Chapter 19: Seen


(name) = real name


We are in the middle of the hallway of the mall. Him, pulling me toward the Italian restaurant, why I pull him to Mcdonald, that’s why we both look like an idiot pulling each other.

But who cares about that?!

"Let' eat here!" I say as I pull him, cause seriously, I really had no budget.

Yes, I have been pulling him because I had no budget to go to a resto. Remember that I forgot my wallet.

But this guy won't even budge!!!

"No Princess, you don't deserve to eat that fast food. We'll eat here." Him, as he pulls me toward the Italian resto.

And because he is stronger than me, my face landed on a hard chest.

Ugh. That hurts. You are the one who got a hard body. tsk.


Waaaaaah!!!! This guy, I said I don’t want to go to Italian Resto, the money I had on me is not enough.

Why won't you just follow what I want?!

My attention diverts when I suddenly felt a warm arm surround my body, it was as if he is very careful not to harm me, and will protect me. Which is kinda weird. Why is this guy doing such?

And because my ear is near his heart, I can hear his heart beating fast.

Why is this guy heartbeats like this? We didn't do any activities except walking and buying clothes.

"It's my treat Princess" I hear him say.

I look upon his face, but he is not looking in my direction rather he is looking left, that’s why I can only see is his ears that turned red.

Eh? What happened to his ears? Did someone bite on it? But I am the only one with him...

He really is weird.

Oh, yeah, I still need to pull this guy toward Mcdo, I can’t accept being in debt with this guy more and more.

Another thing, I am the one who asked him out, so I won’t take no as an answer.

I look at him with my face full of seriousness, "No. It's my treat. I am the one who asks for you, remember?"

He turns silent, then I felt the warm embrace surrounding me starting to loosen out.

I turn around as I held his hand and pull him at the Mcdo.

"Nice date Elle."

My body turns stiff.

That voice.

Little by little I look toward which voice it came from.

Darn it! Of all people to see me here, why him? I never thought he will go here.

I awkwardly smile at Bryan, along with two girls on both sides, watching this Rain as they bite their lower lips, and flutter their eyes.

Why do they do such? these girls might have a problem with their eyes.

"This is the first Elle, ditching school and having a date. Is he your boyfriend?" He asks me then looks at Rain with scrutinizing eyes.

Rain glares back.

What is this crazy weirdo problem? Why need to glare at Brye? Tsk. Whatever.

I look at Brye (Bryan), "Not really." I answer.

Hmm? For some reason, it felt that the answer I gave felt a bit wrong. I just can't pinpoint which it is.

Brye (Bryan) grins widely at me.

I look at that weird smug on Brye's face. Wondering what he is thinking. Maybe having a lot of girls made him act weirdly too.

Ah, who cares?

Oh yeah, I can just borrow money from Brye.

That's a great idea.

I was about to go to Brye when this Rain suddenly pulls me in for the second time around and surrounds me in his embrace, and once again, my poor face land on this strong wall, I mean chest. Ugh.

Ah, this guy, I really gonna kill him if he keeps on doing such.

My face will have a lot of bruise because of his walls, I mean chest.

"Easy man, easy.” I heard Brye chuckles. “We're just childhood friends. I’m Bryan Lim," He adds, as I can feel a hand being reach out toward Rain, behind me, but this guy didn’t even try to reach back.

I struggle from his hold. This Rain had been hugging me, and twice at that. He has been taking advantage of me. Tsk.

I look at Brye, but he is already walking toward our direction, and then level his lips in my ears, then whispers in my ear.

"Elle, tell me what happens afterward," Brye says as he gives me a wink and grin.

Tell me what happens afterward? What is this guy talking about? I really can’t understand it.

After that, he walks at the side of Rain as he pats him on his shoulder, while this Rain still glaring with Brye.

These guys keep making me confused.

Ah whatever, boys.

I pull Rain away ‘cause this guy might suddenly kill someone.

Remember that he had killed 5 people inside the warehouse without even blinking, It was as if it was a natural thing for him.

Ah, wait. I think I forgot something.

Haist, I forgot to borrow some money from Brye.

Ah, Doesn’t matter.

I just pull him inside the Mcdo, but I can’t keep walking because this guy suddenly stops.

I look back and see him with eyes doubting whether to enter or not.

"What?" I ask as I raise my brow at him. Oh yeah, I forgot I am wearing glasses that why I’m sure he can’t see it.

He sighs, like giving up on something.

What? Is he starting to become weird again?

“We will just order and eat outside,” I say then turn back again and continue to pull this weird guy.

Well, what do you expect? I hate the noise and the crowds.

I can’t help but feel a bit regretful choosing this guy to join me, but on the other hand, I felt safe with him. It as if I knew him for a long time, I just can’t remember when.

Doesn’t matter, I’m hungry so let us just buy food.

"I'll just buy something," Rain says.

I just nod my head not looking in his direction, Anyway, the line is a bit long. So I got no choice but to wait.

Haist. I’m hungry...


Author's thought:

I'm also hungry