

I looked at the front of me with horror, as the blood flooded on the ground, bathing my own family.

I-I've killed my whole family.

My life.

My everything.

N-No t-this c-can't be.

"That's more like it," the young lady said into my ears as if praising her very obedient pet, but a harsh reality in my mind. I really did kill my parents.

I felt my breathing become thinner, as I could feel the sourness in my eyes and nose.

I looked at the young lady. She’s no angel! She’s a devil!

I looked at the gun as I raised it, with gritted teeth and burning anger, pointed it at her.

But rather than getting scared, she looked at me and smirked.

"You can't kill me." She said, then she went near my ear. Then whisper something I didn't understand. "Wait for the right time. The time when you can kill me like it was an accident"

I looked at her confused but her golden eyes were filled with agony and pain. As if she's finding a way out. Why is she? I don't understand.

She then turned around. "Give him the best clothes and make him the best assassin I can have. I don't like any weaklings in my group.” She said as she walked away, yawning. “I feel sleepy dad. Can I go to sleep?” she asked toward Boss Rogelio, then looked at me again, smiling. “Oh yeah, before I forgot. He's my toy, touch him and die" then she left like everything that happened had no connection toward her.

Whenever I remember those times, there are the times that were both good and bad.

She gives me a new name, Reign, so that I'll become the best.

She is so kind and gentle toward me even though I tried to kill her every day.

Although she's still definitely a monster, killing as if it was nothing, and then leaving a red blood writing. She is called the worst and because of her beauty, superhuman strength, and knowledge. She is the best suit to become the next Boss.

She was known as the Cold blooded princess. But right now...

All her memory was lost, not just her memory, her face changed a bit, then I discovered they fixed her face that had been burned from her last mission.

She is definitely more beautiful than before though, but she is still a good catch-up to now.

I know, I sound crazy, but I really fell in love with her, that's why I'll bring her back no matter what.

Then I feel a vibrating thing in my pocket, it is my phone. I check who it is, only to see that it's Master Kaede. My Lady’s fiancée.

My brows knit, as I take a deep breath and push the green button to answer the call.

{" Ciao"} says master Kaede on the other side of the phone

[T: Hello]

"Kaede S-Signorino" I answered with a bit of shuttering.

(T: Kaede M-Master)

[" Avete già trovata?"] Master Kaede asks.

(T: have you already found her)

"I still need to be certain, Master Kaede."

[" È così? Farlo più velocemente e dopo che il suo portar?"]

(T: Is that so? Do it faster, and after that bring her even if she likes it or not. Do you understand?)

"Y-sì Master" He knows master Kaede's attitude, what he wants, he will get.

I clench the phone after Master Kaede hangs up. I know that once he knows that I found her, he will kill her.

That's why I need to protect you, Lady Florenza before they find you and kill you.

I need to do everything just to make you remember everything before things get out of hand.