Athena POV

Our baby?

Do I look like a mother for him?

I looked at what I was wearing. I'm still in a maid uniform. Long sleeve and long skirt. I felt hot when I'm outside, but I was fine inside the mansion. The entire house is air-conditioned.

“Let's go, Ugly maid.” I saw Clyde in front of me as he pulled my hand away.

“What are we going to play?” I just asked the boy while bowing to him to meet his gaze.

“Let's play basketball. You versus me and Dad.” he answered.

I looked at Mr. Frown who doesn't frown now. He is smiling.

“All right. What prize?” I asked the child.

“If you win, I'll kiss you in your cheek. If you'll lose, still I'll kiss you in your cheek.” this kid just want to be sweet.

“Okay, deal.” I pretended to hold his hand, and we shook our hands.

“Deal.” said by the hyper child.

I just smiled, as I followed him to the basketball game area.

I saw Mr. Frown standing there, Clyde and I were just looking.