Water mage
Shifter mage
Fire mage
Earth mage
Wind mage
Lightening mage
Storm mage
Hypnotic mage
Mind reader
Spell caster
Demon mage
Animal shifter mage
Portal mage and many more
Elimen- All mage powers combined and more
Edward Grunch
- A decendant of the great Lord Valix Gruch. Was born powerless which made him feel unwanted .he fled to the human world and met Emelia Hastings and marries her.
Emelia Hastings
Married to Edward and have three kids with him. Is a nurse by profession. The Hastings are also well named mages that fought along the humans who threatened their existence. Emelia however was also no blessed with powers as a last descendant therefore also fleeing to the human world. She meets Edward and realizes their similarities. They fall in love and get married.
Adrenia Grunch
19 years of age .Also the first child of Emelia and Edward.. Her mage ability is to control the waters. Her ability trait surprised her parents .it seemed impossible for them to bear a child with powers but they did.
Mariline Grunch
17year old teenage nerd who is the second child of Emelia and Edward. She love reading mystical books and shes a musicholic:loves music. Her mage power allows her sister to tease her. She has the ability to create steam atmosphere for disguise.
Carmalo Grunch
Hot fifteen year old kid that all girls adore ... he possess a fire ability ... His mage instinct allows him to look mature and tanned always.
His Majesty William Danvilson - King of Harz
Queen Exerta - Queen mother of Harz
Prince Liveda Danvilson- crown Prince of Harz. 20years of age
Luciana Danvilson- Princess of Harz and also Liveda junior sister. 14years of age.
Roberto Pegasus- Lavida best friend. Known for flirt and trouble causing.
20 years of age. His love for his best friend is brotherly and real
Marley Stampford- Mariline best friend . Mage ability is form shifting. Can transform to anyone human or mage. 18years. She was the only mage in Buckingham high pretending to be human but when the new neighbors moved in and took their children to the school she realize they were mages and got addicted to Mariline for some reason she still doesn't know.
Brittney Dell- Liveda girlfriend and a pain in an ass to Mariline . The daughter of the General who tries using her Father's influence on the king to marry the crown Prince.
There are more characters .As you read they will be introduced