Fun Cry

Thanatos Pov

We arrived at the amusement park and I already felt sick. I only agreed because Luna wanted it.. I have to make up for all the times I made her feel she was worth nothing.. Amusement park is just not my place of fun......

"Thani . Thank you " she whispered in my ears and I shaked by the sensation....

"You are welcome. How many times will you tell me thank you. That's enough" I said politely and she smiled....

We went to took lots of rides and her excitement made me extremely happy... She screamed " wooohoo " for every ride and I couldn't help but scream with her. The God of death and the moon spirit acted like little kids as they shared an amazing day together .... Damn it with those scrolls that made me ignore her.

All of us bought ice cream and we ate till we felt out tummy shake .... Luna began laughing as she spoke through it.

"Guys...... if we continue this ice cream I'm sure our belly will spank us really well,come on let's go home " and we all laughed in agreement before heading to the car... This will be a really long vacation since the renovation will take three months ....

I had no idea I was staring at Luna so much as I thought how good it will feel with the break we will have together ..... A whistle broke my state.

"Mr Thanatos has become Mr Dylan's twin" Ishita spoke and I realized what was going on. I quickly looked down as I heard Angelo chuckle and so did Dylan. The girls were giggling. I looked at Luna and saw how flashed her face painted. She looked so adorable I wanted to kiss her.... I pinched myself at my thoughts. Did I just say I wanted to kiss her... the thought alone made my eyes divert to her lips and it was beautiful... so fresh and red . She wore no lipstick but it brightened red.... I was looking confused and frustrated ..... her face face became more and more red and the others laughed at us both. The car drive was now too uncomfortable for me and I wanted us to reach our destination......

Park... Oh good we have arrived ... I carried my ego and left the car with a normal walk but as soon as I reached the stairs as no one was around , I runned fast into my room panting.....

Throughout the night all I saw was her face . I closed my eyes to sleep but it didn't help either because I found myself in a sweet and most scary dream for me.... as sleep took over I appeared in familiar environment.

I sat on a bench in front of my childhood graveyard home.... I was smiling as I sat there and a figure appeared in front of me. It was Luna. She wore a blue dress and smiled widely ... it was melting my heart... She began to laugh and I didn't know why but what ever reason it was it made me laugh too because she was happy.. Then she pulled me up from my chair and wrapped her milky skin hands around my neck . "Hey Thani . You do know that I love you no matter what happens to me. I will always be in there " she said and pointed her finger towards my chest. I was confused but her smile melted me down again... "I love you too Luna , I have always loved you an I forever will. If anything is to happen to you I promise I will save you. I will be with you in all highs and low, in darkness and light because I love you deeply" I replied to her and her silver tears fell down her face onto my hands.I have never seen her with silver tears but it felt real... It felt so real as I pulled her in for a kiss.

Sometimes I hate Dylan because he ruins my moment most of the time...

"Thani. Thani wake up. Thanatos" he shouted and I woke in anger ..

"What Dylan what is so important that you woke me up" I snapped at him but his expression looked pale...

"Dylan speak now. What happened" I asked now worried...

"Shes gone.. She looked really sweaty like she had a bad dream. Thani she was in tears " he said in a crack voice and I instantly knew he was talking about Luna.... I didn't wait for Dylan because I rushed out of the door and entered the car to start the engine... where will I find my Luna ... please Luna where are you...

It was already 9:00pm and I still found no trace of Luna..... the last place left was the lake and I prayed to find her there....

"Luna please where are you little moon" I said in a whisper and a bright light sparkled from beside the lake and I moved closer... There was my angel looking bright and she glowed like the original moon in the skies.... A normal person would have died if they used their eyes to watch her but since I was a God , it wouldn't harm me.... I inched closer and placed my hands on her shoulder.

"Luna what's wrong" I asked in worry and she watched me with teary eyes .....

"please no questions. Just hug me" I watched her as she spoke and I didn't want to upset her. I bent down and scooped her in my hands . I didn't expect what happened next because her face quickly tilted and her lips collaborated on mine.... I was absolutely stunned ...The feeling felt like paradise and my instincts pulled her even tighter ............ It was deep and I was drowning in her embrace ..... then she pulled out and watched me as more tears fell from her eyes ...

"I'm sorry, I know you don't share the feeling I share for you and I kissed you. I don't want you to hate me again ..... I can pretend like this never happened... please let me be with you in my last days" her words sliced right through me..... I loved her very much and what did she mean by last days .. what's happening to Luna...First she came to me and asked for friendship and now she kissed me and now she is talking about last days... I was really scared at this point. Will something happen to her... I didn't realize I had stood frozen as I thought to myself.

"Oh for the love of peace say something" Luna said in a high pitch tone and my ears begun to hurt.... I didn't wait for her to talk more. I pulled her and smashed my lips on hers... It was slow but rough . I was frustrated and happy that she was in my alms .... I trailed down to her neck and kissed it.... Her moans sounded like a harmonious flute. I moved down to her chest and planted soft kisses there ... both of us eye was rolling at the back of our head ... I wanted her badly and I would do anything to have her. She belong to me. To hell with the scrolls........ My top was pulled off and hers was pulled off after . The rays of the moonlight zoomed in her magnificent body and I dived in and claimed her...

2hours later

I watched as she cuddled and slept with me. She looked so innocent and she was wearing nothing and same applied to me ..Luckily for us she had two blankets with her so we laid one and lied on it while the other covered us... Then I felt soft palms touch and glide my chest.... Luna was awake she was smiling broadly...

"How are you this hot.. theses arbs your eyes, your lips your hair... they make me drown" her words brought an explosion in my chest and I felt beyond happy........I tugged her silver hair behind and spoke

" So says the angel whose beauty is beyond praises.... I can't get enough of you... The first day I saw you,, I saw a real beauty ...then in the kitchen that evening I used all my restraint nerves to prevent myself from touching you... You didn't help either with that exposing night dress.... I let some stupid scrolls prevent me from being with you...It says you don't love me and you will betray me like in our first life... I love you Luna and I know you love me too" I said and hugged her tightly and she was crying louder ...... And we drifted to sleep again ....

Ishita Pov

Everyone was gathered in the living room ... today was another day for our friendship adventure. We already decided where to go and now we were waiting for Mr Thanatos and Luna.....

"There you guys are" Preta spoke and we diverted our gaze to them.. they were in each others embrace and we realized what was happening. I was so happy for them and I quickly stood from Dylans lap and hugged Luna...

"You guys are lovers now.Oh I'm so happy for you" I whispered in her ears and she was laughing at my childish way.... I dragged her to the room to change and come downstairs for us to begin our journey .

"So where are we off to" Luna spoke a she watched us with excitement....

"A magic show .... Angelo found the poster and got tickets for us . It's just in the next town. An hour drive. Come on now let's go" I said and we hurried into the car ... Throughout the drive Luna hummed and made funny giggles. She was so happy to see a magic show and it made us all smile. She just has an huge effect on us. .......

"Oh my its huge..... look guys " Raven spoke and we looked through the window... Angelo who was driving was smirking in victory at his best choice .... The place was huge and we were ushered to sit in the front row.... we begun to chat until the place became full and the lights went off.....

The piano begun to play in a deadly way and we were all shivering except for Mr Thanatos...

"Stay alert. Don't move your eye ball because he is coming. The great and powerful Wizard is here. Get ready for your mind to be blown away.... I give you......THE WIZARD OF OZ" a woman spoke and the oz she mentioned annoyed me. I just hope he wasn't coming to do silly tricks because I have watched the oz movie and he's a real trickster and player. I held unto my Dylan and watched as smoke covered the stage .... a man in black walked through it and his looks reminded me of the dead. He looked real.... his fearsome figure didn't look like he had make up... he wore a black dress that crawled to the ground and his canines looked sharp..... at his waist there was something tied to it. It was a knife.... It was really shinning and it's head looked ancient........ The man sniffed the air before glancing towards our direction... his eyes was on Luna and hers was on the knife.. he looked away and begun his tricks .This made me confused. Others didn't notice but I did.... I noticed .... I always study things to know it's main motive.... before papa went out and was killed I warned him that the mafia leader wants to kill him but he didn't listen....... I sighed to clear my thoughts and focus on the show. My eye popped open at the sight. A lady was floating in the air and he used a white cloth to cover her. After speaking some words he removed the cloth and what we saw was a floating cat..... people were cheering with joy but I found it as not being a trick like they think.

Luna Pov

The knife that was supposed to erase me from existence was tied to his waist..... I thought I had much time to find it but I guess I didn't.... Ishita looked at me suspiciously and I tried to look normal as I can..... I looked at Thani as he watched the show and smiled.... My beautiful Thanatos....... Maybe I can be with him through out the vacation .

"What has to happen must happen.... Life chooses what you ride on not you... for it is written down" the wizard spoke as he transformed someone into a cat.... I felt his word were for me ... No one noticed but I did and I gritted my teeth..he's an idiot .... he seems in a hurry for me to die..... .....


I'm so sorry I'm late... this is an update for you. Hope you like it... as usual tap the tiny star and comment on it. I really appreciate your help .