Chapter 4 ... The Self Declared God Slayer Part 2

Ouroboros, it was the word that appeared in the screen of my phone every time I created a new holy sword, for a good while, I saw this world and this act as something casual, like a game, it took me 6 lives to see what really was happening and what I was doing... it's said that ouroboros is the name of a ancient god of alchemy and the equivalent exchange, it was at that moment, when I said that name, that I understood what my power was.

The greatsword in my hand was completely pulverized, yet i could still hold something invisible on its place, from the ground, the fragments of armours and weapons of the once soldiers floated to my hands, fusing itself with that sword that once was the symbol of sakura's past, for over 1 thousand years she was haunted by her own past, over and over pushed to the edge of sanity, that was what the sword told me, finally gaining a will of it's own, her sword wanted to bring her hope, to cut down the darkness around her, and with my power, i was granting it that wish.

"What in hell are you doing?!?!?!"

The new sword was almost complete, draining the Mana released from the battle and the material from the corpses, my newest creation, Holy Sword Sakegara-no-tachi, was reborn.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, this little baby likes to drink a lot before fighting you see"

The super heavy weapon was weightless in my right hand, to it's creator actual strength, it was the adequate way of being that is.

"You... You destroyed a divine weapon and remade it?! You dare defy the order of god like this even more?!?!?!"

"... I guess i do, i aim to be a God Slayer after all"

I took a different stance, lowering my gravity field like the Holy Knight, sakura still without a single bit of light on her eyes see the new sword, the new form it took was of a huge silver and golden arrow like blade, designed to be used as a sword, but in last and extreme case as a projectile, its ability "the drinker" had the effect of "the more soaked it gets in any fluids, the sharper and heavier it gets", reason why I can wield it so easily now, sakura touched the flat of it and felt the storm of feelings released by it, tears started to roll down from her eyes as she finally could hear her partner.

"Sorry, i have to take your sword for a test drive, i will give you the account for the upgrade later"

I finally turned my eyes to baba yaga, but this time, when our eyes met, i could see fear on her eyes, after all, my eyes also changed this time

"Crimson... But there is no red eye on the six divine eyes!"

"That's the thing you idiot, they were supposed to be 7, and they aren't divine, they are sinful, the 7 deadly sins, lust, Gluttony, sloth, wrath, greed, envy, and the forgotten one..."

Pride, "The Eyes of Pride" i finally awakened, it was forced out the moment I used Ouroboros, it's "the eye of a outerworlder", my awakened eyes are not powerful like the other six, but i noticed right away how extremely useful it is.

"Come you shitty waste of oxygen! I will send you to hell so you can get your aspirin!"

"Fucking brat!!!"

Pattern and calculation, i can clearly see where and when her attack will come, how? The eyes of pride allows me to see the world like a rpg player would, squares of information pops up before my eyes with lots of information, name, age, height, weight, amount of mana and stamina, i can even read her superficial thoughts, it's so much information that it would turn someone crazy In seconds, that's why I need precise control, rejecting all useless information, i focus on what I need and I advance, striking down the spikes and dodging with ease the ones under my feet


My movements are several times slower than before, but i can dodge the attack with a lot of ease, 20 meters left, 10 meters left, i get one meter away from her and I strike, she blocks it with her shield, but my strike was aiming at the weak part of her shield and broke it apart

"How?!?!?! There is not even a drop of mana in any of your strikes!!!"

I adjust my posture and do a upper slash at her, but she blocks it with a blade of ice, pushing me back with a lot of pain in my right arm


"You damn brat!!! I'm going to kill you once and for all!!!"

She did what I feared, instead of doing accurate attacks, she planned to do a huge area attack to stab me wherever I go.


She touches the ground and many spikes are formed around her and spread quickly to all directions, having no option, i took the biggest jump i could and stabbed Sakegara-no-tachi under me and stood on it's fist, the ice spikes almost reach me, but the whole blade of the sword is frozen, the sudden ice outburst shatters making all the ground get slippy and my sword gets completely wet, i jump back to the ground and try to lift it, but the sword was too heavy for me now

"Out of options now? You must be tired to not lift it anymore"

I click my tongue and make the sword enter my inventory, while I see it sink, i realised something, seeing the sword enter my inventory, it actually gave out some information that made me think, maybe there was a way for me to fight like only i could after all, i looked back at sakura, a glimpse of hope finally back to her face, but my eyes were not directed at her, but her bow.

"No... I never felt better before"

I lifted my left hand, from the palm of my hand was shot slightly up my sword and i grabbed daydreamer once again, this time taking The Holy Knight's stance perfectly, blessed by daydreamer's power

"Let's end this in the next strike"