Dreams oh Dreams

Mariline Pov

The atmosphere was tense. I was lost . Where was my family . How did i get into this messed up place. I'm Mariline Grunch, a nerdy teenager who care only about books, my bestfriend and my family. My family comes from a fantasy world which is unknown to humans but unfortunately for us, we do not stay there. My siblings and i were raised in the human world. Since our family was related to Lord Valix, the last Elimen , we were a disgrace to all of Harz. Upon all this bad turn outs, i still didn't get a good magical ability. Steam!! . What the fuck was i supposed to use a steam for? Was it to heat up some meat ?. Even my junior ass hole brother had flames power !. No boy looked at me with lust or love because i wasn't attractive. Well maybe my green eyes was an exception. I am still trying to remember how i got here. All i can recollect is entering my room and sitting on the bed to study. My life was weird as if i had transmigrated. I do not know how i appeared in this horrible forest but something was chasing me. I runned faster through the tall trees . At every step I could feel the heartbeat of the land and hear voices calling me by a name i never expected .

"Elimen" "Elimen" . What the fuck was happening. This felt right yet i didn't see it as something right. I looked behind me only to see a mysterious shadow closing by. The horror i felt instantly made me to scream .

"stay away from me !!!"

"stay the fuck away from me. Help. No!.... " . I screamed louder . All of a sudden , i slipped and fell into a lake . Or was it a pond. I really don't know but what i surely do know is that i was drowning. Fucking hell i knew i was going to die. Darkness suddenly crept it's way all around me for a second, when I opened my eyes I saw my sister with a water jar smirking towards me. As soon as she saw my facial expression, she bursted out into laughter. What was funny. I just went through a full time horror movie and this is the sight i woke up to. Fuck me!! .

" Mari, oh my god. How could you be sleeping by now. Gosh ". My senior sister Adrenia said while laughing,

" Be a human will you?. I just went to through hell and almost died". I angrily said while panting. Adrenia paused and stared at me with much more shock before laughing even harder than before.

" What's funny!". I grumpily asked her and folded my hands.

" First of all, i can't be a human because i am not one of them. Secondly, you were having a fucking dream idiot". Adrenia responded in a mocking tone. i blanked out for a second before face palming myself. Phew it was just a dream. So how exactly did i sleep because now that i'm awake, i remember coming home from school yesterday and heading straight to the room. I had taken my book to learn and probably mistakenly slept. I love studies but at some point of time, i feel like traveling back in time a slaying whoever invented it.

"Hey loser ! did you dream of steaming the whole house for mom and dad to kick you out. ". This girl was really getting on my nerves now. Adrenia knew how speaking about my powers provoked me and yet day by day and seconds by seconds, it was all she spoke about. I had to spit out a reply for her immediately, but what was it going to be?.

"No but i definitely dreamt of pushing you from a cliff plus I dreamt of being called Elimen".

I covered my mouth quickly with my hands. Shit! SHIT! I had totally forgotten how important Elimen was . To be the Elimen meant to be the most powerful mage in history and I told this dream to my sister. She would laugh at me while tearing up knowing the pathetic power I possess. Coming out of my thought I saw Adrenia in deep thought.

"What else did you see" she asked me .

"Huh? " ,was all I could say. It was just a dream. I mean i have had many make out session dreams where i was with our school hotty Caleb and yet he doesn't even know I exist. I mean, this is so not fair.

"Adrenia would you leave my room . I need to prepare for school" ,she still had that thinking face for a minute but it disappeared and got replaced with a tease smile.

" Do not dress and embarrass me Mari. Look hot since I'm supposed to drive you and the jerky junior bro of ours in my car " . I rolled my eyes and watched her walk out with the most annoying cat walk ever. My feets rushed into the bathhouse as i showered and wore a blue jeans with white and green top. I sprayed an expensive perfume which once again , i knew no one will notice the scent because of my invisibility. I headed out the room and reached the kitchen to grab some coffee and my favorite chocolate cake and swallowed fast.

"Mari mother fucker Line where the hell are you" Carmalo , my junior cocky brother screamed from outside. Oh wow!. Just wow! . Crap! why was I blessed with such horrible siblings . I rushed to the door when a forceful wind stopped me . There it was again! . That creepy voice from my dream. Why the hell was it heard now that i was awake.

"Elimen Elimen. " . It said boldly. I used my both hands to cover my ears , hoping it was just a silly hallucination. Unfortunately for me, the forceful wind intensified and blew harder on my face . This shit was seriously entering my nose.

"What is happening to me?", I cried out and sat on the ground. Even with that, i suffered really hard. Bending down in such a severe wind meant wrestle my butt against it. It felt as if i was getting mad. Seriously!! hearing voices in your head is a turn on into being crazy plus the voice kept on saying Elimen, even worse . Whoever it was , i felt like it was calling me but my heart refused to answer to it. I rather had a conclusion that I was being hunted by a ghost . Perhaps it wants me for sacrifice. I had no idea I was crying as my hands were clinched to my legs. Matters became worse as I begun to see images of an old man in white holding a book. I don't want to join a cult ! . His face wasn't clear but I clearly heard him say .

" It is time . Arise and claim your power! wake up and be whole". My eyes immediately shut close as body suddenly felt heat , coldness, my breath shortened ,i felt stiff, i also could feel an electric current passing trough my veins. Blood and all sought of spirits held me as my eyes snapped open . All figures in front of me were red all though I knew that they were my family. i could sense that they seemed to be in great shock judging by how still they were staring at me.

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