
I frowned at him but still focused my eyes on his show. Now he held unto the cat and placed it in a metal cage. Using the cloth to cover it up again before he spoke some spells. I knew they were real spells because I could sense it as a goddess. And this man was clearly a dead person. I don't know what he enjoys by entertaining people because the dead doesn't need food,money, water or bath. In no time he pulled out the cloth and there was no cat. Everyone eyes became curious. They glanced at every corner to search for the missing animal but they found it not. Suddenly the cry of a cat roamed everywhere. We had no idea where it was until a woman screamed . She threw her bag on the ground out of panic. The creature was in her bag. From the look of things this cat is also a dead female who is his accomplice. The scene was scary for others but those of us who are supernatural beings didn't fear..

The show was finally over and we applauded for the so called wizard before rising to leave.

"Hey Luna are you alright" Ishita asked me in a suspicious tone. What do I do to make her back off from this. I turned and smiled broadly before speaking.

"Did you not find this show weird . The wizard looked real" she instantly agreed with me and we begun to talk about his appearance.

"Let's ask Mr Thanatos ,if anyone is to know his true form it will be him" Ishita spoke and I obliged even though I already knew he was a dead.She and Dylan were the only ones who knew who we really were . We matched forward to were the rest stood and dragged Thani without his permission causing him to glare.

"What is it" he asked between his glare. I don't blame him tho. He almost fell down so he has every right to be angry.

"Mmm actually it's about the wizard back there. Is he a real dead person because I think he is" Ishita spoke and he smiled at her.

"Smart Ishita. Yes he is but it's his choice. Since he's trapped he has found pleasure in entertaining people" he was explaining to her and I tiptoe backwards and sneaked back into the building.. I walked through the empty stage to move backstage. The place resembles a maze as it had many doors. One by one I opened them and finally got hold of him. He sat on a black high chair in front of a strange looking mirror as he played with the mystical knife.

"I knew you would come. I appreciate your bravery moon goddess. This is meant to happen else we would be trapped in earth forever . Your destiny is to kill Lord Thanatos and that will cause havoc. Foolishness have overtaken him that's why he decided to ignore the scrolls and his own words but you have to make things right" he spoke while he still played with the knife. I felt uneasy. I still don't understand why I will kill someone I loved. The ancient Luna is still me and she loved Thani equally as I do now. I walked forward to him as he smiled in his mischievous way. He was really in a hurry for me to die .. The pain of being away from Thani was consuming me. The thought of another female entering his life as his lover was breaking me. He's supposed to be mine. Mine only. I didn't realize my eyes turned dark purple like smoke covered it.

"This is the same eyes she used in killing him" his words brought me to my senses and when I saw the reflection of my eyes in the mirror I gasped at a realization... Ancient Luna must have been obsessed with The God of dead and she might have gotten jealous of something.. I'm evil . The moon is supposed to bring peace as you stare at in but my obsession is my selfishness. Perhaps there is someone out there waiting for him . No Luna you are strong. You can do this .I inhaled a huge amount of oxygen before letting it out.

"Give me the knife and tell me how it works" he smiled at my words like it was an interesting movie. I was breaking inside and he was smiling. The dead truly does not have a sense of humour .

"Here you go. It only works on the full moon which is within four days from now. You have to stay away from from your love else you would have thick temptations of changing your mind" I frowned at him. Who does he thinks he is . Does he think I can't control myself.

"You want me to stay away from my love in my last days of existing. Speak no more else I would torment and torture you" my eyes were dark again and he bowed in respect. I placed the knife in my bag and headed out of the building. As I came out of the building I found the moon already bright.

"Luna where have you being , we have to go now" Dylan spoke in short breaths .

"Calm down, where is Thanatos " I asked him and his reply worsened my mood.

"He went back home because his parents had come "

"WHAT. Come let's go " I said as we all rushed to the house. On the way ,my mind was drifting into different thought . The times Thani needs me the most is the time I would be going away for eternity . We arrived and I heard his echo. I rushed inside along with Dylan and Ishita. Angelo ensured he took my sister's home and stayed with them there. Thanatos for the second time ,had his hand clutched around his father's neck. He wasn't sucking the life out of him this time but he was suffocating him to death. His mother on the other hand stayed still without making an effort to stop him.

"Thanatos" I shouted his name and his hands loosened as he watched me with a teary eyes.

I walked to him and pulled him for a hug. He wrapped his hands so tightly around me and I felt his spirit communicate to me. It felt like it didn't want me to go. His words made matters worse.

"What will I do without you Luna. I love you so much. These people made my life miserable. He made me loose the growth a child deserve. He showered me with hatred even as I wasn't born. Does he deserve to live my love?, does he?. Thank you for always being by my side" I forced the tears that were pushing to flow from falling. My whole being felt guilty and I was frozen in my spot. I had no words to say . I looked over to watch Mrs Menices and her eyes seemed to be glued to my bag. She watched it for a while before diverting her gaze to my blur eyes. She puffed in surprised and smiled at me. Unbelievable, all these people want me dead. I kissed Thani on his forehead and took him up to his room to lay on the bed. Within no seconds he was asleep. As for Dylan an Ishita they excused themselves long ago for family matters to be dealt privately. I watched as Thani's father entered a black range rover and it drove off. Why didn't Mrs Menices join him. I slowly walked out of the room in other not to wake and bother my man. I found her nowhere. I checked the backyard and finally saw her staring at the moon. She smiled like it gave her comfort.

"Would you just keep on staring at me or will you tell me why you want to kill yourself" she spoke and I was surprised she knew everything.

"I know you sensed the knife ok. I only came here to know why you stayed. Besides it's of no use telling you. All of you already want me out of existence. I have heard enough already" I spoke with my cracked voice. Some part of me hoped she didn't want me to die but who I'm I kidding? She was the one who made Thani to hate me and she is also a trapped soul who needs to be freed. There is no way she will be sad about me going. The place we both stood was quiet. And I looked toward the ground .

Menices Pov

She was right. I wanted her our if existence like the others who were dead. It was like a dream come true but now that our wish is getting fulfilled I'm feeling we might be wrong. Maybe she was really in love with Thanatos and didn't hate the dead. The scrolls said she attacked any dead she saw trespass under the moon light but she didn't attack me . In fact I'm sure she has seen others that she didn't attack. I raised my head to continue to stare at the moon. It's light was dimmed. The instant meds me understand what was happening. When she was with Thanatos it shown brightly but now her source of happiness isn't around her. She was the moon's light. Her emotions depicts the colour and the light capacity moon. I turned her as she gazed intensively on the ground and guild showered me but my stubbornness refused to be brought down.

"This is for Thanatos own good. You are doing this because you love him. This is a realization your ancient self should have gotten. Your existence is the best thing that has ever happened to Thani and it's also the worst thing in his life. He's my son and no mother wants her child to die in front of her. You on the other hand weren't born. It's said that the moon goddess is made directly from the moon dust. You have to understand me" I told her and she looked at me . I know my end words seemed heartless but I only spoke truth. This was for my son own good and I didn't want his destiny to be at risk because of hypnotic love. Luna didn't say a word as she walked back inside to the house. It was clear that she was going straight to sleep beside Thani to calm herself.


Oh I want to cry. Mrs Menices is being selfish can't you see. I hope you guys like this updates and vote for it. Please your comment are accepted and I will respond . Thanks for waiting.