Chapter 3 The Holy Knight of Wrath and... Part 2

In a instant, the soldiers cut the distance to me, they're movements, i knew them too well, it was the Holy Knight style, focused on the speed of the user to do accurate and precise slashes, aiming to dismember your target and kill them quickly, a sword style for those who want to let out all they're rage and violence at once, not fit to be called as "Holy Knight style", but whatever, I created it after all.

"Shitty idiots, the basic of this style is to measure your opponent's skill before jumping at them"

The sound of thunder was released, as all 5 idiots were cut in half, in my right hand now was my partner, Raikiri, the lightning cutter sword, the villagers all bowed, young and old, all of them showed they're respect at the sight of my sword together with the green glow of my eyes, the soldiers left all had expressions of extreme fear.

"What the fuck are you wanting for?! Kneel!!!"

At my sight, the soldiers dropped they're weapons and got on they're knees, the fear the soldiers had was all because of my eyes rather than my sword, The eyes of wrath, one of the 6 known mystical eyes of sin, it's power was pretty simple, it allowed the user to see every direction with perfection 10 seconds in the future, allowing the user to see the movements of the target no matter how they try to trick him, thanks to that, i could dominate every duel i had in my life, learning all kinds of sword play and dodging every attempt of murder, no warrior could stand a chance against me, my greatest weakness being only...

"...That the earth turn crystal white"

I dodged in the last second, jumping away from the spell's range, the flames themselves turned into ice, the soldiers turned into crystal and crumble, a few villagers had they're limbs turned into ice, red and silver was spread all over as screams of pain and sorrow spread all over, i landed near the people with the two swords one in each hand.

"So you finally show up apostle"

A hooded figure walks from behind the frozen flames, she was almost my height, she walked slowly but had a stance that left no openings to approach, she stepped over the frozen human dust as if it was grass, the eyes under the hood were the same of my successor the "Grand Wizard", the "eyes of greed".

"Ho ho young lad, you should be surprised, or else the fun won't last, well, it means you are already aware of me"


I don't want to fight her, no matter what, but i have no choice, she must be killed no matter what, and i don't have time to wait.

"Oh my? Are you in a rush? Your Mana flow is kind of unstable you know, as if it's leaking from your body instead of flowing, let me see... 5 minutes? You already wasted 2 so far"

Her guess was absurdly correct, my power and control won't last long in this body, a body without soul core can't even use Mana, this incomplete merge i am now won't last more 3 minute and 40 seconds since my spirit is making a temporary soul core, and she could read the flow of mana all over my body with her eyes.

"I don't need that much time to end this, old lady"

I adjusted my stance, i knew I would have cover fire from sakura, she was waiting for a opening to do it from the moment I got out of the pike, the apostle didn't move she simply stared at me, waiting for my first move

"Here goes... Grandma"

I first lowered my gravity field to prepare myself to advance, i then cut the distance between us in a single step, the place where I was about to step had several ice spikes appearing under me, yet, i dodged them in the last second, that's when more 10 came at me from around the apostle, they were about to hit me, when sakura's arrows took them down, i was a fool who jumped on danger head first, without support i would surely go out of steam fast in combat.

"You think I don't know your eyes' weakness? I am also a possessor of the holy eyes!"

Just as she said, the eyes of wrath have a crucial weakness, as much as it can predict the future 10 seconds ahead from 360°, it can't see magic in said future, it's a huge flaw that almost killed me countless times, reason why I always needed help when fighting mages.

"Go on young lad! Don't leave me here hanging!"

More and more ice spikes came from under me, forcing me to retreat again, but this time, the old lady shoots around 100 ice spikes at me, seeing them come to me, i cut a bunch of them with the two swords in my hands

"Oh good reflex, but you missed a few, good thing they are good at catching"

With that pointed out, i looked back and saw 5 kids stabbed by the ice spikes, none was in a vital point, but they all were going to bleed out to death

"You... YOU!!!"

"You what? Ingrate child!"

She put her hand on the hood, that moment was as if time was in slow motion, i didn't want her to do it, she shouldn't do that, i didn't want to see it, but the hood was took off against my will, revealing the face of the person who once was my grandma.

"Baba... Yaga..."

She looked at me with her golden glowing eyes, my eyes started to lose glow, was it because my time was about to end or because of the storm of feelings inside of me? I didn't know, and I don't want to.

"I am not the one who raised you, but i am sure of one thing, you are a failure, a excuse of a warrior, some piece of garbage in human clothes, i was disgusted when I gave you tea, i really wanted to poison you, but I guess i was right to not do that, after..."

In the middle of her sentence, over 5 arrows landed on her head, just to be stopped by thin ice that covered her forehead, of course, as long as it wasn't a grand spell, she could cast it with only a thought.

"... We have a annoying bug here my boy, is it that whore elf from before? Why don't I take care of her first?"

The moment she said it, i accelerated, cutting the distance between us again, she made the spikes appear from under me again, but this time, it was exactly what I wanted, i used the spike to step on quickly and jumped over her, the moment I landed, her right arm fell down to the ice covered ground

"Argh!!! You damn brat!!!"

"You can't call her that, specially with the face of the one person I loved the most"

I turned to her to deliver the next strike and she made a ice barrier, but the moment the sword was about to hit her ice barrier, Raikiri vanished, and together with it, I lost my power.