You have to leave

I plugged the apple and went back home. Thani was already asleep. He looked peaceful. Dropping the apple beside him I went to look for Old Lady May to discuss the issue with her. I told her about Howard and she seemed to agree for us to send him away. It was the only way. But how will Thani take this news . He will probably hate me for deserting him. .... " Menices , you are a brave mother. Your decision of sending him away is right . It is better for your love to hate you and be saved "

I sighed in a defeated tone.. she was right . So me along with Old May went to break the news to Thani.

Thanatos Pov

Great just when I thought life was getting exciting .

" No mother I'm not leaving . This place is my home. I don't understand why all of a sudden you want me to study qnd live in the city" . I was biting on an apple while talking.

" You are going Thani and that's final. It is for your own good and protection my lovely moon "mother said and I was angry . They were my only family and they were sacking me. I was feeling hatred build up in me.

"It is clear to me that you never wanted me. My father had abandoned us. I thought you were an exception but I was wrong. I am going there and I would never be back" mother had gapsed loud . She was obviously surprised . But I took my stuffs and left without looking back. I was in pain. I always knew I was different from them. I could never fit in.

Few hours later

I sat on a bench beside the road . I didn't even know the way to this so called city. I was bitter . Piiii piiiii

I looked up and saw a woman in a black car . It looked really expensive I guess.

"Hey kid , are you coming or should I go" she was looking impatient.

"I'm going to the city. I don't know there or anyone there" I told her and she paused to think before speaking.

"Do you have where to stay" I shook my head .

" Get in then , I'm heading to the city. You can stay with me" how can this woman trust a stranger easily. Well it's her own doom. I entered and our journey begun.... It was really long. I slept through out. The sound of of a horn woke me up and I marvelled at the sight ...

" What those creatures and are they dangerous" I was looking uncertain meanwhile the woman let out a choking life.

" That isnt a creature. It's called a building . People stay inside" she said with confidence. So that means the very large monster near the grave yard was a building. Hmmph it might have belonged to someone rich. She explained alot of things about the city while we drove and I listened keenly.

" So where is your home young man"

" The graveyard" I said and smiled genuinely and she chuckled.

"Stop joking boy , where do you live. No one lives in a graveyard " it was my turn to laugh.

" Look Mrs.." I began but she cut in.

" Mrs Moly , the name is Moly" I hissed because I didn't care .

" Look Mrs Moly , I don't know where you come from but I live at the graveyard with my mom, grandma and alot of pple. But since they didn't want me anymore I left willingly" I ended talking with a frown across my face. She shaked her head and kept on driving. I kept of staring around . I haven't seen this much people before. And they wore different color of cloths . All I wear is a white top and white trouser. We went further and further till we came across a house. It was painted green and white and was huge...

Luna Pov

I saw moms car packing at the garage and I was so happy .. I rushed and told my siblings and they runned along with me downstairs ... But we got more than we expected . Mom stood with a gentleman. He looked our age so I think. Wow is he real . His hair was blazing red and his eye had the wierdest color. This guy was more than hot. Ofcuz I wasn't the only one who noticed . My four sisters were on a spell. He saw our stare and began to shift uncomfortable.

"Girls this is .." she looked at him .

"Thanatos " he said. His voice alone was making my body respond. Who could he be. I'm a nerd and I have no interest for boys. They don't even think of me as pretty due to my dress code. All that is attractive is my purple eyes. Which again feels like an abnormality.So I'm always hiding it.

" Hi I'm Preta" my senior sis said while stretching her arm . He took it and shaked her and I felt anger rise in me. What the hell Luna calm your nerves down. Shelly and Raven also introduced themselves. It was finally my turn.

" Hi I'm Luna " I said dreamily

"Luna like the moon " he asked coldy and I wanted to cry but instead I nodded. He didn't shake me back. Does he hate the moon. Mom however saw the my tensed condition and chiped in.

" Ok everybody . Thanatos is really tired so you can talk to him later " and she dragged him upstairs to a spare room.

" Hey don't feel bad about what he did , he's a jerk for rejecting the most innocent and fun person here. It's his lost" Raven said and I nodded and went to my room. I couldn't hold back the tears. How dare this angel look face hurt me. Sleep took over me.

Ding Ding Ding my alarm rang at 3:00am and I woke to do my normal routine which is study till it's 6:00 then prepare for schoool. For some reason I felt hungry so I walked downstairs in my nighty without caring knowing that everyone will be asleep.. my mom choice of nightgown is the sassy type and she did the shopping for me. As I entered the kitchen I made some coffee with toasted bread and started to swallow fast. Again I didn't care cause everyone was asleep. Then I heard a deep chuckle. I was surprised but scared.

"Who is there, are you a criminal or rapist. I'm a hard girl who knows marshal act so don't come near" .the chuckle became a laughter and instead of feeling scared I smiled.

" I came to take water since I was thirsty Luna" he said my name again in a bitter way. And he stepped closer watching me up and down. I gulped real hard.he wasn't even wearing a shirt.

" Where is your shirt Mr hotty" I covered my mouth with both hands as I said that and he laughed again. "Arhh Luna I see you are the crazy type. I like you" huh he likes me .I was now angry .

"You liar " I spat and he seemed surprised." You hate me . You clearly proved that this morning and even now. You sounded so bitter when you said my name" . I didn't wait for him to reply because I immediately went back to my room and had to calm myself. I sat in front of my piano and began to play. I was lost in it and I started singing dream it possible till I saw the cloud turn bright blue and headed straight to the bathroom .. as usual I wore a pink jeans and purple top with my huge spectacle and old lady sandals. ...... I joined the others for breakfast and I knew someone was staring at me....... I began to curse under my breath...

" Thanatos is going to school with you all today so I would appreciate it if you helped him understand our ways. And Luna since he's in your level you would be in the same class"

"What !! No Mom I'm not going to babysit him. He can go to Shelly or Raven class if he needs babysitting. Their teachers are good at that"

" You are not babysitting me Lady and I don't need your help for this either" he said in a bitter way again and we glared at each other.

" Where is my husband when I need him" mom said in a giving up tone. Dad had travelled for a 6months work trip .

Thanatos and I didn't end our glare till we reached the school campus. Now he's in my class I would have to walk with him. Great I'm stuck. When we both entered the school hall everyone gapsed . Oh I totally forget how gorgeous he was. Now I was pissed at how girls stared at him . So I held his hand and dragged him to the conner filled with guys and he was smirking... ...

" I don't want to believe this but I thought I saw jealousy in your eyes" he was still smirking.

" Say that again and I will punch you hard" he looked impressed by my words and smiled.


If its fun vote and comment for more.i will be updating soon. Love you guys