Day Fifteen (special)

Third Person Pov

It was late at night or for some people, early in the morning as the time was only three in the morning. Most would be in bed asleep around this time but Nathan was the farthest from tired as he laid awake in his bed. He knew that at any moment he would be taken down to the special lab and that while he was down there he couldn’t act like he usually did. He had to help get the key that would be needed for him and Amaya to escape tomorrow.

Amaya had managed to give him a lab coat and that was it. She didn’t think she could get him any clothes to make him blend in but hopped the lab coat would be enough. Along with giving him the lab coat she had also told him that the place was still there but there were cameras and the door needed a key to open and that only someone higher up would have the key. She had been stressed over the setback in their plan but Nathan told her she would handle getting the clothes and key.