Chapter 4 ... The Self Declared God Slayer Part 1

The sensation of being two in one was weird, the memories mixed up, the abilities and skills shared, it was a storm of feelings and sensations, as if power was storming through my body, but it lasted only for 3 minutes instead of the 5 i expected, i can tell, it's something I can only do for a limited time, it was my body's fault of course, without a soul core, the "personification" has to make one in order for me to take in the power, this process makes me dry most of the power i could use, if I was to measure, it would be 10 to 15% of the original power, who knows how long I could stay if I had a clear soul core in the least, but that is not important now.

"Why?... Now of all times..."

"Welcome back young lad"

I was hit by her barrier and sent flying towards a wall, clenching my fist, i managed to teleport myself to kill the momentum and landed where I was supposed to hit, giving the impression that i resisted the strike

"How weird, you was supposed to be squashed like a bug there, a being without Mana is supposed to be as weak as a worm"

"Thanks for the compliment... Makes me feel really special old hag"

I try to move myself, but my right arm was broken by the impact and twisted in a really not good looking position, daydreamer on my left hand started to release his feelings of worry and fear for me, it wasn't something I should know my sword is feeling, but it shows how it cares about me.

"Well, it's not like you can do anything now can you? Specially now"

As she said that, she turned to where once were a few corpses, the destroyed shards that once was human beings, released a transparent smoke like gas, it was "soul" the energy manifestation of every living being of this world

"Since you don't have a soul core, allow this old lady to have a taste"

The old lady stands still as the souls start to get absorbed by her body, the act of absorbing soul is normal to all who trains and fights, feeding on your dead enemies is common sense after all, it's a act that grants you more power as it raise your Mana generation and efficiency, namely, it makes you stronger in many ways.

"Haaaa... I feel 20 years younger now"

"And who was the one who helped you with that?"

"I was the one who froze them to death lad"

"Good point, my counter argument is..."

In the middle of my sentence, a vial appeared in my mouth and I took a huge sip at it before spitting the vial out, I'm lucky it tasted like strawberry this time by the way, what I drunk was a potion of immediate effect, the next instant, my right arm did several cracking and breaking sounds as it got back in place, as painful as it sounded, it hurt 10 times worse.

"Why in hell everything has to hurt like this?!?!"

"You are really dangerous lad, i better end you right now"

Seeing that she got serious again, i took a kendo stance, far different from the Holy Knight's stance, that made the old hag laugh

"So you really can't use his powers again can you? Do you want to wait for a hour to continue then?"

She said mockingly, but her insight was way too good, i have no accurate information, but from the way my body is, i probably can't use that ability again in less than one hour.

"Sorry old lady, but he is not fighting alone here"

As if knowing the right time to come, sakura jumps out of a house near us and strikes with her greatsword, the old hag blocks the blade using her shield, but her defense doesn't last long and it's cut in half, giving her time to jump back.

"That greatsword looks good elf girl, i heard things about someone who used that"

The old hag wanted to gain time for something, i was already aware of that, but sakura for some reason froze to her words.

"Sakura, keep her distracted, i have a pla..."

"Oh yes! The golden arrow of order"

Baba yaga said the old title of sakura as if it was something casual, it was a title no one in this era should even know, what meant that the old hag knew something.

"I was wondering why a elf would walk alone to a village here in the middle of nowhere, so that's why"

"You know nothing about me woman"

"Let's attack already!"

All my offence relies on sakura now, she can't be distracted by the old hag now

"It was in calnat if I am correct, the place you was forsaken"

A chill ran down my spine, a memory from 1 thousand years ago, savior didn't manage to see it, after all he was on his way, but i could see what happened, from a outsider perspective but i did.

"5... 6... 7 men was it? Lord order sent some really bucky and strong men to give you a lesson right?"

Sakura beside me started to shake, i was in shock from hearing it from the bitch old hag's mouth

"I wonder, how good was it? Being forced to "serve" God's warriors with your eternally young body, must have been amazing, it even made your golden hair turn silver like a dark elf's, tell me, how did it taste?"

The trauma hit sakura, the image of that hellish event, the 4 days of hell she faced, but i couldn't do anything, savior couldn't get there in time, and only 4 days later we found her.

"Hahaha!!! Look at your face!!! I can imagine how you was, all covered in...!!!"


I screamed, the last bit of strength in sakura finally vanished and she fell to her knees, her mind completely lost into that nightmare again, her hands let go off her sword but i grabbed it as she fell

"Now then, since the whore is out of play, why don't we finish this?"

"... You bitch, I'm really sorry for the Holy Knight, but i will murder you here"

Suddenly, as if moved by my words, the clouds opened, leaving a tiny opening for the blue of the sky to cover me and sakura, her cursed sword now on my hand, i put my sword back on the item box and lifted hers while having my eyes closed


And the sky was cleared with the sound of my voice.