Day Sixteen

Today was the day and I was nervous but also excited at the same time. I couldn’t wait to leave this place and take Nathan with me. I knew once we left since I couldn’t go back to my life before it would be rough starting over again, but I believed it to be worth it. A life with Nathan would be worth leaving everything behind. It was kind of like a fairytale and I was the princess and Nathan was the prince, we would get our happily ever after.

I stared at my phone again and sighed as I shut it off because I wouldn’t be taking it with me. I had already called my father and talked to him and he seemed well. It brought me a bit of peace knowing that In would be leaving my father in good health and happiness. I didn’t know if he would try to find out why I stopped contacting him or if the people here would make up some lie or tell the truth. I figured they would lie since they didn’t want the truth about Nathan or what goes on here to spread.