Chapter 30: Kidnap

Somewhere in Italy...

"Boss, someone tried to open our account." Says one of my people.

Oh. "Let me see," I say as I look at the screen, which looks like a tablet.

In there I saw a lady wearing big glasses, with her black hair undone, gray turtle neck long sleeve, looking intently on the screen.

"She looks like Princess Maria." He says with obvious excitement in his eyes.


"Well boss, she's an Asian star." Explain by the other. "She's a singer and a model."

"I see."

"Lady Elena, Master, and Madam are calling for you. They said that you need to eat dinner with them." says the voice on the screen as it calls the kid who is shown on the visual display unit.

I look at the monitor while the girl is still busy trying to hack our account.

'This girl sure is a bold one. Heh.' I thought as I smirk.

"I'm coming." I heard her says.

Her voice...

Why does it sound too familiar?

My heart can't help but skip a beat because that voice always gives me joy, every time I hear it.

Then I saw her held glasses as she takes them off.

She was frowning and massaging her dorsum while her eyes close, she has feather-like eyelashes with a tint of golden yellow on them, making them different from her black hair.

I clench my fist, and my eyes widen up when I saw her open her eyes.

Golden yellow eyes, with some thin red and black line in her pupil. The same as...

My heart can't help but jump in joy.

This... I-it can't be.


"Does this Maria has these eyes color?" I ask.

"As I remember boss, she only had golden-brown eyes. And her name was not Elena, but her real name is Maria Victorina."

"Elena, Maria Victorina" I mumble to myself.

Then we saw her left the screen and go out of the room.

"Find every information about that Elena. And let go of the bug."

I need to find out if it was really her.



In the Philippines

"Why are you still here?" I ask Rain who is happily sitting at the end of the long dining table.

"Elle, that's not a good way to talk to your boyfriend," Dad warns as he looks in my direction.

"He's not—"

"Sir it's alright. Maybe she has, you know" Reign cut off of what I was about to say.


"What do you mean by 'you know'?" I ask.

Maria rolls her eyes. "Girls monthly had"

My brow knit.

Girls monthly had…

Monthly had…

My eyes widen up at the sudden realization of those words, and then I felt my cheeks started to heat up.


"I don't have my period today!" The heck!

"Elle, don't invite a man like that" My dad told me with a serious face.

"N-No, I didn't"

"Oh my don't tell me. That you are pregnant sistah" Maria says as she covers her mouth.

Pregnant! who the heck is pregnant?!

I am not pregnant!

"You two need to get married first." My mom says as she looks at me intently.


I am not even 18, wait that was not the point here.

"Wow bro, you actually shot that fast." My very own brother Leo.

My face felt on fire already.

"Heh! I told you that I am not!"

Why the heck do you guys think that I was?!!

And there you go they laugh.

As for me, I really want to dig a pit and buried myself in it.

While Reign is looking at them in confusion.

Then his eyes widen up as his ears turn red."I-I-I d-didn't do anything I swear." He says as he waves his hand.

And the crowd goes wild.

Laughing and all, as they continue to tease us.


I sit at the farthest place from this Rain and then finish eating my food as fast as I can, not caring about their burning eyes on us.

After that, I stand up then leave.

"Hey, Baby Elle!" Leo calls out.

"Heh! leave me alone." then I climb upstairs.


Sometimes I keep wondering if they really are my family. tsk.

That was embarrassing!

Aren't they supposed to be protective of me because I am a girl?


I can't help but grab my hair as I pull it when my eyes saw my laptop.

Oh yeah.

I went back to my bed, where it is as I open it again.



Wait, why it was still a black screen?

What the heck happen?!

"No, no, no, no, please, no," I say as I try to open my laptop.

Damn it!!!!!



I grab and throw the thing that is nearest to me, which is the pillow.

All my works and the thing that I had hacked were in there.

Is this the exchange of what I had done?

I hate this!

Wait. Don't tell me this is what that Rain was talking about?

That Rain, making my world into a disaster!


After a couple of minutes, I decided to go downstairs and leave to have a breather.

"Where are you going ma'am?" asks one of the maids, but I ignore her. tsk.

Huh? Why is it dark?

Oh yeah, it was evening already, I forgot.

I check my pocket.

Tsk. I even forgot my eyeglasses and even my phone.

Haist. Doesn't matter, I don't want to go back home just to take such.

Well, at least had some spare money, which is 5 thousand. It was enough for me to ride a taxi.

I walk out of our village, passing through the gate.

"M-ma'am Mari—"

"Elena" I corrected the guard who is looking at me with an awestruck manner, as he nods himself like a chicken.

"I'll just go out for a while," I told him once more.

"It was dangerous at this time ma'am."

But I just wave my hand to say goodbye as I saw him sigh.

I plan to go to our hideout for now.

Where are those taxi? Why are they so slow?

"Miss, Are you Elena Velasco?" asks a male voice.

I look behind me and saw a man wearing the same attire as the man I met in the warehouse who wanted to kill me the last time. (see chapter 7)

For some reason, I got a bad feeling about these.

"I think you got the wrong person," I say as I turn my back and plan to leave.

But I felt a presence behind me as a hand tried to suddenly grab both my arm.

I tried to struggle, but someone suddenly put a handkerchief from my nose and mouth making me smell some weird chemical.

I started to feel my strength going out of my body, as my head became dizzy.

I tried to take it off the hand with the napkin but my head started to feel heavy as my eyesight turns from spotted dark and then complete darkness.