Day Four

I was sitting in the staff room for Nathan as I looked over the questions I didn't get a chance to actually ask. I added some more questions since our talk that I had thought about beforehand. I wanted to know the general things that the institution couldn't get out of him. Such as:

His age?

Date of Birth?

Does he have family or friends?

And then there were some questions I wanted to ask him that I figured the people watching would answer, like:

What was his reason for being here?

How long has he been here?

Why did he require a whole section dedicated to him?

I also had some personal questions I wanted him to answer. They were:

Why did you take the cookies if you don't like food?

What did you mean about me being different not being good?

Why didn't you have a name before?

Why am I the first person you spoke to here?

I was hopeful that today's conversation would go a lot better and that I could get all of these answered. I even had the book to give to him and maybe that would ease him up to actually answer all the questions.

I looked up and glanced around from the sofa I was sitting on. There was a security guard by the door as always but this time one of the nurses was standing by his side. It was obvious that she was flirting with him and judging by the smile gracing his face he was enjoying it just as much as she was enjoying doing it.

I looked towards the security office and the two guys inside were talking to each other and laughing, seeming to have a warm conversation. I looked over at the other room but the curtains were closed and the door was shut as always. It made me wonder what was inside but the door was clearly locked and only a key could open it.

I had asked one of the guards if they could open it for me but they informed me that I did not have access to go inside. They also informed that none of them did but that the heads of Solidary Ridge did and that they would often at nighttime enter the room. The words only made me wonder more about the room and I wondered if I asked Dr. Camel if I could be allowed in.

I'll ask at my next report.

I glanced down at the watch on my wrist before letting out a breath and gathering myself. I headed towards the meeting room door and scanned in before heading to the table like before. This time I sat the book on Nathan's side off the table and set up to take notes like last time.

Although this time Nathan didn't come right out and I was left waiting an extra fifteen minutes. At first, I thought that he didn't want to talk to me anymore and that upset me, but not for the reason I thought it would. Those thoughts fled from my head when the buzzing sounded and Nathan came out but looking extremely tired.

I frowned as I watched him pull out the chair and flop down with less grace than the other time. He did sit away from the table as usual but didn't pull out the other chair to rest his leg on. He also didn't even glance up at me or look at the book on the table. He had on faded white sweats and a hoodie with the hood pulled up as his hands rested in the pocket.

"Nathan." He didn't respond.

I frowned and said more firmly, "Nathan."

He looked up at me and I felt my worry grow inside me. His gaze held a tired glare as bags were under his eyes and his skin, though usual pale, looked sickly. It brought forth feelings of worry other than being his doctor and I found myself having to sorta ignore them as I addressed him.

"Are you okay?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, doc."

"Are you sur-"

He cut me off, "Positive."

I bit my tongue and brushed off his rudeness because he clearly was well. I didn't want to risk him leaving early again like last time but at the same time, I wanted to know what had him looking so ill and irritated.

"I brought you a book to read." I waved my hand at the book on the table.

I watched as he glazed to the table before reaching out and grabbing the book. He stared at the cover before looking back up to me and then flipping it over to the back. He didn't say anything but I watched as his eyes seemed to soften a bit as he flipped through the pages, just glancing and feeling them.

I smiled, "You like it?"

"I sure hope you don't get in trouble for this." He let the book settle on his lap with his hands on top of it, telling me that he did indeed like the gift.

"I'll be fine, but how would you feel about me asking you some questions? If you don't want to answer you can just say no and we'll skip it." For now, but we will talk about it at some point.

"I guess."

"Great! How about your age?"


Patient 000 is 24 years old. Unexpectedly young.

"And your birthday?"

He sighed, "October 17th."

Patient 000 was born on October 17th, -

"What about your birth year?" I glanced up at him.


I nodded.

Patient 000 is not comfortable sharing his birth year. Why? Lying about age?

"Do you have any friends or family?"

He let out a low chuckle before shaking his head, "No family and any friends I had are dead."

I looked up at him and frowned, "I'm sorry for your loss."

He stared at me for a minute, "It's fine. It was a while back."

Patient 000 does not have any family. Why? Not clear.

Patient 000 had friends that passed away. When? Idk.

"Do you mind telling me what brought you to be a patient here and how long have you been here?" I looked at him, watching his expression harden a bit as his jaw clenched before he relaxed again.

The topic is touchy.

"I'm here for several reasons and I've been here a long time."

Nathan does not wish to actually answer the questions. Why?

Nathan has several reasons for being here. What are those reasons?

Nathan hints at being here for a while? But how long is that?

Why is this topic touchy?

"Okay, you wouldn't happen to know why they have a whole area dedicated to you?"

He laughed but without humor, "What can I say? I'm a special case."

Nathan seems hostile towards the question. Why?

What does he mean by a special case?

Did he actually know the reason and it was bad?

"You told me you didn't have a name, why?" I awaited his answer.

He smirked, "Because it's true, Dr. Codwell-Nakajima. After all, everyone calls me Patient 000 and not quietly either"

It seems as if Nathan doesn't mind being called Patient 000n but also doesn't like it.

Why did they give him the identification of Patient 000?

Was that why he said he didn't have a name?

What was his name before or is Nathan his real name?

"Why did you take the cookies if you don't like food?" I raised an eyebrow as I stared at him. I had been wondering this since last time and couldn't think of any major reason.

"Because it would have been rude to not take them after you bought them just for me. I do have manners, Dr. Amaya." He flashed me a smile and I tightened my grip on my pen as an unfamiliar feeling ran through me at hearing my name.

I looked down at my notebook, "And what did you mean about me being different not really being a good thing?"

I could feel his stare on my and I didn't look up to meet it until about five minutes of silence. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again and a look of contemplation covered his face, making me a bit nervous about what he was going to say.

He finally spoke, "Some of those questions didn't relate to your job description did they?"

I said nothing because he was right, some of the questions wouldn't go into my report and were to satisfy my curiosity.

He nodded, "Just remember, if the wrong person finds out, then curiosity can kill the cat and I sure hope that doesn't happen. I happen to like the cat.

He stood up and held up the book, "Thanks for the gift."

I didn't try to stop him as he left and the sound of his door closing echoed off the walls. I sighed and looked down at my notes before picking up my pen and writing down the last thing that was on my mind.

Does he speak to me because I'm different or because he "likes" me?