Chapter 4 ... The Self Declared God Slayer Part 3

Baba yaga stares at me, she couldn't see how I would defeat her without the super sharp huge sword i made, but she was on guard, after all, i still had my 3 powers and the Eyes of Pride on my side.

"... What's wrong? Did you say you was going to kill me?"

This time she didn't answer, she was fully focused on the combat, i had no chance of getting on her head again.

"Alright, it's do or die as usual"

I advanced, Daydreamer shared with me what he gained from the Holy Knight, finally i could see how wonderful this partner of mine is, the super excited sword shared with me the "Basic stance of the Holy Knight style", it doesn't sounds much, but in practice it does a lot, it's the fundament of my first incarnation's swordman ship and the pinnacle of duel and war like combat, knowing that alone is enough to broaden my eyes and ease my mind when facing attacks, magical or physical.


Many spikes rise from the ground once again, but this time more of them come from above and from the corners, as if forming a dome around me


They all close around me, almost stabbing me to death, but the moment it got close enough, i teleported to 5 meters ahead, baba yaga sees that and repeats the attack not caring about how I did that, but i teleport again, and again and again untill I finally was before her, she forms her shield again but i teleport to behind her for a thrusting attack.

"It's over!!!"

But she grabs the tip of my sword with her frozen hand, the ice quickly spreading through my sword

"No, it's over for you"

"I still don't think so"

I was not looking at her, but where I was, the moment she notices my line of sight, the huge sword blade came out of the space distortion of my inventory, and the next instant, it was shot with the speed of a bullet, it's wet blade was heavy like a elephant, so the barrier of ice was pierced like butter and baba yaga's chest was pierced and her body almost split in half, the next instant, all ice melted and the old lady lost all strength, only her mouth still was working.

"Piece of... Shit... Heretic.. traitor..."

"Says the woman who killed her own son and his wife calling them a nuisance"

She looked at me surprised, as if she couldn't believe I knew that, i took a few steps away from her, the smell of her guts and blood were almost making me puke already.

"The you who was Andrew's grandma told him on the moment of her death, how you killed your son and his wife, taking the baby they had to be raised by you, turned into a warrior for order, you know, your first incarnation really regretted what she did on her last moments, asking for forgiveness and all, saying that even if it was a order from your god, it was not something a person should do to innocent people, specially they're own flesh and blood"

I turned to her, a smiled formed on her face

"I... Regret nothing... He was... A waste of blood and... Time... And so was that stupid bastard..."

"Yeah, I'm well aware, such a hot blooded idiot deserve to hear that, but you did a mistake there baba yaga"

I turned to her and walked slowly, taking my sword and pointing it at her forehead

"As much as I hate myself, i am proud of the life Mamoru Andrew had and the man he wanted to be, same for the pure hearted elf you dragged back to her worst nightmare"

And then I cleaved her head, finishing the split in two job, i put away my sword now on a scabbard i put on my waist and grabbed Sakegara-no-tachi's handle, dragging it forcedly towards sakura, leaving it's handle on her hand

"You have to clean that before taking it home, it's now a holy sword that must be dry to get light and wet to get heavy, you can tell that covered in guts and blood it turned really unbearable for me"

I gesticulate as if I was about to puke, what i actually was, but it made her do a weak laugh as she looks up to my face, she regained some color on her cheeks, but her eyes still had some strong darkness, the fact baba yaga knew her past meant one of two things, 1: there are apostles with over 1 thousand years or 2: Order is spreading information about me and my old allies, both cases were severely dangerous, but not for me.

"Take care of it, maybe some day you can use it to help me"

With those words said, her eyes opened wide and she tried to grab my hand, but she hesitated, instead she just asked.

"What are you planning to do? You are... Too weak now to fight the apostles, you managed to kill one now but, your body is too weak to even swing a sword properly!"

"Didn't I tell just now? I will become a God Slayer, apostles are just stepping stones on my road now, more like mountains, but i have to start somewhere right?"

"... Do you want to die? Jumping straight on death's arms like that again, i don't know what power was that you used to summon a transparent holy sword like that, but you won't kill a god with just-"

"I know!!!"

She looked up to me, i was clenching my fist to the point of making it bleed, my eyes were burning from holding back the need to cry, yet i kept my composure the most i could.

"But i still am... The only one who can do that, no matter what, and you right now... Can't do anything to help me, not untill... Farewell, make good use of your sword"

With those words said, i teleported away, the furthest away i could from the village, already aiming at my next stop.