Beginning to hate you

Thanatos Pov

It was clearly obvious that Luna was jealous. She thinks I hate her but I don't. I just hate her name. Mother calls me her moon and Luna reminds me of her.

" I don't want to believe this but I thought I saw jealousy in your eyes" I don't know why I was excited about that but I kept on smirking.

" Say that again and I will punch you hard" she is tough and i was proud of her.

" Hey handsome, you shouldn't walk with the nerd. I'm ready to be yours and serve you" some girl I don't even know said. She was enticing and I licked my lips.

" What's your name Angel ?" And Luna hissed and rolled her eyes.

" I'm Debbie the lead cheer leader. So you see I can be really flexible" I saw her to be pretty but the truth is I knew nothing about handling girls. My family back in the graveyard didn't seem to show intimacy. But I just smiled at her and told her mine before she went out of sight.

The assembly was over and again Luna held my hand and dragged me to the classroom...

" You are not babysitting me Luna . Let go of me. I don't need you. Besides all the pretty faces surrounding us will be willing to direct me anywhere " I said and winked. She was glaring at me and I just had to put my hand up in surrender. We finally entered the class room and she made me sit beside her. What is with this girl.

The class was so boring . I had already learnt all of this during my home tuition in the graveyard .

"before I continue. I see a new student here. Im professor Steven.Young man it's your first day at school and you are looking for detention. You aren't concetrating as if you know what I'm teaching. Come and introduce yourself in front of the class". He was speaking rude and I was getting angry. I turn to look at Luna and she gasped faintly before whispering

" Your eyes Thanatos ,your eyes feels like a fire" I didn't care about what she said .I stood up and went in front of everyone. Guys looked scared but the females looked dreamy.

" I'm Thanatos son of Macines . And her sitting partner" I said pointing toward Luna who looked shy. I guess it's because of how firmly I spoke. Mr Steven nodded .

" Well Thanatos tell me the equation for a quadratic equation" I began to chuckle. Among all the questions this man wants to use a simple quadratic to disgrace me.

"Y=mx+c" I said coldly and returned to my seat without asking for his permission.

" He's a genius too. I'm so going to ask him out" I heard most girls say. After school was over Miss toughy finally spoke.

"Hey, that was a good one. I was beginning to think I would have to be teaching you too Thani " Luna said and I smashed my hand on my on the wall with anger. She looked terrified.

"Don't you ever call me that again Luna . Never" I said in a shaky and angry voice. By then we we're out the school so no one saw us. Her eyes filled with tears and I regretted . My heart was aching just by looking at her. This is not a good thing for me. I can't like her. Maybe it's because of how innocent she is that made me to be thinking bad about my behavior. She had no right to call me that. I got flashes of my mom and my anger was intense. She runned past me and I didn't care. Instead I asked for a nearby graveyard and went there .... My heart wept. I couldn't lie about the fact that I missed my mom. She was all I had and now I felt abandoned. I began to scream in anguish . My knuckles cracked and my veins felt heavy. I knew instantly that i wanted to kill someone or something.... So I went into the forest and moved deeper. Luckily I saw a huge black snake. It looked so venomous and it made me smile wicked. "I need your soul and I would take it weather you wish to give me or not". I moved closer and it attacked and bit my arm. I began to breath in and I watched as it entire scaly skin dried up. I had taken its soul and I could feel it combine with mine.. After all I was the son of the dead and i carried the spirit of death with me.That is my deepest and darkest secret and no one will ever know.......... My mind drifted to Luna . I remembered her tears and I felt weak. How dare she control my mind this way. I would ruin her for reminding me of my mom always. I hate her so much . Just so much. I didn't go home. I stayed at the graveyard and felt super comfortable as I laid down with my eye closed........ in the middle of the night I heard someone scream faintly ...... So I woked up but still kept my eye closed.

" Shhhh he's asleep" a female spoke

" But how can I be quiet when he is this handsome" another female spoke

" It is him" she spoke with fear and adoration.

" You mean Lord Thanatos, he who can free us of this cell. But how sure are you. He looks young and adorable. Plus he is human" a female spoke.

"Why are you only concentrated on his beauty. Look at him well. He is exactly as the prophesy foretold.. his pale skin and blazing hair. I can feel his spirit and it is super strong." She spoke and I was tired of keeping my eye close. I snapped it open and they looked into my eye .

"He's really is Thanatos . " One of them spoke.

"Did my mother send you. And how did you know my name" they were confusing me. Bullshiting about a prophesy. I knew they were trapped spirits like mother so I felt comfortable around them and explained all what has happened... And one if them offered me her house. Apparently she died in an accident and has a child. The thought of guilt about her child safety traps her here. She asked me to go and stay there . This is insane. Her family won't allow me. Plus I know from my mom studies that when you communicate to your love one as a trapped spirit it can cause you to be in more pain. But she didn't care. She still did it and told them of my arrival. She also told them to respect me with all of their might and never disobey me. Strange talk I thought. I know I had the spirit of death following me but this was too I bid them goodbye and took the direction to my new home. It was beautiful than I imagined. And it's hugeness was similar to the building back at home with mother . I knocked and a guy about my age opened it up. He looked too happy and was even bowing down.

"Please come in sir. We have been waiting for your arrival. Mother told us you were on your way" I wanted to turn back immediately. I won't be able to stand them treat me like a king but this was a trapped spirit gift so I had to accept it. Finally I bent down and whispered to the guy......

"Dude , I'm a normal person like you so it feels so wierd that you are bowing . I get it that your mother said respect me but I don't need it. All I want is a place to stay and find a fucking friend. I'm Thani by the way" I told him and he smiled broadly. I don't know why I felt free when i told him I was called Thani . Maybe it was because he was related to a trapped soul. I clearly remember Luna had called me that and I almost bit off her head. I shaked the confusion and followed him inside.

" You know when I first saw you in school I was scared. You look hot for the girls but we the guys see rage and darkness" he told me and I turned. Did he say school.

"School!" I asked and he nodded.

" That's right school. I'm in your class. I'm Dylan and I play for the basketball team. You have to totally sign up cause I sense victory from you" I couldn't help but laugh. I liked this new friend if mine .

" Basketball huh. I will do that next tomorrow. I need to get a new closet tomorrow and a job" I shaked my head agreeing with myself.

" Job. Dude not on my watch. Mom already gave her spare investment plan too you and you have more than 67million dollars in there" Dylan said and I felt like rejoicing. I closed my eyes and thanked his mom sincerely and I knew she heard me. I communicated with telepathy .

The interior was amazing and I knew this was were I was meant to be. Mrs Moly might be angry but I didn't care and neither did I want to care . I already didn't like the responses my body produces around Luna.... We finally settled in a Large room and Dylan spoke.

" This is your room Thani. Have some rest buddy". He patted my back before leaving. Oh I will surely have some rest. I jumped on the bed and collasped on it ..but woke again because I felt Luna's spirit. It was in pain and I picked up my phone and dailed her number.i lied that I called for her mom and siblings but that wasn't true. I called because I felt her pain

Luna Pov

I was really worried. Thanatos didn't come home. And mom was worried too.

" Luna I left him in your care. The kid is new to this city and you left him all alone. How did you expect him to locate home. I'm very disappointed in you"

" I didn't mean to mom. I was upset and I wasn't myself ,and ,and he looked pissed . He needed space that's why I left" I was already tearing up while speaking. Dad had arrived .he also seemed so worried and i was surprised. I guess he liked Thanatos even tho he haven't met him yet. My whole family stared at me with disappointed . My phone started buzzing . It was an unknown number so I picked.

"Helo" I croaked out. There was a pause at the other side before finally he spoke and I shivered.

" Luna" I broke down in more tears and I placed the phone on loud speaker.

" Where are you Thanatos. I didn't mean to shorten your name . I'm so sorry please come back. It isnt save out there" I was impatient and really worried.

" Shhhh , I'm fine Luna. My apologies to Mrs Moly. She knows my issue with my mom so tell her I'm with another family of mine. They apparently live here so I am staying with them." I was silent. This meant he wouldn't be with us anymore. I felt sad by that. And more tears streamed down on my face.

"But have you forgiven me Thanat..." He spoke before I ended.

" No Luna even though you did no wrong but I haven't forgiven you. I called because I knew Mrs Moly and your siblings would be worried . I hate you Luna . I need you to know that. Your whole personality reminds me of my past challenges. Goodbye" and he ended the call. He hates me. I remind him of past challenges. I don't get it. I looked at mom and she seemed calm but I saw her understanding in what he said.

" Past challenges. What is he talking about mom. I haven't done him anything to deserve it. How could he do this to me" the pain was too excessive. I needed answers but my mom kept quite. Then I glared deeply at her and she sighed before speaking.

" His mom Luna. You remind him of his mom. That's why he didn't want you near him ever since he stepped foot here" I nodded . I was furious. How can he punish me while I'm innocent . He wants hatred right? I would give him what he wants....


I have drung coffee and now I can't sleep. It's 10:35pm . But I enjoy releasing an update . I will update the land of Oz . I'm already writing it. Now there will be a war between pretty Miss Luna and Scary Mr Thanatos.... Please vote if you find it fun..