Chapter 78: The fight

Florenza brings out her tonfa. She has been wanting to try on using these since she got them a week ago, and these people are the perfect guinea pig for her.

The leader of black Scorpio makes a signal to his people, and as they all start to surround her.

Excitement can be seen in her eyes as she holds her tonfa tightens, she never thought using these feels easy to hand. She wonders how it will be if she uses it to the.

If these people can read Florenza's thoughts, they will cough up blood with anger. How could she treat them as a tester?!

"Kill her." The leader orders them.

She knows the three. Lax, June, Julius, and their leader whose name is Stephan (pronounce as Es-te-fan).

Lax is the guy who is holding a wet knife, She is sure those knife has a poison, she has seen Kaede once brew a poison and makes her intakes it. She has a bit of immunity with it, so she's safe but Kaede has been scold and been punished after.