Chapter 15: Family meeting


(name) = real name


They look at me with burning passionate eyes, and the glimpse of worried is very visible in it, but that only makes me feel annoyed but controls myself from cussing and glaring at them, They did so until we finish eating.

"Baby Elle (Elena), How are you?" my mom asks, as her eyes look intently at me.

My face almost twitches, I really hate it when I am being called such a name. "I told you not to call me baby Elle, cause I am turning 16 by next month," I say in a mask of annoyance on my face.

"But you are always my baby, Elle." mom says as she looks at me with eyes full of affection and love. I feel like I am having goosebumps with such a look. It really makes me feel very uncomfortable for some reason, even though mom is like that for long years.

Dad fakes cough.

Mom looks at dad as her eyes blink. "Honey, you have a cough? Wait, I'll call our residence doctor," she says as she gets the phone, but dad stops her and smiles.

"No, honey I don't." My dad says as he brings down the phone and looks at my mom full of passion.

Oh, come on. Get a room. geez.

"Honey, let me talk to our baby Elle okay?" He adds as he looks at mom with unmask affection on his face, and care and love in his eyes.

"But I am also worried about baby Elle. She might be got scared because of what happened just now." Mom says as her voice can hear the sound of care, and anxiety toward me.

Scared? What are they talking about? I don't even know what should I get scared for.

"I understand, so let me handle it okay." dad says as he tries to convince mom while hugging and kissing her on her hair.

My eye almost twitch. The heck with your dog food. Get a room.

I seriously want to roar that, I am not bitter, Try being in my place as you watch them kissing and hugging and touching. You all will also go cranky. Tsk.

"Okay." Mom smile as she kisses dad on his face.

Por favor, f_ck_ng stop going lovey-dovey in front of me.

I can't but just roll my eyes, these two really need to go to their room. tsk.

Dad looks at me in full seriousness. "Elle," he calls out my name. I look at him waiting for his next words. "We saw the car window, I ask about it from Vigor and he said that somebody just shoots at you guys."

I look at dad.

Shoot? Car window?

Oh now I remember, it was the crazy snipper who doesn't even know how to use the gun. "It might just be an accidental shot."


"Stop worrying dad, it was nothing."

Mom looks at dad in a puppy eye and once again my dad fake cough.

"Elena... You see, we decided that you will have your own bodyguards starting on Monday."

My brow knit.

"Ah, Sistah, stop knitting your brow, you might grow old much earlier if you continue doing such." Maria (Maria Victorina) cries out.

Only then did I realize I was not wearing my glasses.

I sigh then look at dad. "Dad, I am fine. that won't happen again. Please, I don't want any bodyguards. And it was not as if someone wishes me to die anyway."

They become silent, then I see my dad sighs as if giving up. "Okay, but if something truly happens directed to your life, Elena, even you like it or not."

I nod my head,

Mom look at dad with great disagreement. "But honey---"

Dad stops her by whispering something in mom's ear, if that is what it really is, cause I can hear it from my sit.

"Let it be, how can Elle find a boyfriend if she has a bodyguard. And do you want her to choose a bodyguard as her boyfriend? cause I don't want to, especially since all of them are around 35 and above. They might just play with Elle's heart." my dad says in mom's ear.

My face twitches.

I can fucking hear you here.

And what the are you saying, boyfriend. I am not interested in people who are weaker than me. If he wants to date me, they need to make sure that he could win against me.

My brow knit as I thought of such. Why would I even care about such a thing? tsk.

"Oh, you're right. She needs to choose not an old man as her husband." my mom replies


Nothing comes to my mind but I got this weird feeling that I already decided on someone.

Eh? who?

Ah, why am I thinking of stupid stuff like these. tsk.

It is not as if I had someone I love, although I used to admire Dave but why when they said husband he becomes out of the picture.

My brow knit, why am I even thinking of who will be it?

Then I remember that weird Rain guy. Rather than feeling all good, I felt it was a stupid idea.

Then I remember all my childhood guy friends.

Bryan, he's too narcissistic.

Lorenzo? no way, he is way too weak.

Justine, You gotta be kidding me.

Ah, why am I thinking of people to choose to. annoying.

Tsk, whatever.

These were dad's and mom's fault. tsk.