Chapter 119: Why?

Author’s Note:

Warning ahead!

This part had depressing vibes. So please read at your own risk. If you still wish to continue, then please relax, read, and enjoy!


I touched my lips, feeling the lingering kiss that I and that Freak just shared. And it felt really good.

I never thought a kiss could produce such a feeling. It was far different when I kiss Renz before. It was nothing, but kissing that Freak-

Ah, what the am I thinking? Tsk, Florenza, what si good about a kiss. It was just a kiss.

A really good kiss, my other thought saying, but I wave my head while feeling a bit weird, and happy.

The eff that I am happy. Tsk. annoying.

I should just think of another stuff. Oh yeah, daddy.

I don’t know how long was it, the last time did I met daddy. I wonder if it was about inheritance. Though I might say that I don’t get why would daddy start the inheritance this week, nor what was he planning. But I do know, that daddy knew what he was doing.